The Morning After

Start from the beginning

I wandered the white halls, turning corners and continually bumping into dead ends. It was like a maze. I didn't know where I was, I just needed to get out. I ran my legs burning with tiredness. There were loud and high pitched beeping and the sound of yelling. I reached the end of a long corridor and fond two double opening doors reading in red writing, 'Operating Room' I ran down the hall and it felt like it grew more distant. It was like I was running on an invisible treadmill, running but never going anywhere. I pushed myself harder and reached the end, I began pushing the doors open and saw blood, a lot of blood. And next to the blood were my father and Justin's body.

"No, no!" I screamed, but nothing came out. Someone pushed me out the door and came toward me. I tripped over and crawled backward, like in those stupid horror movies. That's when I realized Jacob was leaning over my body, holding a huge butcher knife. I was crying and he smirked, before lunging forward onto my body and stabbing me in the chest.

I shot upright, covered in cold sweat, panting like a wounded dog. I touched my chest and found I was still in a clean over sized boy's shirt. I ran my clammy hands through my hair, which was wet with sweat and sighed. I looked straight ahead and found Max and Jay standing there with Tommy, all with horrified looks on their faces. Tommy left and Max closed the door.

"How did you get in? I locked my bedroom door." I said.

"We found your spare key by the door with your phone." Jay said, "Are you alright?" he asked, I nodded and sat straight. "This," he said, holding out a flash drive, "Is the video of last night." he finished, handing it to me. "You may want to see It." he said finally, walking to the door. Max and him walked out and closed the door and I stood up. I stared at it for nearly 15 minutes. I was debating whether or not to look. But I wanted answers to last night right? This was how I was going to, so why not? I walked over to my iMac and plugged in the USB. There was a folder labelled 'Club video' and I opened it, inside it was one video and I clicked on it. A video of us all at the club began playing and it showed all the guys making out with their girlfriends. I smiled when I saw Cassy's smile and then it dropped as I saw me and Nathan practically dry humping on the floor. Okay so maybe I was over exaggerating, but it wasn't exactly innocent good boy and girl dancing. It shifted to us in the corner of the club, pouring beer all over each other. It then cut to us stumbling into the guys house us, all drunk off our head. Nathan was carrying me and I was laughing. We were both quoting Shakespeare which I was surprised we remembered. He put me down and Jay turned on the stereo in the home theatre. The scene shifted to me and Nathan in a corner him motor boating me.

I moaned and buried my head in my hands.

"How drunk did I get?" I mumbled.

The video then showed us all sitting on the couch, me on Nathan's lap. I leant over and whispered something into his ear and he laughed and stood up, dragging me alone into his room. The video turned black and I turned the screen off. I stood up and walked over to my window, which over looked Nathan's. I should go and ask him. No, no that's a stupid idea. I know me and him fucked, is there any point in him saying it as well? No, the answer is no. I had so many things wandering through my mind. I was so stupid. I then remembered why I smashed mums iMac and I grew angry. I sighed and slipped on a pair of track pants and a grey hoodie. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with makeup. I grabbed the flash drive and took it into the kitchen. I saw the blender sitting there, almost as though it was calling me. I smirked and through the flash drive in and put on the lid. I turned it on and it began pulverizing the piece of shit. I turned it off and emptied it into the bin. I clapped my hands together and headed to the front door. I was getting answers, maybe we didn't have sex. Maybe I just stripped for him and got into his shirt. Okay that sounds terrible. God I hope that didn't happen. I touched the cross on my neck, which was held by a simple chain. "Please don't let us have done it." I whispered. I got to the boys door and stood there for a minute, trying to pluck up the course to knock. Finally I did. I waited for 10 seconds and footsteps came to the door. The door opened and Max stood there,

(EDITING AND ON VERY LONG HOLD) All I've Ever Wanted (a Nathan Sykes love story)Where stories live. Discover now