The Story of Catrina, the Epic Catfu Master

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          Once upon a magical land of Meowtopia, there was a beautiful, little kitten named Katrina. Katrina had fluffy, white fur and shining, blue eyes. She was a magical kitten who could summon sparkles and flowers and things like that. She also had the power to make everybody happy! She was the princess of Meowtopia, and she would one day be the queen of all the land.

          One day an evil cat was trying to take over the world, and he was also a magical kitty!!! Except he only had bad magical powers. (SURPRISED GASP!!!!) Instead of sparkles, there was bats, and instead of flowers, he summoned deadly little red bugs that ate flowers!!!!! His fur was black with red blotches, and he had green eyes. His name was... Lord Gato!!!!!!!! (That's cat in Portuguese, pronounced ga-too with the emphasis on the A. Definitely not Spanish!) 

          The only person that could stop him was... Katrina!!! She could use her magical cat powers to take down the evil Lord Gato. So she went on a long journey to learn all about the ancient power of Cat-fu. 

          On her journey she met a cat named Elmeow, who had black and orange fur. Elmeow was a wizard, and promised to help Katrina to master Cat-fu! In Elmeow's tower they trained and trained, learning things like battle tactics and magic spells.

          After one whole month of training, Elmeow told Katrina that she was ready for the battle against Lord Gato. Katrina travelled back to her castle and went to the throne room. There was Lord Gato, sitting on the throne. When he saw Katrina the Catfu master he said, "Mamma mia! Je suis fatigue! Wǒ tóuxiáng!!! Si prega di risparmiare la mia vita! Akkor lehet királynő!!!" (That was French, Chinese, Italian and Hungarian, but not Spanish! The lord was not a Spanish cat.)

          The King and Queen kitty cats threw the evil Lord Gato (still not spanish) into the castle dungeon, and everyone had a big party to celabrate. There was catnip and popcorn and everyone stayed up past their bedtimes, dancing to songs like "I think I'm gonna like it here" and "you're never fully dressed without a smile". And everybody, except the not spanish Lord Gato, lived happily ever after. 


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