Atsushi X Reader - 'Oops!'

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I am going to warn you right now, don't be fooled by the lovey-dovey intro this is an odd fic; the idea was suggested to me by my friend as a joke, but I'm having serious writers block atm so I decided to write it anyway.

Yikes (Yo it's kinda a crack fic actually now i've read it over wow)

(P/N) – Pet name


"Atsushi, do you want to stay at mine tonight?" You asked, smiling softly at your boyfriend; his cheeks instantly faded to a light pink, but he nodded.

"Sure, that would be nice." He said, brushing his hand over yours before entwining your fingers together. The sun was dipping down now, and the sky had begun to glow a beautiful pink; a few birds flocked over the trees, and you both started to walk home. The evening breeze was pleasantly warm, and the city was beginning to rest; you looked to the side, watching Atsushi gaze at the sky with his dual-toned irises. His silvery hair was ruffled by the breeze slightly, and he eventually turned, catching you staring. He didn't say anything, but his cheeks grew redder, and his smile wider.

It wasn't a long walk home; you lead him towards your apartment complex, rummaging through your pocket for your keys. Grasping them, you both climbed the stairs and stopped outside the door.

"Fancy a take-away?" You asked, pushing open the creaky door; as you began to slip off your shoes, and hang up your jacket, Atsushi replied:

"Sounds good, pizza?" He suggested, as you both walked further into the living room.

"You read my mind; I'm going to go freshen up, then I'll order." You said, smiling gently before disappearing into the hall way. Pushing open the door to your bedroom, the first thing you saw was a bundle of fur curled up on your bed, nestled among the duvet; walking past, you stroked your cat, (P/N), briefly, before heading into the joint onsite. Quickly flicking on the light, you approached the sink and let the cold water flow for a second, before reaching for a clean cloth and letting it dampen. Wiping over your face, the cool fabric was a blessing on your skin; you decided to brush your teeth too.

After you finished, spitting the minty flavour from your mouth, you studied your appearance in the mirror for a brief second- brushing your hair- and washing your hands.

It had been a long time since Atsushi had stayed at your apartment; usually you slept at his, since it was closer to the agency. It was nice for him to stay here, though. You'd been together for a while, just over a year, and you'd never loved a person more than him. Every day was an adventure with him at your side, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Once you'd finished, you decided to get changed into something more comfortable before heading back into the main living room- throwing on a baggy jumper and leggings, you left the onsite and turned off the lights.

Tonight was going to be laid back, chilled and full of snuggles; you wouldn't have it any other way. Before heading back to your boyfriend, though, you grabbed a couple of DVDs from the bookshelf in the hallway; Atsushi's favourites.

Finally, pushing open the door and slipping into the living room, a fast rush of air raced past you, and into the hallway- you jumped, but quickly realized it was just (P/N). Breathing a quiet sigh of relief, your peace didn't last long, when a quiet chuckle came from behind the sofa.

"Atsushi, is that you?" You asked cautiously, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

When you heard no reply, you sighed, and slowly walked towards the sofa. The carpet was soft underfoot, yet you could feel something else... what the hell?

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