Chapter 14 : The Drug

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Watching his sweet Eva sleep he smiled happily that he finally won hearing a loud ringing he quickly grabbed Eva's phone from the charger port making sure not to wake her. viewing the contact he saw 100 missed calls and 50 messages from Artem growling in anger he read the text messages.

Please Eva where are you I need to know if your safe.

I love you , can we please talk about this don't do this

Eva please... He's lying to you Eva I wasn't with her I haven't been in years Eva.

Deleting the messages he looked back at his precious Eva replying he typed a message.

Im sorry Artem but I can't do this I'm in love with Jack , you lied to me so I never want to see you again don't try and find me....

Turning towards him he quickly erased the message shoving her phone into the the chair cushion.

"Your still here "she asked the bright sun peeked through her small window so she wondered if he watched her sleep the whole time.

"Um yeah you were tossing and turning I didn't want to leave you " he smiled nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Oh well I'm fine now I'm gonna take a shower I'll text you if anything happens " she smiled in confusion he was being so weird lately why would he stay up for hours watching her sleep.

"Yeah I should get going " getting up he kissed her forehead and walked out.

"So you and jack " her mom entered scaring her.

"Gezze mom you scared me " she held her rapidly beating heart.

"I've always know he had a crush on you he would follow you around like a lost puppy when you guys were younger " she giggled

"No mom me and jack aren't anything well I don't know, He likes me more than I thought he did "

"Well Jack is a good kid and I see the way he looks at you with so much love but if your not ready Eva don't be with him to make him happy go at your pace" she said in a motherly tone.

"I know....Thanks mom "

"Your fathers downstairs he want to see his grandson "

"I'll be down in a minute" she smiled her dad worked long hours at the construction site so he would be gone most of the day.

After her shower she got dressed racing down stairs to see her dad who was sitting on his favorite chair watching the news.

"Dad" she smiled hopping on his lap hugging him

"Hows my baby girl and my grandson doing" he said

"We're doing find no pain from this one today " she laughed

"That's good. Your mom used to be in so much pain carrying you " he laughed

"Oh don't remind me , you were a pain in the butt " she said walking in with a sandwich and lemonade.

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