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  Rick shook his head

"Are you sure Raven?"

Raven nodded and stared at the girl...Kaitlyn.

It turned out Kaitlyn had returned to Alexandria and had begged Rick to talk to Raven, to apologize. At first Raven said no and started to walk away but something tore at her heart. What if she's seen Daryl? She knew she was going to regret it but she agreed to see her. Raven was shocked when she first walked through. She was so thin, dirty and frail looking.

Raven's shock was returned in Kaitlyn's face as she stared at her belly.

"Raven, I know I don't deserve it. I know I've been so horrible to you. I'm sorry...I'm so very sorry.
When you guys made me leave before, which you had every right to...I was captured by Negan. At first he was OK but then he started beating me. I was glad when he died...anyway I've been on the road ever since. I know I don't deserve it but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me...it would mean so much. I have no other place to go"

Raven stared at her. Her first thought was to say no and walk away but her mothering instincts were kicking in hard. She had watched as Negan hit her so she knew that was true. She did look like she had been on the road for awhile...

Raven sighed


Rick was not happy about it but he finally agreed. Kaitlyn was then sent off with the other refugees for food, showers and shelter. Raven walked slowly back to her home with her mind going a million miles a minute. She still had a bad feeling about this but she couldn't send her back out there alone. She had seen Negan hit her and knew she had probably been through something similar to what she had been through with Gregory. She knew it was the right thing to do even though it still didn't sit that well with her. Sighing she headed for the stable. If there was anyone that could ease her nerves, Sid could.


Daryl's eyes blinked open, looking at the new dawn sky. He had ridden over 24 hours straight but the trip had begun to wear on his body and he knew he had to eat and rest. Rolling up his sleeping bag his mind drifted back to Raven, but more importantly the baby. Just the thought of someone harming it had evoked such a raw, primal need to protect it, he could barely think of anything else.

He of course felt the same way about her, but the baby...it was a different feeling, one he had never felt before. After, he had also come to another realization. He wasn't his father and he never would be. He would move heaven and earth for his child...he knew this now. Quickly packing the rest of his stuff, he fired up his bike. He was a little less than half way there and if he could push himself to drive straight through he should get there tomorrow by late morning. Back on the road he could only think of one thing...just hold on. I'm almost there.


Raven dried the plate, placing it in the cupboard wincing a little. She had overdone it at dinner by stuffing herself and she was paying for it now as the gas bubbles pained her belly. Deciding her couch was calling her name, she turned hearing a soft knock on her door. Opening it, she was looking into Kaitlyn's brown eyes.

"Yes Kaitlyn?". she couldn't help but feel annoyed. She was fine with her staying but she really didn't want to see or talk to her.

"Hey, I picked these, thought maybe you would like some" Kaitlyn said holding out a bowl of strawberries.

Raven internally groaned. For the first time in months food did not sound good to her. She sighed and let Kaitlyn in. Taking the strawberries, putting them on her counter, she turned and looked at the girl. She had made a miraculous turn around in less than 12 hours. She was still thin but she looked clean...and healthy...something odd struck her about that.

"Listen Kaitlyn, I'm really tired..."

"I know, I'm sorry...I just wanted to do something nice and to see if you needed anything"

Raven smiled weakly at her.

"I'm good thanks. Some rest would probably be good for you too."

Kaitlyn nodded turning towards the door but stopped.

"So...is Daryl on a run?" Kaitlyn asked

Raven could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She immediately knew she had to lie.

"Yeah, he should be back soon though...probably tomorrow"

Kaitlyn was quiet but turned back to Raven to stare at her for a moment. Raven couldn't help but see a glint in her eyes.

"I'm surprised he left you here alone when it's obvious you could deliver at any moment..."

"I'm not alone" Raven said softly.

A knock at the door sounded and Raven could not get to the door quick enough.

"Hey Rick" she smiled.

Rick smiled back but the smile left his face looking at Kaitlyn standing in the middle of the living room.


Kaitlyn smiled meekly at Rick.

"Hi Rick,"

"What are you doing here?"

Kaitlyn looked embarrassed

"I was out earlier picking strawberries in the backyard of the house I'm at and I thought Raven would like some. I didn't mean to intrude" Kaitlyn said staring at the floor.
Rick sighed

"Alright then, I was just checking on you Raven, wanted to see if you needed anything"

Raven stared at him. She wanted to yell "Yes! Get her out of here!" but she just smiled and told him she was fine.

"Well, you look a little tired...I think we should probably let you get some rest. C'mon Kaitlyn, I'll walk you back"

Raven couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Watching them leave she double bolted the door and leaned up against it thinking. She had made a mistake. She would tell Rick in the morning that Kaitlyn had to leave. She didn't care where she went, on the road...a different community... didn't matter. She just had to go. Her baby would not be safe as long as that girl was around. Staring at the bowl of strawberries, she walked over picking them up and tossed them in the garbage. She wanted nothing from her...nothing.

Raven was up by dawn the next morning. Her belly was still kind of bothering her and she hadn't gotten much sleep last night, getting up numerous times to check the locks on the doors and windows. She was probably overreacting but she didn't care. The sooner that girl was gone, the better. She knew it was really early and Rick and Michonne were probably still in bed...she'd go feed and visit Sid until she felt it was an appropriate time to go talk to them. Carrying over a new sack of sugar cubes someone had made him, she smiled at her big beautiful boy who looked happy to see her too. Suddenly Sid was in a panic, stomping and snorting, throwing his head. She dropped the sack of sugar hearing the unmistakable sound of a gun click behind her.

"Good morning Raven" Kaitlyn said.

Oh God No.

Raven turned slowly staring at Kaitlyn, trying to protect her belly with her hands.

"Kaitlyn, don't do this. You don't have to do this. Daryl isn't coming back...he left me when I told him I was pregnant... he didn't want to be a dad. You can have him now, we're over and done with...just leave me and my baby alone"

Kaitlyn laughed

"You really do think I'm stupid! I already knew he left your sorry ass when I saw he was no where near you when you're like as big as a house and ready to pop!"

Raven stared at her while she pointed the gun at her belly.

"We're going for a walk you and I. If you scream or make any kind of sign that you're in trouble I will put a bullet directly into your stomach. Don't think I won't."

"Kaitlyn please..."

"Shut up!" she screamed pulling wool poncho over her head hiding her gun.

"Now move, and don't forget where this gun is pointed"

Raven and Kaitlyn walked through the sleeping town and Kaitlyn chatted like they were best friends on a stroll. It was like a dream to Raven as they morning sun shown brightly making all the houses look pretty and sparkling clean. She wanted to run, to scream but with knowing the barrel was trained on her belly, she was helpless. Maybe they would stop them at the gate. Maybe they wouldn't let them leave...

Arriving at the gate Raven and Kaitlyn looked up. Kaitlyn waved and smiled.

"Raven and I are going to look for some wild herbs for medicines. She's teaching me how to do it since she'll be busy with the baby soon...right Raven?"

Raven forced a smile and nodded.

The lookout shrugged and hit the latch that slid the gate open.

"Be safe" she heard him yell as they continued to walk down the road and make a turn into the forest.

Rick slid behind Michonne and kissed her neck while she made breakfast for him and the girls. He laughed as they both came tearing in laughing and screaming running around the kitchen.

"Girls, girls! Easy...Auntie M is cooking here"

"but she has a wooorrrrrrrm!" screamed Molly laughing.

Rick grinned holding out his hand while Katie placed the squiggly creature in his palm.

"Alright, go get washed up for breakfast" and smiled again as they went skipping out of the room. Throwing the worm back outside he looked staring out the door. He knew Raven had said she was OK with Kaitlyn staying but after last night...he wasn't. He didn't really want to throw her back out on the road, but he didn't feel right with her here and being so close to Raven and the baby. He had decided to take her to Hilltop. Rick turned and looked towards the gate as he swore he heard someone scream his name.

"Daryl?" he whispered

"Open the mutherfuckin' gate!" Daryl screamed

The spotter looked down at Rick and Rick nodded and watched as the gate slid open and Daryl came through like a bat out of hell. Turning off his bike and throwing down his kickstand Rick could see he was in full panic as he strode towards him.

"Rick, have you seen Kaitlyn?"

Rick was stunned...how would he know she would be here?

"Daryl, calm down..."

"Rick!" Daryl screamed "Has she been here yet?"

Rick stared a moment then answered him.

"Yeah...but I'm taking her to Hilltop today. Raven said she was OK with her staying but I've decided against it. "

Daryl groaned. "Where is she?"

Rick stared at him.

"Rick, if I have to tear this town apart to find her I will! Now where is Kaitlyn staying?"

"She's in Caroline's old house".

Daryl took off running while Rick was frozen in his spot. Why was Daryl here looking for Kaitlyn and why hadn't he even asked about Raven or the baby? He was getting pissed and had just about enough of his bad behavior. Walking over to where Kaitlyn was staying he stopped as Daryl reappeared looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Rick, where's Raven?" his voice cracked

It finally hit Rick what was going on.

"She's living in the blue cottage...its down past your old house, across from Sid's corral."

Daryl went running and Rick followed.

"Raven!" Daryl screamed running from room to room stopping suddenly as his heart squeezed seeing the charming room with a crib and baby things. She had painted it a sunny yellow and had Noah's ark stuff everywhere. He had to find her...Now. Going back through the door he ran into Rick.

"She's not here. She's not here Rick, where would she be?"

Rick thought a moment.


Daryl took off while Rick began running back through town yelling to people to help find Raven.
Rounding the corner he saw Sid who looked like he was in every bit of panic as he was

"Easy boy" Daryl put his hands up grabbing Sid's harness before he hurt himself. Looking around for any clue, he saw the sugar cube sack laying on the ground. He knew instantly something had happened here. Running back to Rick's to tell him what he found, he saw Rick by the gate looking like he just swallowed a pine cone. Daryl didn't like the look on his face, not at all.

"Daryl, the spotter said that early this morning Raven and Kaitlyn went through the gate to go pick herbs..."

Daryl felt like he was going to be sick.

"Which way did they go?" he whispered

"Daryl, we don't know there's trouble for sure"

"Which way!" he screamed

Rick knew Daryl was right...he didn't want to believe it but he knew

"Spotter said they walked down the road a bit and turned there to go into the woods"
Daryl started out with Rick on his heels.

"No Rick, I need you to drive around on the back roads to see if they popped out on another road or something. If they're still in the woods I'll find them."

Rick nodded his head running for his truck while Daryl went tearing down the road and turning where he found their tracks. Following them had been easy. Kaitlyn had never thought to cover their tracks, she probably thought he wouldn't be here to find them. Arriving at what looked like an old hunting shack Daryl stopped, hearing voices inside. Relief washed over him but was quickly gone as he looked in the window seeing Kaitlyn pointing a gun at Raven's belly. His first instinct was to bust through the door but he couldn't risk a shot going accidentally off hurting Raven or the baby. Think! He smacked himself in the head...Think! Just then he heard a walker approach and an idea hit him.

Grabbing a long tree limb he skewered it through the ribs. Walking it up to the house he let it moan and groan, clawing at the door.

"Shut up!" he heard Kaitlyn scream.

Good, it was working. Daryl pushed the walker away from the door, turning the door handle, watching as the door popped open and began to swing slowly out.

"Dammit" he heard her say and saw her walk towards the door as she took a step out to grab and close it, Daryl pushed the walker for all he was worth watching it land on Kaitlyn and began chewing on her face. Kaitlyn screamed but it soon turned into a gurgle as the blood seeped from her while the dead ate. Satisfied she was dead he stuck a knife into the walker's head, then into Kaitlyn's. Pulling the pile of death from the door, Daryl entered to find Raven standing there with a broken piece of glass ready to do battle. She looked at him.


He could see her knees were ready to buckle as she dropped the piece of glass. He ran to her and caught her before she could hit the ground. Picking her up, he carried her to the bed in the corner sitting her on his lap. He rocked her as she cried into his shoulder all the time whispering
"I'm here now"

After awhile she quieted but he still couldn't let her go. He had almost lost her...them... and he vowed right then and there this time would be the last. Kissing her forehead and giving her a slight hug he couldn't help but stare at her belly. His kid was in there and by the looks of it would be here soon. His other hand rested on her knee but he wanted so badly to reach up and touch it but he didn't know if he had a right to. He swallowed a lump in his throat as Raven softly grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly. His eyes grew wide as he felt it move and kick.

"Looks like someone is happy to finally meet you" Raven said softly.

He couldn't talk, he couldn't think, he was so overwhelmed with everything all he could do was kiss her and hope she could forgive him. Finally finding his voice it still cracked with emotion.

"Wow" was all he could say for awhile which seemed to really amuse her. Then he became serious.

"Raven I was so wrong about everything, I don't know if you'll ever be able to forgive me. I wasn't running from you, or the baby. I was running from myself. I was so scared of turning into my father and hurting you two...I just couldn't take that chance. Then one night I was drunk, sitting in the bar and I looked and saw my dad sitting across from me. It wasn't my dad though...it was my reflection. I realized then how without you , there was a better chance of me ending up just like him. I made the decision to come back to Alexandria right then and there, then a guy started running his mouth about Kaitlyn coming here and I knew I had to get here as soon as possible...before it was too late" he choked

Raven nodded. She had wondered how on earth he had found her and how he knew she needed him. She spoke softly.

"I want you here...I can't do this alone. There's still a lot that we'll have to work through but I want you here, I want you in our child's life. They'll be better off with you in it"

Daryl nodded unable to speak again. Standing her up he couldn't help but to put his hand on her belly, smiling and saying

"I can't wait to meet you"

Raven stopped and looked at him with wide eyes as water rushed through her pants.

"Looks like you'll get your wish...my water just broke"

"What the hell does water just broke mean?" he asked with a hint of fear.

"It means the baby is on its way"  

Cherokee Rose (Walking Dead fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now