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  "Raven wait" Daryl grabbed her wrist.

Raven looked at him curious but impatient. She needed to make sure that Sid, Caroline, Molly and Katie were OK.

"We have to be smart about this. Let me go first and come back when I know it's all clear"
Raven glared at him.

"If you think you're going in there by yourself, you're nuts. Look at what happened the last time we didn't stay together."

Daryl stared at her and for a moment didn't recognize her. Gone was the girl who would cower if you gave her a dirty look. He hated that she had been hurt and he couldn't imagine what she had been through but she was without question a survivor standing there so beautiful and fierce.

Sighing he gave in. "Fine, I get your point, but if there's trouble, you run and I mean it."

She nodded giving his hand a squeeze.

Quietly they crept closer to the broken front gates of Alexandria. Daryl put a hand up motioning for her to stop. Looking around he spied large maple tree and began to climb it silently. Raven stood behind the tree, looking up at him. She wanted so badly to ask him what he saw but she knew better than to speak. Finally climbing down Raven stared at the dark expression on his face.

"Daryl...what?" she touched his arm.

"It looks abandoned. I don't see anyone in there. Doors are kicked in, windows broken. Looks like a couple of places had been on fire. We really need to be careful Raven. I really wish you would let me..." he stopped getting that look from her again. "OK fine but stay close. We may have to leave in a hurry"

Daryl opened his bag pulling out a handgun and handed it to her. It wasn't her gun but it would do. Readying his crossbow, they slowly slid around the broken gates and peeked in. There were a few dead walking around but nothing they couldn't handle. Raven wished she had her knife...the men had taken it and given it to Gregory when they had cut off her clothes. The memory pained her but she needed to focus on the task at hand.

Raven watched as Daryl shot two of the dead with his bow and knifed the other. She wanted to help but she didn't want to fire the gun to give off their arrival or have the sound bring more dead. She couldn't help but marvel at the way he looked so graceful yet furious. His muscles rippled and bulged as he plunged a knife into another dead ones head. He would probably think she was pretty demented being turned on by this but she couldn't help it. It made her question if she had seriously lost her mind in that cabin.

Finishing Daryl reached for her hand and gave her a funny look as he watched her blush. Checking Rick and Michonne's first, Daryl banged on the wall and whistled. Silence. They entered slowly going from room to room looking for anything, any clue to what had happened. Daryl ran up the stairs checking and then came back down with a grim look on his face.
Raven's heart sank.


"No, nothing up there but they either left or were forced out of here in a hurry. Most of their clothes and stuff are still here."

Raven nodded.

"We need to check Caroline's next"

She wanted to badly to go straight to the barn but her fear was too great. If he...she couldn't even think about it.

They quickly went to Caroline's and used the same procedure..Daryl banged, whistled and they waited. Hearing nothing they began checking rooms. Raven's heart hurt looking at the unfinished puzzle lying on the dining room table they had been working on. Daryl touched her shoulder motioning he was going upstairs to check things out. She nodded softly telling him she would finish here. Walking slowly around, she peeked into Caroline's bedroom and cried out. Daryl came flying down the stairs rushing to Raven as she stood in the doorway with her hand over her mouth. Caroline lay on the bed shot through the head execution style. Daryl's arm went around her, holding her up while she sobbed in his shoulder. Who would do something like this? Why? Caroline had been the sweetest person on the earth..she just couldn't understand why. Then it hit her like a force wind.

Staring up at Daryl "The girls?"

Daryl shook his head "No, nobody is up there"

A bit of relief passed through her but was quickly gone looking back at Caroline.

"Daryl, I need to go upstairs and change out of your clothes. I'm going to change and then grab my bag and pack some things."

"Alright" he said quietly still staring at Caroline's body.

Raven climbed the steps and walked slowly to her room. She stood there for a moment looking around. There had been a time just a few weeks ago that she thought she would never see this room again. After kicking off Gregory's awful boots, Raven slid off Daryl's jeans and shirt, folding them and laying them on her bed. She ripped from her body the disgusting one of many bra and panties sets Gregory had forced her to wear while he beat her, and dropped them in the trash. There was nothing more that she wanted than a hot shower but there wasn't time and she didn't know if there was even running water. It wasn't for vanity or anything like that...she just couldn't stand the thought of one drop of Gregory's blood on her and wanted to scrub everywhere to make sure it was gone. Sighing she slipped on her own underclothes, gingerly putting on her bra. After slipping jeans and a shirt and a pair of boots, she began shoving clothes in her duffle bag that she had used to come to Alexandria.
Raven turned to see Daryl standing in the doorway.
"You ready?"

She nodded but she wasn't ready. She knew where they had to go next and she wasn't sure her legs would get her there without collapsing.

They walked quietly through the town surveying the devastation. Nearing the stable she stopped. She couldn't go any further, she didn't want to deal with this, she had already been through hell, not this too. Daryl wrapped his arms around her as she broke down.

"Stay here" he whispered. "I'll go look".

Raven shook her head "No. I'm OK...let's go"

Turning the corner they stood there looking. He was gone. She had failed him. Raven turned and wrapped her arms around Daryl's waist and sobbed in his chest. Someone had Sid and she would probably never see him again. He had probably thought she had abandoned him anyway being gone for so long.

"Raven wait..." Daryl said, gently pushing her back.


"Look at the fence over there, it's broken"

Raven shrugged, she didn't understand what he was getting at. Then Daryl let out a screaming high pitch whistle. Raven stared at him. What was he doing? After a few moments Daryl softly said.

"Raven look"

Raven turned and looked...at first she didn't see anything then suddenly a big black head poked out of the trees.

"SID!" she screamed

The horse was instantly thundering towards them. Skidding to a halt Raven threw herself on him crying tears of joy. Daryl stroked the stallion's muzzle smiling.

"Told you I'd bring her home Sid"

The two fawned all over horse for quite awhile until Daryl broke the reunion.

"Sweetheart, we need to put him in his stall. We'll shut the doors to the barn to make sure walkers can't get at him. We need to go and figure out what were going to do next."
Raven nodded, sad to leave Sid but knowing he was safe meant everything to her.

"I'll be back soon my beautiful boy" she smiled kissing his nose. Sid whinnied softly and tugged gently on her hair.

"Me too big guy". Sid snorted and nudged his chest. "and yes I'll remember the sugar cubes"
Daryl and Raven put Sid away in his stall, closing the barn up so he would stay safe.

"Alright, let's see if my place is still standing"

They walked to Daryl's house and by the looks of it hadn't really been touched. It was obvious someone had been there and had been through it but no damage really. Daryl went through the house checking then brought Raven in, shutting the door. She hugged him close and he hugged her back tightly.

"We were due for something good to happen. I just knew he would be OK"

Raven nodded smiling. Excusing herself to the bathroom, she broke down again after shutting the door. The stress of everything was killing her. Finally being able to catch her breath, she stood there staring at the shower. Curious she turned the handle and was surprised as water came out. The pressure wasn't great but it worked. Putting her hand under she felt it warm. It wasn't hot by any means but it would work. Calling Daryl from the door she told him she was going to take a quick shower. Still packing he told her to take her time.

Easing under the water she flinched as the water touched her back. It wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She could bear it in order to get clean. She scrubbed and scrubbed while closing her eyes. She didn't want to see how much of Gregory's blood had still been on her. Finally feeling her was no longer on her skin, she stepped out, wrapping a towel around her. Looking in the mirror she was shocked, she barely recognized herself. She was thin and gaunt looking. With the door opening, Raven looked up staring at Daryl in the reflection.

Slowly he removed her towel, gently kissing her irritated back. She watched as he produced a jar of some sort of thick salve and began rubbing it gently on her back. She closed her eyes smelling something like mint and aloe letting the lotion sooth her back and nerves, After he was done he wrapped the towel back around her and kissed her neck leaving the room. She knew sex should be the last thing on her mind right now but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed he had stopped. Dressing she walked out, sitting next to him on the bed. He sat up rubbing his face thinking...

"I think maybe we should try Hilltop. I want to see if Maggie, Glenn and Abraham are there and OK. If they are then I need to tell them what happened. We also need to tell Maggie Gregory is dead and why."

Raven hated the sound of his name even after she knew he was gone. He continued...
It's going to be dark in a little while, I think we'll be OK staying here for the night and getting started tomorrow morning. I didn't see any vehicles though so we'll have to walk, or I will, you can ride Sid.".

Raven looked at him "No, we both can ride him. He's plenty big and strong enough". Raven watched as Daryl looked a little nervous.

"Yeah alright" he said laying back.

Raven lay back next to him putting her head on his chest and her arm around his waist. playing with her hair he spoke softly.

"I was so scared I would never be able to lay next to you again"

"I know...I felt the same" she whispered.

"Back around when everything happened, a friend of mine...her little girl went missing. I looked for her morning, noon and night. I convinced myself I'd find her. Eventually I did...but she was a walker in a barn. It felt like that again...I thought of giving up, but I couldn't."

"You didn't give up and you found me"

Daryl lay quiet still pulling her hair through his fingers. Raven knew he he was filled with guilt but she didn't know why. It wasn't his fault, there's nothing he could have done differently. Wanting to get him thinking about something else she asked

"You hungry?"

He nodded "I could eat"

Raven scooted off the bed and began rummaging around in the kitchen while Daryl built a fire in the fireplace. Staring at the pressure cooker he had brought for her she was suddenly sad. She thought it had been the start of something great and had been so happy thinking of the meals they would have together from it but little did she know what would happen next. Power was intermittent, so she couldn't really use it, she had enough to put a small meal together though and they ate quietly in front of the fire. After, they went to the barn, making sure Sid was fed and tucked in for the night. They both grinned watching the giant horse eat the sugar eagerly. It had been a long time.

Back at Daryl's, laying on his bed wrapped in each others arms, Raven tried to let him know she had wanted a little more but she felt him pull back. She knew she was pushing things and that he was dealing with losing his family and friends but she needed him to wipe away any place Gregory had touched her. Respecting his wishes she stopped and was content enough to fall asleep in his arms.

The next morning Daryl eyed Sid warily, watching Raven get him ready to ride. Raven laughed and asked him

"What's wrong?"

Daryl looked at her nervously and explained

"Last time I was on a horse she threw me over a cliff."
Raven felt bad she had laughed and tried to ease his fears.

"He won't do that Daryl, he's really well behaved when it comes to riding and he cares about you just as much as he does for me. He wouldn't do anything to harm you"

Daryl nodded and seemed a little more comfortable with the idea.

"We don't have a saddle so we'll have to use this blanket but I think it should be comfortable enough. I'm going to use these straps to hang our supplies on either side of him"

Daryl nodded again but looked a little concerned.

"Do you think all this plus both of us will be a little too much on him?"

Raven gently laughed and explained.

"No, not at all. Sid lineage comes from the destrier or Dray horse..farmers sometimes called them draft horses. He was built to pull things as heavy as a locomotive. They used horses like him to carry knights in those big, heavy suits of metal armor into battle. You and I and these supplies? We're an after thought for him"

Daryl nodded and felt better but he still couldn't help but still feel a little nervous.

"Alright...I'll let you finish up here, there's something I need to do before we go. Meet me by Rick's?"

Raven nodded but curious in what he had to do. About an hour later Sid was packed and ready to go. Climbing his stall she slid her legs over his broad back and began riding him slowly through town. Coming up to Caroline's house, she felt a pain in her heart. They shouldn't leave her like that she thought and then caught a glimpse of Daryl in the backyard. Slowly she walked Sid to where he was. She watched for a moment as he continued to dig a large hole. Sliding off Sid and grabbing a second shovel she began helping him. She knew he started to protest but she shook her head before he could speak. Finishing Daryl disappeared into the house and reappeared carrying Caroline's body wrapped in a sheet. Placing her in, ever so gently they then began filling it in back with the earth. After they were done they both stood there staring. Raven could feel her heart breaking again and wiped the tears as they streamed down her face.

"She had been so nice to me" Raven whispered

Daryl nodded wrapping his fingers in with her, squeezing her hand.

"Me too. I thought she at least deserved this, and when we get back home with her girls, I wouldn't want them to see her like that."

Raven nodded, glad he had thought about this. He continued in a strained voice.

"and I promise you Caroline, we will do whatever it takes to find them and bring them home safe"

Raven's heart squeezed with pain, sorrow and grief but she still couldn't help but be proud of the man standing next to her, She knew he meant every word and she believed wholeheartedly that he...no they could do it. Walking slowly away, they led Sid around to the front porch. Sliding on to his back from the top step, Raven took the reigns while Daryl slid on behind her. Leading Sid to the front gates she couldn't help but swing him around looking at the town once more. She knew they would be back some day and hoped it would still be as they left it. "Hang on" she said and Daryl gripped her waist while she broke Sid into a gallop, charging through the broken gates.

They had ridden most of the day but had decided to stretch their legs and walk for awhile. They both had been quiet, deep in thought until Raven broke the silence.

"It's so quiet...it feels like we're the last two people on earth"

Daryl not missing a beat retorted

"Well, be best be getting to repopulating then"

No sooner were the words out of his mouth he began regretting them. Hearing her laugh made him feel a little better about it but he could be a real douche bag he thought. She had been through so much and couldn't imagine her wanting anyone touching her right now. It was all he could do not to let her know how much he wanted her while her bottom had been pressed up against him while riding Sid. He knew he had to think about her and what she needed and not what he wanted. He hoped eventually she would completely forgive him for everything and they could get past this. But for now his priority had to be keeping her alive and safe.

Coming around the curve Daryl stopped and pointed.

"See that? That might be a good place to stop for the night. Look, it has a big garage we can put Sid in"

Raven looked at the little white ranch house sitting back from the road. Looking up at the evening sky, she nodded as they began walking towards it. Checking the garage, Raven was happy to see it was clean and uncluttered and would indeed be a good place for him to rest and get some sleep. Daryl checked the inside as she began unpacking their supplies and put Sid's feed sack on. Appearing in the inside door leading into the house Daryl had a giant pot and began filling it with water for Sid, patting his side. After they had him comfortable for the night, they brought their gear inside making a small camp in the middle of the living room. They sat quietly eating then began to get ready to turn in.

Raven lay there next to him after putting the healing salve on her back, with her arm draped over his chest. Running her hand under his shirt she stroked his chest, kissing him softly.

Grabbing her hand he kissed it and put it back on her side pulling her in for a hug. That's it? She thought and became extremely frustrated. Turning over away from him she could feel him staring at her from her back,

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

Raven didn't know how to say it or explain without sounding like some needy bimbo. Finally after battling herself internally she said.

"Don't you want me anymore?"

Daryl was stunned. Grabbing her shoulder he pulled her back over to look at him.

"How can you say that? Of course I do. I just...it's just...it's just that I know when I used to get beat, the last thing I wanted was anyone touching me or showing me any kind of affection"
Raven stared at him... she would have never made that connection. She thought of his scars she had seen on his back and had kissed in the shower but she hadn't thought about how they had gotten there.

"Who beat you? Your parents?"

Daryl paused for awhile and then nodded his head.

"My dad...really. My mom couldn't be bothered with me most days. When I was around 8 years old she was a drunk and set fire to her bed when she fell asleep with a cigarette. After she died things got a lot worse. When she and Merle were there I could be quiet enough that I really wasn't noticed and the beating usually went on between the three of them since Merle loved trouble any way he could get it, but after mom died and he took off for the service, I was the only one left and I paid dearly for it"

Raven couldn't help it as the tears slowly leaked from her eyes. How could someone do that to him? He's so good and kind.

"Is that how or why you have the salve you use on my back?"

Daryl nodded

"There was an old lady that lived up the road. She wasn't my grandma but I pretended she was. Sometimes when he had given me a bad one I would go there and she would put this on me. I watched her make it many times and then started making it myself. Its good for any scrapes or cuts..it's good to have around, especially these days"

Raven thought for a moment

"How did you get away?"

Daryl shrugged "I was 16, almost 17 and Merle showed back up. He grabbed me and we split. Asshole probably ended up drinking himself to death or something, have no idea what happened to him and don't care"

Daryl stared at her... he had never told anyone that before and even though it hurt thinking and talking about it there was this odd relief, like some weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He continued.

"So when I saw your back, I knew some of what you had been through and I didn't want to push it. I wasn't sure what all you had been through and if I went too far I could lose you completely"
It was Raven's turn to stare. She began quietly.

"He didn't rape me...or we didn't...you know...no, he planned on breaking me first. He wanted me completely subservient to him.". She went on telling him every horrible detail and could feel a pressure leave her shoulders as well. She hadn't realized how good it would feel getting all that pent up emotion out. She then began telling him of her darkest day but how he saved her.
"It had been over a month and Gregory would always tell me how happy he was that you were dead. I began thinking that it was true. You hadn't come for me and I had seen you get hit with that rock...I decided that I didn't want to live anymore, especially in a world without you. I even found the spot where I was going to hang myself, but then I thought about what Rick had told me about you losing someone to suicide and I knew I couldn't do it. If there was even a shred of hope that you were still alive, I couldn't do that to you again"

Daryl stared off into space for a minute then nodded.

"Carol...I still don't understand that one. When our group first came together she was there with her husband Ed and little girl Sophia. We all knew he beat her and maybe we should have said something but nobody did. Figured it was their business. After Ed got attacked by a walker and died, I could see in her a lot that I had in me. Kindred spirits I guess you could say" he said bitterly "anyway soon after her little girl went missing, I did everything I could to find her but I failed. It was rough for awhile but eventually she and I...we were on the same page. We never really talked about it but we both knew how damaged we were and we just sort of fit. We were never physical, I knew what kind of emotions might come with that and ruin our friendship but still, she was the closest thing to love as I was going to get. After we got to Alexandria, I started feeling better about myself. I had a job or a purpose and it felt good to be depended on. She was still struggling and I don't know...I tried talking to her but I didn't really push. I knew she wasn't right in the head but I didn't do anything about it."

Raven could see the guilt eat him up.

"Daryl...her death had nothing to do with you. Not to sound like a jerk but you were probably the last thing on her mind when she decided to do it. It wasn't about you or anyone else she cared about, it was about her wanting the pain inside to stop. I get it, I really do...I get how someone could get there but I knew after all I had gone through if I had killed myself and then found out you were still alive, I would have been pissed. That's when I knew it wasn't an option for me and that I still had hope, just like you kept hope that you would find me. Me wanting you isn't really about the sex...I mean its great but it's more about me wanting to be as close as possible to you and for you to know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere and for me to know that you aren't going anywhere either"

Daryl stared at her and nodded lowering his hungry mouth to hers. His hands and mouth was everywhere and Raven knew he was wanting her every bit as much as she wanted him. He stopped for a moment asking her about her back but she shook her head telling him it would be fine. He thought for a moment and smiled pulling her onto his lap so she was straddling him. wrapping her legs around his waist she gasped and moaned when lifted her, guiding his swollen girth inside her. She rode his hardness feeling waves of pleasure roll off them in waves. He teased and licked her hardened nipples causing sparks of electricity shoot through her body. As she began to climax she felt his body shudder and explode inside her sending her to a place like floating blissfully on a cloud.

Still holding on to each other they lay and talked until the wee hours of the morning until sleep finally came. Daryl stared at the dark haired beauty, watching her sleep . He never had this before. He had girls before, sure...actually more than his fair share if you were counting, but this? This was different...it was even different from when they had first gotten together.
Maybe he had been wrong, maybe he could love.  

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