Chuuya X Awkward!Reader- 'My Lips are sealed'

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Omg I have not updated for 84 years I hope you're all still alive!!!!!!

This was a request from Sora_Osamu, hope you like it! <3



"Well, (Y/N)," Mori began, "It seems your ability is more useful than I originally anticipated."

You nodded at his praise, silently smiling; the boss had finally recognised how unique your power is, as well as how invaluable it had become. Watching him reveal a document from under his desk, the smile you wore vanished- it was down to business. The lighting in the room was dim, but you could make out the way his face had twisted into a look of maliciousness which didn't need an ability to silence everyone in the room.

"You've been with us for a while, I'm sure you're aware of the group 'The Ravens'?" He asked, laying out several photographs upon his desk. He beckoned you closer.

"I am, yes." You answered. The images were all blurry, showing silhouettes of figures hiding behind cars, buildings- blending with the shadows.

"Good, because we have a traitor in our midst, (Y/N); somehow the 'Ravens' have confidential information, which could only mean one thing. Betrayal." Mori continued, "They think they're going on undiscovered, but little do they know, they're about to be silenced. "

He then placed a small, silver pistol on his desk; it glinted under the light, and you eyed it cautiously before looking back up at your boss.

"This gun is loaded with a paralysing bullet; three of them. I want you to find the rat, take them down with one of these and 'question' them," he put emphasis on the word 'question'; you knew exactly what he meant. You knew it was going to get bloody. "We're going to use them as an example; silence him, remove his ability to talk. We'll send him back to the Ravens with a 'message'. Do not anger the Port Mafia."

A deadly grin had stretched over his face now, chilling you to the bone.

"Yes Sir." You dipped your head, reaching for the gun quickly. His cold hand brushed over yours, and you paused.

"Not so fast, (Y/N). I'm elated you're so willing to help, but there is more. You won't be working alone." Mori began, taking something from his pocket, you frowned. A small vial? What would you possibly need that for? "This is paralysing venom; I want you to take it to your partner and explain the situation."

You began to feel strangely uncomfortable; as a rule, you weren't good at working with other people, yet this felt different... You only knew two people capable of handling blades, which the venom was obviously for.

Gin, an assassin, or...

"Your partner for this mission will be Chuuya Nakahara."



"I...I said you have to work with me!"

"We already work together"-

"On a mission!"

You were losing your composure already. Damn it! Chuuya ignited a flame within you that you couldn't quite place. You knew this though; whenever you were around him, whether he's sat calmly, or even glances in your direction, it felt as if somebody had set your cheeks on fire!

"You could've just said that in the first place, jeez..." The small man sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"This is for you," You took a deep breath, holding out a couple pieces of paper you'd written on. Thankfully, you'd prepared beforehand and devised a briefing for him- you just couldn't trust your mouth to do it.

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