Chapter 13 : Home

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Hearing a knock on the door Eva quickly woke up. looking around she noticed that she had fallen asleep on the floor her back ached in discomfort as she rose to stretch and her stomach growled in hunger.

"Eva its me Claire can you open up please" claire spoke worriedly from the other side of the door. Opening the door Eva was greeted with a bowl of soup and a worried Claire.

"Thought you might be hungry I got scared when you weren't answering" she said handing her the bowl of soup closing the door behind her Eva stomach growled at the delicious smell.

"Thank you and sorry I fell asleep" she said hoarsely her voiced cracked from crying herself to sleep.

Taking a seat she sat quietly taking a sip of the warm soup looking back up she noticed Claire staring nervously at her.

"What's going on ?"Eva asked

"Ok well...Um I don't know if you want to see him but Jack is here he wants to speak with you " she said nervously shifting from side to side.

"'s fine I guess " she mumbled sipping her soup she knew what was coming he was gonna yell in her face I told you so for not listening to him.
Hearing another knock Claire opened the door Jack entering quietlylooking down Eva prepared herself for the scolding.

"I'm so so sorry you had to find out this way Eva " he said standing at the door way she was shocked at his apology she was waiting for him to gloat in her face with a smug grin.

"No you were right I am a fool I should have believed you I'm so sorry Jack " she cried sadly setting the bowl down. She was so dumb to think a guy like Artem could love her.

"No Eva I was wrong what I did was wrong and I hope you could forgive me. What I said to you was not okay your not a fool you just didn't know" Jack said pulling her into his arms sighing internally he smiled inhaling her sweet vanilla scent he missed so much. She was finally back in his arms where she belonged.

Hugging him back she cried silently her emotions were all over the place
" I can't be here guys I need to leave town for a while" she said pulling away from his embrace.

"Where are you gonna go" Jack asked he didn't want her to leave so soon he just got her.

"To my parents I just can't see him" she confessed she didn't know how she would feel if she seen Artem again would he act like everything was normal like he wasn't lying to her this whole time she thought

Hearing loud banging on the front door she jumped in fright knowing exactly who it was panicking she stood up. Slowly Peeping through Eva's window which could see anyone at the front door Claire watched as Artem bang aggressively on the front door .

"Guys He's here what are we gonna do" she asked worriedly he looked like he was out for blood.

"Okay I'll answer the door and you to go out the back door go get Eva's car at his house so she can leave" Jack spoke calmly getting up

Nodding Eva and Claire got up  grabbing there things they quickly ran towards the back door
"WHERE IS SHE!!!" She heard Artem yell frantically as the back door closed behind them. His voice sounded so sad but she knew the truth this was all a game to him.

"Eva come on we have to make this quick " Claire spoke pulling her hand breaking her from her thoughts.

Entering The car Claire speedily drove towards Artem's condo where her car was parked getting out they made there way inside grabbing her things she left all the expensive possessions Artem bought her only packing her stuff into two small suit case and quickly loaded them into her car .

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