Bottomless Pit Page and "A Bit Of History"-DECODED

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The code along the bottom of the pages says "Some of this junk ended up in my dimension

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The code along the bottom of the pages says "Some of this junk ended up in my dimension." .. Possibly the Nightmare Realm? I guess that means there are two gateways to that place...

 Possibly the Nightmare Realm? I guess that means there are two gateways to that place

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UPDATE- here is what the timeline says. (It's kind of hard to read. Thank you CrossoverMaster for bringing this to my attention!)

65 Mil- Dinosaurs ruled. (Until they didn't.)

30 Mil- CSO original impact. Valley formed. Tree ring interruption/ radiation tests confirm. Tell no one about this.

AD 1000- Native people mysteriously evacuate town in a hurry. Describe Gravity Falls as "cursed land." Leave behind treasure trove of pottery, blankets, & symbols. Some art depicts my Muse, and his interaction with a shaman named Modoc. Art hoarded by Northwests.

1842- Town is founded by Nathaniel Northwest.

1849- Gold Rush.

1850- Lesser Known "Flannel Rush."

1851- Mining ceases after miners claim sightings of prehistoric beasts. (Need to investigate.)

1860's- "High Five" supposedly invented by Oregon Trail settlers Grady and Fertilia Mecc. (Fertilia sets record of 42 children.)

1883- Great Train Crash of '83. (Conductor distracted by "flash of light" & careens off cliff.)

1920- Maple Syrup Prohibition leads to secret Pancake Speakeasies.

1937- Plane crash in mountains. Woman escapes into forest. "Amelia was here" carved in mountainside...

1947- UFO sighted. Headed east. Ronald Sprott Sr. claims to shoot it with his shotgun.

1960- Greasy's Diner salvages crashed train parts for restaurant.

1975- My arrival in Gravity Falls.

1981- Discovery of Muse.

The Future

There is a large code on this page, next to the pictures of the Bill-related artifacts. It says this- "Asked Shaman to build first portal. Big mistake. The thing was made out of twigs. Guy lit himself on fire to try to end my reign. Drama queen!"

I really don't think Bill is in any position to call the Shaman a drama queen.

I'll be posting a few more chapters later today. Until then, I'll see you guys later. GreyJay13 out!

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