Chapter 12: Gone

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Exiting the office building Artem waited for his car at the valet hearing his phone ring he answered not bothering to look at the caller I.D. It was midday afternoon and he was so happy to be able to see his princess . He hated that he had to work late each night taking away his time from her .

"Artem Monroe how may I help you" he spoke naturally in his business tone.

"Artem we need to talk " Kim voice screeched over the phone causing him to become instantly annoyed what did she possibly want now . He haven't heard from her in months he noticed that she stayed clear of any paparazzi seeing as she wasn't front page of anything.

"Talk about what Kim, do you not understand we're not gonna work....ever so stop calling my phone" he yelled annoyed

"I know she doesn't know that we're still married Artem. So don't have me drop by your condo and let her say I'm a great actress so don't try me I'll play the wife of a cheating husband role very well. Stupid whore wouldn't know what's coming so if you want to continue to keep your secret a......secret" she paused chuckling lightly

" I advise you meet me I'll text you the address" click the phone hung hung up and with that he sighed internally his day was not going well if he had to see Kim.

"Um sir your car is here" nodding to the valet he got in he couldn't believe the nerve of her how did she find out reading his text message he drove to the destination she sent which was the same Doctor office him at Eva went to. Getting out he entered the small building his face set in a permanent scowl.

"Glad you could make it" Kim approached him pulling him into a bone crushing hug it's been months since anyone had seen her and now he knew why her stomach and breast protruded out of the small dress she wore. Her hair was in a disheveled mess red lipstick smudged her lips and her feet were jammed In a pair of heels she looked a mess. One thing about Kim was that she loved her figure and the thought of barring children disgusted her thus why she's been hiding. He solely remember constantly asking for children throughout there marriage just to be told no and that it will ruin her body. 

" So you really are pregnant" he couldn't believe that she was pregnant with his baby seeing as it was only once that he bedding her . But he wasn't  naive to know that once was all it takes be a father of 2 .

"Yes I brought you here so you could see the truth" she smiled this baby was dollar signs in her eyes and she needed Artem to believe that this baby was his .

"Mr and Ms Monroe the Doctor is ready for you" the nurse called out pointing them towards the small room.

"That's us , come on honey" Kim laced their hands pulling him into one of the small rooms.

"Um...hi if you'll lay down will get started" The doctor smiled nervously avoided Artem's gaze completely.

It was the same Doctor he threatened a months ago "When can a DNA test be done?" he barked out angrily pulling his hand out of her tight grip quickly.

"Oh um.. Well a DNA can't be done when the baby is still inside" he shook in fright while rubbing the clear substance on her belly

"Artem stop joking around your embarrassing me" she fake laughed glaring at him to stop .

"So as you see there's your baby girl" watching the screen he watched as the small figure move slightly he was having a girl . Looking down at Kim he noticed her genuine smile which he had not seen in a long time.

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