
I was sleepy as hell, my head is fucking pounding from hanging with my boys last night but, I didn't want to say no to Monica no scratch that, I couldn't say no to her. Her smile, her voice, it's hard to say no, especially since I know what she's been dealing with at school some which I am the reason behind. It was the least I could do. I got up, did my hygiene thing, got dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt, grabbed car keys and walked down the steps.

"Hey dumbass your up early!" My father yelled causing my mother and Destiny to laugh. I put my hand on my head.

"Can you please not yell?" I said.

"Oh don't be mad at me. No one told you to be out at all hours of the night doing God knows what with you friends." He said. I rolled my eyes. I know he was getting ready to go on and on about how irresponsible I am, thank God Destiny spoke before he got the chance to continue.

"So Christian where are you off to so early?" She asked rolling her eyes at Dad. I looked at her and smiled.

"To pick up Monica and Ava." I said. They awed and I kind of blushed. Me Christian Blush, whoa. I shook the feeling and rolled my eyes at them then walked out the door and drove the spot where I usually drop her off. Usually whenever I pick up a girl, I'm 10 minutes late just so they know their time means nothing to me but with Monica. For Monica, I was on time. I pulled up and they were just walking around corner. I smiled at how her and Ava decided to match each other by wearing jeans and a black short sleeve shirt. Before tutoring I never looked twice at Monica but as I saw her walking to my car I couldn't notice the curves she had. I felt myself starting to rise just looking at the way she walked. I was lucky to have her. She smiled as her and Ava got in. I leaned over kissing her.

"Christian you ok?" She asked "Baby you don't look so good. Maybe this is a bad idea." She said. I smiled a little it was so cute that she was so concerned about me.

"Monica, it's just a little hang over, nothing big. I'm alright" I said. I could use a pain killer but being around her made me forget about the pounding in my head. We drove to the mall. First shopping for Ava. We stopped at justice and a few other young girl stores and picked her up some stuff for the fast approaching winter. I still wasn't feeling too good but I found a drug store and popped a couple of Advil to help fix my hangover.

"Baby you ok?" Monica asked for the umpteenth time as we sat in Chipotle.

"Yea I'm good. I just took some medicine so I should be ok. I'm just a little sleepy." I said running my hands through her hair kissing her. Lately, I really can't keep my lips to myself. One peck leads to another that leads to a little tongue action then before I know it we one of them people that really need to get a room. I knew none of my boys would be out this early. We had a pretty fun night last night and I was one of the soberest so I knew they would be home sleep. Its not that I really cared but just to cover my ground until it was ok for the both of us. I don't know what it is about Monica that just makes me want to be around her. Her presence makes me happy. I continued to kiss her trailing down to her neck. She giggled but we both stopped when somebody came to us yelling

"Christian what the fuck! What are you doing?" I jumped back and turned to see Omar. He stood wide eyed. "This bitch, yo Christian you bugging!" He said. I hopped up and rushed over to him.

"Yo, you making a fucking scene." I said so he could shut up. "Chill, I can explain." I said. He looked at me with the most disgusted look on his face. I really didn't know his problem with Monica. She never did anything to him as far as I know. She never did anything to anyone. People just messed with her because it was easy. After hearing what happened to her parents I felt so bad for all the hurt I helped cause in her life and I was going to make sure no one else caused anymore as long as I was around and could help it. I looked at Omar and he stood, folding his arms waiting for an explanation.

"Alright Christian you do that." He said. My fucking head was ringing. I couldn't even think of a bullshit lie. I was so caught up in kissing Monica that I didn't even see him coming. I knew there was no way I could explain. I couldn't hide us anymore. I had to tell the truth. I turned to look at Monica she was about to walk over but I shook my head no. She sat back down. "So you fucking with her? Christian, what's the deal man? I thought I was your right hand! You hiding shit from me now" Omar snapped. I was getting sick of this. He was my boy but I didn't have to tell him about who I was dating. He went on about how she was the enemy then he said "that bitch" again I didn't want him calling her out her name. Not anymore.

"Her name is Monica. You can't be calling her a bitch no more." I said he looked me in my eyes for a while I guess trying to see what has gotten into me. I was ready to hit him.

"So she your girl now?" Omar asked.

"Yo, I'm not up for you and your shit. Yes, were together." I looked at him and he was shocked to hear that come from my mouth. I felt a ton of weight lift off my shoulder. I looked over at Monica and her and Ava were eating their burrito bowl not even looking at me talking. I looked back at Omar who still had the look of disbelief on his face. "If you can't accept that you can put you boots to use and keep it moving." I snapped back.

"So it's like that?" He said.

"It's however you want to take it. I care about her and I'm not going to let yall mess with her from this point on." I said he turned walking away. I walked back to Monica and Ava. She asked if I wanted to leave. I said no, my head was still hurting but it was starting to feel better. I wanted her to get some new things too so we were staying until we did just that. I kissed her lips again and let her and Ava finish eating as I sat thinking about what just happened. I've never stood up for any girl like I did Monica not even Destiny. This had to be something special because I think I may have just lost my best friend because I was choosing to be with her. What we have better be worth it because if not I was going to look so stupid.

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