Chapter 15 : tradgedy

Start from the beginning

"Well duh dummy she not gonna morph into some creature, double her dosage tonight this is taking to long" she said rolling her eyes

"What we've only been here for a few hours I can't do this anymore it doesn't feel right " he spoke

"Jack can you not be a bit*h for once gosh I didn't spend my money on the resort for you to back out on me" she growled

"Do I need to come there and push her down the stairs myself " she huffed Angrily

"Fine fine I'll double it " he said quickly he couldn't let her harm Eva

"Good run a long and play house and don't forget " she laughed

Hanging up he changed in to he swim trunks and grabbed two waters putting the pill in one he went in search for Eva


"There you are I was looking all over for you!! " jumping she turned around to see jack standing angrily below the cabana ..she had meet a few mothers at the resort and ended up chatting about what to expect for her peanut .

"Oh I lost track of time I didn't know you would be looking for me " she said embarrassed he was making a big deal out of nothing

"Well I'll be in the sweet , here " he said handing her a water bottle the stalking off

"My husband was the same way when I was pregnant wouldn't let me out his sight " one of the women she met said

"Oh , well it was nice meeting you" eva smiled standing up she instantly felt nauseous sitting back down she rubbed her belly something didn't feel right

"Sweetly are you okay " the women stood up in concern

"Yeah just need a some water " grabbing the water bottle she drunk the water quickly fanning herself maybe she been out in the sun to long.

"Do you mind helping me to my sweet "she asked the women nicely

"Of Course" she said helping her up walking towards the direction of her sweet

"Have you eaten anything that's probably the reason " she asked worriedly

" I think it is I haven't ate anything all day " she confirmed her suspicion

Unlocking the door with her card Jack noticed her being helped in rushing to her side.

"What did you do to her " he yelled helping Eva on the couch she was deathly pale

"Nothing she did nothing I just need some food ...Thank you for your help" Eva said holding her head ignoring Jack he was being so rude

"No problem . Make sure you have stand by medical assistant the baby might be ready " the women whispered towards Jack

Nodding he guided Eva toward her room helping her on the bed. "I'll order you something to eat " he said Leaving the room he went to order room service.

Slowing changing into a white night gown Eva laid down she felt as if she couldn't stand no longer she had no energy to do anything.

"I got you rice and steak and if thats to heavy I got you some soup " Jack said worriedly entering the room pushing a cart full of various foods.

Settling on the soup she sipped it slowly feeling the warm liquid cool her throat finishing the soup in minutes she felt no different she almost felt worse.

"Jack I need you to call parents " she asked siting up she didn't know what was wrong with her peanut but she had a gut feeling the there was something wrong.

"No your fine just relax maybe you should take a nap " he replied firmly pushing her back down.

Nodding she felt her eyes get heavy maybe a nap is what she needed.


Walking up Eva was hit with excruciating pain clutching her stomach in pain she shot up looking down she noticed a pool of blood staining the white fabric of her dress screaming she watched the thick blood trickle down her leg.

"JACK" she cried out his name she knew the signs of a miscarriage and she prayed that her baby was okay.

"JACK...." She sobbed holding the bed side table she tried to stand up and reach for the phone.

Her legs felt like jello and blood continued to flow from her onto the white carpet feeling light headed she felt her eyes droop down into darkness causing her to crash towards the ground.

Walking back to the sweet with breakfast Jack placed the pill in her orange juice knocking on her room door he waited for a reply.

After a few seconds of silence he figured she was still asleep unlocking the door he balance one hand with the tray and one with the key
"wake up sleeping beauty " he said turning the corner the tray fell from his hands crashing on to the floor.

Looking around it looked like a crime seen blood was every where the white sheets of the bed was smeared with blood searching for Eva he went around the bed to see her laying lifelessly on the ground blood flowing like a river from in between her legs.

Grabbing her into her arms he shook her body "what have I done " he thought dialing 911 her body was cold as ice.

"EVA...PLEASE" he sobbed shaking her hoping she would wake.

"EVA PLEASE WAKEUP IM SORRY!" He yelled pulling her towards his chest

Seconds later the door was busted open by paramedics and police pulling her from him they strapped her body to a stretcher.

"Sir what happened "

"I....I don't know i went to get good and came back to this" he stuttered he feared that the love of his life was now dead because of him

"Sir how far along is she , when's her due date"

"Um.... I'm not sure I think it was for another 3 weeks"

"I hear a pulse she's breathing " she yelled

"SIR !! your gonna have to step back " a police said pushing him back

"Chopper is on site , we need to move" they said attaching several tube onto her body

"Sir is this your wife" one paramedic asked as they pulled her into the chopper

"No but she's...."

"You'll have to meet us at the hospital" they interrupted closing the door by now the whole resort was watching as the helicopter pulled away.

"Oh my god is she okay!! " an older women's ran up to him worriedly he now notice it was the women that helped her last night.

"I don't know " he spoke silently blood stained his shirt and hands he had to get to the hospital

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