The Stranger

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  A droplet of perspiration slid slowly down Raven's arched neck disappearing into the valley under her shirt. If there was one thing she missed from the old world or the world pre-apocalypse, was air conditioning. The morning sun beat down unmercifully on her dark hair as she craned her neck further to get a better view. Strangers had come to Hilltop this morning and as much as that scared her, she couldn't help but be fascinated by them. They seem to be much different than the usual rabble Negan sent to take their food and medicine. There was civility about them but fierceness radiated off their entire beings. If Hilltop had to fight these people, quite frankly it would be over in about 30 seconds flat. Raven watched as the group made their way into the main house, letting out a long slow breath. she hadn't realized she had been holding it this whole time. With the slam of the door, Raven looked down at her feed bucket and with a sigh, grabbed it and continued to her initial destination, the horse barn.
A soft whinny tickled her ears as Raven entered the barn. Shaking off her current thoughts of the strangers, Raven smiled warmly at the love of her life, her black as night stallion, Obsidian. He had been her everything since she had found him trapped by two walkers, inches away from being eaten alive. Quickly she dispatched the dead and then spoke to the panicked horse softly trying to calm him. After a fleeting moment of uncertainty, the enormous horse came to her, laying his muzzle on her shoulder, perhaps in thanks. Whatever it was, the two had been inseparable ever since.

"Good morning my sweet boy" grinned Raven and she stroked his large head, taking the time to scratch him behind his ears. Obsidian, or "Sid" for short, snorted in approval and gave a playful tug on Raven's long dark hair.

"Hey now mister, a guy usually has to buy me dinner first before I let him play with my hair...".

Sid snorted again which made Raven laugh. He was the only bright spot in this chaotic new world and Raven was truly grateful they had found each other.

Pouring the grain into his trough, Raven watched fondly as Sid began munching on his breakfast. A frown suddenly wrinkled her brow, after inspecting Sid's coat. He needed a bath and she couldn't put it off anymore. She knew everyone at Hilltop considered it wasting water by giving him a bath, but screw them and their dirty looks. Sid meant more to her than the whole lot of them. Piling her thick dark hair into a messy bun on top of her head, Raven looked around for her bucket and supplies. Missing...again. Peering on the top shelf of the old wooden closet...there they were...again. Raven cursed under her breath, picking up the wooden ladder that was nearly rotted through. She had been complaining to Gregory for weeks about this ladder and how it wasn't fit to hold the weight of a toddler, but he had shrugged off her complaints and told her that if she wanted a new one, go find one herself...which she would do in a heartbeat if he would let her outside the walls of Hilltop. No, she knew what he wanted...he would happily get her anything she wanted IF she would come to his bed. That was something she would never even consider. The mere thought of him made her stomach turn and skin crawl. Not only was he the biggest coward she knew, always down on bended knee for Negan and his ilk, giving them everything they work for. He was the worst kind of coward, a deceitful one. While they scrimped together food and other resources, he sat in his big house dining on fresh meat and wine. He had told everyone that he was suffering just like everybody else, but Raven knew better. She had seen it first hand when he had tried getting her to join him there months ago. She hoped the strangers figured out his deceitful nature sooner rather than later.

Raven propped the ladder against the shelves letting out a long slow breath. Slowly she began climbing the rickety contraption that groaned with every step up she took. Finally, at the top, she grabbed the bucket and brushes, dropping them to the ground. Ever so slowly she began her descent when suddenly the sounds of Sid stomping and neighing grabbed her attention. Turning to see why her horse was in distress, she heard the ladder give a loud crack as she began falling through the air. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She could hear frightened cries from Sid as her body plunged quickly towards the ground. All she could think of was how much this was going to hurt when suddenly her fall was broken by a pair of strong muscular arms.

"Ompf" he said as both their bodies tumbled to the ground. Raven hadn't realized her eyes had been closed until she found herself opening them and staring into a set of brilliant blue ones. Raven felt her heart skip a beat and could feel her cheeks begin to warm with the feel of his thick, sinewy arm wrapped around her waist. All that quickly faded and reality crashed in when he abruptly stood up with a deep grunt, pulling Raven to her feet.

"You alright?"

Raven shook her head, thankful her bun had come undone and her hair was now hiding her burning cheeks.

"What the hell...don't you people know no better using rotten ladders? Good Lord" grumbled the stranger.

Raven's blush deepened but this time from embarrassment. She was glad he had been there to help her, but it got it cut her quick to what he was implying.

"I'm not stupid. Yes, it was rotten, but I have to care for my horse and as you can see, there're no other ladders around."

The stranger eyed her warily and grunted again. Sid, still being a bit upset from all the commotion stomped and snorted showing he too didn't like the stranger's tone.

"He don't seem to like me much"

A nervous giggle almost escaped Raven's lips but she thought better of it.

"He doesn't like anybody really, except me...but we saved each other, so it's to be expected," Raven explained shyly. The stranger grunted again and stepped closer to Sid, getting a better look at him.

"This beast got a name?"

Raven stared at him for a moment, then answered him quietly.

"Obsidian...after the black volcanic rock. I named him..."

The stranger looked at her angrily and snapped "I ain't stupid, I know what obsidian is".

Raven began to feel hurt and angry and confused to why he seem to be trying his best to bait her.

Through gritted teeth, she continued " I don't think you're stupid. I was going to further explain that when the sun hits his coat just right, it looks just like that volcanic glass. I call him Sid for short"

The stranger stared at her for a moment then glanced at Sid.

"Well, I hope he's worth almost breaking your neck for."

Raven's chin jutted forward, placing her hands on her hips in a stubborn stance "He's the only one I would risk it for on this God forsaken planet"

That seemed to connect with the stranger. He thought for a moment and shook his shaggy-haired head in what looked like a slight agreement.

"So you were after that bucket and brushes and stuff? Why don't you keep it down here so you don't have to climb that piece of shit?"

Raven looked at him exasperated. Was he just messing with her or did he really think she was that stupid? Trying her best not to start yet another fight, she began slowly...

"I don't put it up there. I put it here on the bottom shelf, but someone keeps moving it because they don't want me using it. I use it to wash Sid down and most people around here think it's a huge waste of resources and don't want me to do it. They don't understand that I have to do it. If I don't, he could get mange and die and that's NOT going to happen."

The stranger looked at her, shook his head again and quietly said "right". then continued

"Alright, well I did my good deed for the day, so I'm out. Like I said, hope he's worth the trouble"
Instantly Raven said, "He is."

Raven watched as the stranger turned and began making his way out of the barn. Curiosity getting the better of her, she couldn't help to ask another question.

"'m Raven... and you are?"

Raven watched as his steps slowed but did not bother to turn around. She was almost positive he was going to ignore her until a gruff voice spoke


Raven watched as he continued walking, seeing the angel wings on his back disappear behind the door.

Daryl...Raven thought. The angel wings were fitting...too bad he's an asshole.

Later that day Raven hung back and watched as Daryl's group gathered on Gregory's front porch. They didn't seem to be mad, but they didn't see happy either. Gregory soon appeared and called everyone in the small village to his front lawn for an announcement. Raven did as she was asked, but made sure to stay out of Gregory's line of sight as he began speaking.

"My Hilltop neighbors. These good people are our guests. They will be staying with us for the next few days during our...negotiations. They are from a town near here called Alexandria and we will be hopefully forming a new partnership with them. Please make them feel welcome. They will need places to stay, so I ask a few of you give up your homes and bunk with your neighbors."

A murmur rippled through the crowd wondering who would be the oh so lucky ones that would have to give up their home. Raven didn't have to wonder, she already knew she would be one. Gregory continued.

"Max and Erma, if you would bunk with Joe and Martha so Rick and Michonne have a place to sleep I would appreciate it. Same with Sam and Sarah, I think you could stay with John and Amy so Glenn and Maggie have a spot? Stan and Margaret, how about you stay with the Krugers so Abraham and Rosita have a pillow to rest their heads Ah and Raven, let's see...there's plenty of room in my house, you can stay with me while Daryl will stay in your place."

Raven looked at Gregory grinning like the Cheshire cat. Infuriated but keeping her wits about her, she responded.

"Sure Daryl can have my place. I'll be happy to oblige...but I'd rather sleep in the barn with my horse than bunk with you"

Raven could see Gregory's jaw clench through his fake smile. She also heard someone snort softly with laughter, but she wasn't sure where it came from. Daryl then spoke up.

"I don't need her place. I won't be here much. I'm going on a run tonight for some supplies. When I get back if I'm tired I'll bunk with ole' Sid in the barn. He and I go way back".
Raven stared at Daryl and felt herself blush deeply when he gave her a quick wink. She wasn't thrilled how someone she just met could make her feel so...she was at a loss for words. Gregory continued.

"Fine, fine...thank you, everyone for your cooperation. Again, please make our guests feel at home. " and with that turning on his heel he disappeared behind his giant mahogany doors.

Raven breathed a sigh of relief. Once he started with the families bunking with other ones, she knew where he was going with that. Just the thought wanted to make her vomit. She would have gladly given up her shack to Daryl since she did kind of owe him, but to sleep in the same house as Gregory? Not happening. Raven watched as Daryl and...Rick? she thought his name was, began walking and talking quietly among themselves. She then watched Daryl approach a motorcycle. Smiling to herself, she wasn't surprised that was his choice of transportation but she was confused as he turned away from it and instead jumped into the cab of a pickup truck. Always keeps me guessing, that one she mused. As the soft evening sky began to give way to night, Raven watched as Daryl drove through the opened the doors of Hilltop, blending in with the night. Walking back to her hut, she could help but feel a twinge of be able to come and go as you please... must be nice. She would leave this place if it wasn't for Sid. She knew if it were just the two of them, it would be near impossible to take proper care of him, plus the thought of him becoming dinner for the dead? The very thought shook her to her core. She would continue to deal with whatever bullshit Gregory dished out just as long as it kept Sid safe.
Raven rose early the next morning and walked through the still sleeping town. She hadn't slept well last night and decided hanging with Sid might calm her nerves a little. Grabbing a bucket of his breakfast she made her way to the barn. If he finished his breakfast quick enough, maybe she could get his bath in today without anyone knowing since she wasn't able to the day before with all the commotion. Raven slipped into the barn happily greeted by her big beautiful boy.

"Good morning there handsome" Raven crooned.

Sid responded with a soft whinny and a foot stomp. Pouring his oats in his trough, she petted him absentmindedly thinking about the day before. Realizing that was not a good thing to do, Raven went back to the cupboard to collect her brush and bucket. Rounding the corner she was stunned to find a ladder propped up against the closet door. It wasn't just any ladder, it was a metal one! No rotting for this one! Raven's head was spinning. Who could have left this? She doubted it was Gregory, especially after the lip she gave him yesterday. Daryl? But was he even back from his run? Raven tore out of the barn to find and see his black truck parked where it had been yesterday. She knew then it had been him. Smiling to herself she slowly walked back to the barn to finally give Sid his bath.

Admiring the ladder again, she pushed it aside to open the closet door. Staring at the shelves she was shocked to find two shelves filled with all different kinds of brushes, combs blankets, and buckets. Everything anyone could ever dream of needing to groom a horse. Not only that, there had to be a 50-pound sack of oats at the bottom of the closet! Raven wanted to cry. She had been worrying about getting oats for him as of late. She had been lucky so far and had been able to trade and barter for food for him but it was getting low and she wasn't quite sure what to do. She knew she could ask Gregory but she also knew what he would want in return. Raven was mesmerized by everything and at first didn't see the shadow that leaned up against the wall, watching her. Finally catching a glimpse of the shadow out of the corner of her eye, Raven spun around...Daryl.

Overcome with emotions, Raven couldn't control herself. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she held onto him tightly, whispering"thank you" over and over again letting all of her pent up stress slip away. Feeling his arms slip around her waist, she felt him hug her back, when suddenly it became so much more than a hug. Raven was shocked to find her body reacting the way it was. The feeling of his hard body slightly pressed against her inflamed parts of her she had almost forgotten about. Wanting more, did she dare lean further into him? Her heart began racing and her breath caught as his grip tightened around her waist. Feeling his face in her hair, all she could think of was searching for his lips and how much she wanted his mouth on hers. Tilting her head back she was abruptly shoved backward, rudely breaking the spell that had encircled them. Her breath was coming quickly as she suddenly felt as though she was standing naked in a room full of strangers. She dared to take a quick glance at Daryl and it was apparent he too hadn't expected this reaction with his heavy breathing and own cheeks flushed with a bit of pink. Raven wasn't sure what to say or do. Finally, finding some self-composure she spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel...uncomfortable , I's's just that nobody has ever done anything like this for me and me ..."

"I didn't do it for you!" Daryl snapped. "I did it for him" nodding his head in Sid's direction.

Of course, he did...Raven's embarrassment grew ten fold. Staring at the ground, all she could think to do was say "I'm sorry" only that didn't seem to even phase Daryl.

"I mean what the hell. Do you throw yourself at anyone that shows an ounce of kindness? Good lord...I mean Gregory may want you, but I sure as hell don't"

Raven was mortified and felt her eyes well up. She accepted that she had misread his kindness and truly felt bad she had created this situation, but now he was just being mean for spite.

Raven glared at him through her tears. With clenched teeth, she again apologized.

"Like I said, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. Trust me, it won't happen again"

"Sure as hell won't" grunted Daryl as he stomped his way out of the barn.

Raven collapsed in a puddle on the barn floor, wrapping her arms around herself trying to keep her body from shaking completely apart. What the hell just happened? Why on earth did she act like that with him? Hadn't she been interested in a guy "that way" in like forever...well at least since the world ended and a guy like Daryl? A guy who would rather punch you in the face as soon as look at you. Raven was mentally kicking herself for poking that certain bear. She honestly hadn't meant to, she had just been so overwhelmed with the act of kindness, she had lost her mind a bit. He had been the first person that had made her feel anything in a long, long time and she had just got carried away. But after thinking harder on it, it hadn't been all her! He had hugged her back! He was the one that had buried his face in her hair and pulled her closer. Then suddenly a little ball of anger started burning in the pit of her stomach. Who in the hell did he think he was treating her like that anyway? She hadn't realized being attracted to her was such a disgusting idea. Plus that crack about Gregory? Seriously low blow. No, he wasn't worth one of her tears let alone reducing her to a pity puddle sitting on the floor. Pulling herself up

Raven made her way over to Sid, kissing him squarely on the nose. He was the only male she needed in her life.
All the rest are nothing but trouble.  

Cherokee Rose (Walking Dead fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora