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It was moments like this where fate had to let her past begin to haunt her. She couldn't quite understand why this foreign — yet so familiar — feeling that began to rush through her blood. The moment he walked into the room, she felt the adrenaline in her knees that wanted to pick up her feet and leave immediately. But she couldn't do that, she couldn't express her defeat, a huge combination of her anger and sadness. Her heartbroken self.

"Are you sure you don't want to grab a drink?" Jimin insisted, but she shook her head, her eyes still set on the boy a few metres away from her.

He seemed rather happy and content, which surprised Sujin. But Sujin managed to completely comprehend why he looked like he was in complete delight when a girl snaked her arms around his waist, catching him by surprise. Sujin winced at the sight, looking away as she began to walk to her table to get a glass of water.

"Why did I even come here?" She muttered to herself, taking a swig of her drink and placing it back on the table.

"It's a high school reunion, isn't it?" She turned around to see Jimin who had a sly grin planted upon his lips. "Come on, Sujin, time to cheer up!"

She rolled her eyes as they managed to spot Jungkook, the happy little pill that was sitting at a table at her far right. If Jungkook had found someone new, then the question was: was she really over him when he was already over her? Was it supposed to hurt when your ex found a new upgrade? Maybe Sujin really was his downgrade, the girl that was sitting terrifyingly close to him seemed like she had no imperfections, almost perfect enough that she could be compared to a porcelain doll.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt herself being pulled along by Jimin, who brought the two of them to the food stand to grab some food to munch on. Jimin was her best friend, almost like an older brother. The two have grown up together, and were inseparable. The only thing that pushed the two in different paths was the fact that Jimin joined a boy group that was reaching the top of the charts. On the other hand, Sujin was still in University, taking a major degree in journalism.

Through Jimin, she met Jungkook. Sujin felt extremely comfortable the moment they first spoke to each other, since they were the same age. It was easy to relate to someone that was the same age, rather than having to try and understand Jimin who was two years older and had much more experience than her. The more time they spent together, the more she was feeling herself loosen up towards him and right when she knew it — she was falling in love with him.

She remembered that very day where they were sitting across each other in a booth at the nearby cafe, his eyes searching through hers as his fingers tapped lightly onto the mug, the scent of coffee being the only thing in between the two lovebirds. She remembered him leaning into her and breathing in her scent, shutting his eyes before opening them once again — telling her that he was slowly falling in love with her.

And at that very moment, she knew that she had fallen even harder for him.

"Earth to Sujin. Yah, will you ever stop staring at him?" Jimin poked the side of her cheek as she sighed angrily, shoving a spoonful of rice into her mouth. "I wouldn't let him ruin your night, if I were you."

"Who said he was ruining my night?" Sujin questioned him, raising an eyebrow as he pursed his lips into a line.

"Something tells me that you're feeling uneasy." He remarked as she pouted, giving in and placing her spoon back on her plate. He chuckled as he rested his chin on his hand, "I knew it."

"This is so stupid, Jimin." She muttered as she clenched her fists, her eyebrows knitting against each other, "I shouldn't be stressing over someone I'm completely done with."

"Sujin, just a friendly reminder, you guys were done two years ago." Jimin remarked once again as he suddenly sat up straight, his eyes widening as he muttered a soft, "Speaking of the devil, look who's coming over."

Sujin felt her breath being knocked out of her lungs as she tensed up, her stomach buckling and her nervousness beginning to form underneath her skin. She stared at Jimin who looked completely fine, acting as if nothing odd had happened two seconds ago.

"Hyung, getting bored already?" Jimin chuckled as he patted a seat right next to him.

Jungkook smiled as his eyes trailed up and met hers, and it felt like everything around them had stopped. Sujin felt herself her cheeks begin to flush underneath his gaze, but she shrugged it off and flashed him a small smile.

Two years, and Sujin hasn't changed a bit. She was still that same teenage girl that looked kind in anyone's eyes, her smile always welcoming. The only thing that seemed different was the huge difference in maturity. On the other hand, Jungkook looked the same as always, his age always something hard to guess whenever she looked at him. He still had that babyface that she missed.

She cleared her throat and bowed her head respectively, offering him to sit beside Jimin who gladly smiled at the two who have reconciled after God knows how long. "Take a seat, we're pretty bored ourselves."

He snapped out of his trance and nodded his head, taking a seat next to Jimin, his eyes never leaving hers. He was at it again, searching for emotions that were trapped in her brown orbs. But this time, he didn't find any.

"How have you been?" Sujin smiled, getting her act together when really, she was hurting inside.

He shrugged, cocking his head to the side as she felt her heart clench. It were those little things that made her heart melt, his innocence being one of them.

"I've been good, how about you?" He kept the conversation to a minimal, afraid that he was letting his walls down again.

It was almost like he was beginning to forget that he belonged to someone else.

"Kookie, why don't we dance?"

Sujin stopped herself from keeping up the conversation when she glanced up to see the porcelain doll that successfully took his attention away from her. Jimin eyed the two women as Jungkook seemed like he was completely lost. Sujin looked towards Jimin and he gave her a reassuring smile, placing a hand over hers, the warmth calming her down.

"Excuse me." Jungkook bowed as he grabbed her hand, leading them to the dance floor to spend some quality time together.

The two young adults sighed with relief as Sujin placed her head into her hands, while Jimin burst out into fits of laughter. Raising an eyebrow, Sujin glared at him, "I don't even know her name, what is it?"

"Park Heejin." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, "You're jealous?"

Sujin chuckled bitterly as she shook her head vigorously, "Me?Jealous?"

She looked away from the trickster that was sitting next to her, her eyes travelling towards the two on the dance floor. Maybe she was jealous. She couldn't keep her eyes off of them. She always wondered how every girl felt when they were around Jungkook. She remembered how she felt incredibly special, because he himself made her feel that way without any effort.

Looking away from the love birds with disgust, she turned towards Jimin who caught her in the act of staring. Jimin shook his head, ruffling her hair and pinching her cheek.

"What do you want, Jimin?"

"I could tell that you're jealous. Push me ten miles away and I will still be able to feel your jealousy in the atmosphere."

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