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Daryl pulled slowly through the road leading to Alexandria looking at all the vehicles, some military that lined the road. Pulling up to the gate, he got out and whistled. He could feel the spotter's guns trained on him as he turned and looked at his sleeping wife and kids in the truck. Daryl heard a yell


As one of the gates slid open. Daryl grinned as Rick came running out

"Oh my God, are you a sight for sore eyes" Rick grinned as he grabbed him in a bear hug.

"Easy now...I'm a married man" he laughed at Rick

Rick looked in the truck to see Raven and the kids just waking up. Smiling at Daryl he said

"I knew you'd find them"

Daryl grinned but it sooner faded as he remembered what had happened when he left.

"Michonne?" he asked

Rick smiled

"She's good. Ornery as ever..girls are good too. C'mon inside we have a lot to talk about"

Daryl smacked Rick on the back and walked back to the truck, climbing back behind the wheel. Easing his truck through, Daryl pulled it in front of Rick's house. It was early morning and he knew his family had to be tired. Looking at Raven's tired eyes he said

"Do you want to go home first? Get some rest?" Daryl asked softly

Raven smiled at him

"In a bit, I'd like to say hello first if that's OK"

Daryl smiled and nodded

"I think they'd like that" giving her a quick kiss.

Raven slid out of the truck still holding a sleeping Cheri as Daryl came around the truck holding a very sleepy Hunter. Grabbing her hand they began walking to Ricks but stopped as the doors burst open and smiled as they watched Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Molly, Katie...just about everyone they knew come rushing out. Hugs, kisses, smiles and tears were all around. Finally getting through the welcoming committee, Daryl walked Raven and the kids to their house. Daryl opened the door and turned to Raven but she was looking in another direction. Smiling Daryl whispered

"Hey....give me Cheri, you go see him"

Raven smiled, handing Cheri to Daryl and began making her way to the barn. He must have sensed her, she could hear his happy pawing and snorting before she turned the corner. Peeking around the corner she had to laugh as Sid began throwing his head. She couldn't help the tears as they fell...she hadn't realized how much she missed him. Kissing his muzzle while stroking his large head, she spoke softly to him about the new place and how happy they all would be. Sid began throwing his head again and Raven smiled as she watched Daryl come around the corner, sugar cubes in hand. The two stayed with him for awhile petting and talking to him.

"Looks like Rick took pretty good care of him" Daryl grinned

Raven smiled and nodded

"Yeah, I owe him one. Cheri and Hunter asleep?"

Daryl nodded walking over to her hugging her from behind

"Yeah, and that's where you should be" he whispered in her ear

Raven nodded

"I am coming with?"

Daryl nodded

"In a bit, I gotta talk to Rick first but when I'm done I'll be home"

Daryl walked her back to the house kissing her full of dreams and promises for a later time. Raven walked straight to their bed exhausted, crawling under the covers, hoping to sleep the next month away.

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