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Raven's eyes slowly opened and took in her surroundings. She yawned and stretched loving the peaceful atmosphere happily realizing her head was no longer pounding like it had for the past 24 hours. Tiny whispers outside her door made her smile. It was obvious two munchkins were a little excited about meeting Sid. Tiptoeing across the room, Raven ripped open her door roaring and laughed as they squealed and went tearing down the hallway. Coming back still giggling they began chatting Raven's ear off, pelting her left and right with questions about Sid.

"OK OK OK" she laughed Let me grab some breakfast and then you guys can help me feed him his breakfast. Have you eaten yet?"

The girls shook their head. "No, we were too excited"

Raven smiled at them but insisted they eat first.

"Listen those oat buckets are really heavy, you're going to need your strength so you have to eat"

Both girls looked at her with big eyes and nodded. "OK, let's see what we can rustle up to eat"

Raven rifled through the cupboards finding a few things here and there. Turning to the refrigerator amazed it worked and has food in it. How was it possible they had electricity and running water? Finding some eggs and what looked to be bacon, Raven was soon cooking a breakfast fit for two little queens. The girls ate noisily, remarking after every bite how good it tasted.

"I haven't had breakfast like this in a long time, " said Molly

Raven looked at the girls wondering...."what do you mean? Doesn't your mom cook?"
Molly shook her head. "Not really. She does sometimes but she really doesn't know how. Mrs. Thompson from across the street brings a lot of meals over to our house." Raven nodded understanding.

"Wel, it's a good thing I love to cook!".

Molly and Katie smiled enjoying everything about the morning. After checking on their mother Caroline, Raven did as she promised. Loading the girls with half buckets of oats, she grinned watching the carry them with all their might. They had been pretty intimidated with Sid at first, probably because of his size but thought the world of him right away. She lifted them one at a time so he could greet them and she laughed as they squealed when Sid checked them out, sniffing all over their head.

Daryl hung back behind the tree line watching Raven with the girls....so that's where she had ended up. Good choice by Rick. She'd be able to help look after the girls and would be close to Sid until the stable was finished. He had wandered over to make sure Sid was good and had probably hoped he'd find her there giving the big guy his breakfast. He watched as she chased the girls around, squealing and laughing and his mind drifted back to their kiss. He still didn't know what had come over him. It was just that when she smiled, he felt like a melted popsicle. Just like warm and gooey...it was weird and he wasn't comfortable with it at all. Finally he had thought since she was making him feel this way, might as well see what fuss was all about. Man did he find out. He could still taste her mouth and feel her silky hair slip through his fingers. Her skin had been so warm and soft and when she moaned....it about drove him out of his mind. With his jeans starting to get a little uncomfortable again, he knew he'd better start thinking of something else.

A low voice in Daryl's ear Whispered: "what are you doing?"

Daryl jumped up smacking his head on a tree branch which sent him flying on his rear.

"Dammit Rick!" he yelled.

He sat glaring at his friend who was now doubled over with laughter.

"Not right you sneak up on a guy in this day and age. You're a real asshole, you know that?"

Cherokee Rose (Walking Dead fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now