22: highway to hell

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Harry was now in the SunTrust building after hours just him, security and a man at the front desk. When he got up to the room 'paper towns' was shot he told security to wait outside the doors until he was ready to leave. He dragged his feet across the carpeted floor and trailed a finger along the marble conference table soaking in the moment. He placed his phone onto the table and started playing 'Swingin Party' at a low volume. He then stared out the floor length glass windows and looked at the view. He shoved his hands into the pocket of his white suit he had yet to change out of and felt the paper. He took it out and pulled up a swivel chair to read the letter in front of the lights and subdivisions.

"If your reading this you probably are in the SunTrust building enjoying the view or maybe you're in the hospital room because you couldn't wait. Knowing you I know you're to loyal to ever break a promise.

Moving on, I told you I wanted to come to the SunTrust building because I wanted to be like Margo Roth Spieglman but now that I think about it I didnt want to be like her. I wanted to go to the SunTrust building because it was in the magazine I was reading, I had no attachment to this here building. I just wanted to travel that's another reason why I made this note for you specifically. I want you to carry it wherever you go therefor part of me is traveling where you go.

I'm sorry if you feel like I waisted your time and if you just want to dispose of this then feel free but thanks for taking me to the SunTrust building like you promised.

Now I need one more favor then I'll rap this letter up. I want you to stay here for a while after you finish reading this and hum the theme song to 'friends' and dramatically stare out the window then say, "I Harry Styles read a paper note then looked over the paper towns." And say it just like the girls in the telenovela I watch alot.
If you do that I will love you forever and ever."

Harry stopped just to laugh at what he was reading then finally stopped and continued.

"I hope i made you laugh like i intended and if i didnt well fake laugh. We had alot of good times and this would be one of them, even if I'm not there with you. I've grown to love you like a friend, a brother, a cousin, a mentor, and anything you could think of.

Oh and good luck on the movie and tell the rest of the members of one direction I'm a big fan.

Harry you're gonna get very very far I can see it. Your an actor, a singer, handsome and your sweet. That alone will take miles.

Bye Harry.

P.s when you walk away i wamt you to play "highway to hell" very loud.

P.s.s I left the mancala bored for Adan so when you wanna play make sure to teach her to play

P.s.s.s I'm gonna miss you Harry"

Harry sat staring off for a moment with a smile on his face thinking of Hazina and the letter she wrote for him "Perfect." Was what he mumbled to himself when thinking about her. He thought she was possibly the best person that could've walked the earth and probably the last.

He twisted his ankles causing the chair to move around in a circle. "So no one's told you life was gonna be this way." He said beginning to sing the tune. He smiled at his papers then dropped his arm back down and twirled.
"You're jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life d.o.a" he stood up of the chair and pushed the chair in. "Its like you're always stuck in second gear." His foot tapped to the beat in his head and his hands patted the side of his legs. "And if it hasn't been your day, your week, your month or even your year." Harry walked up to the glass and stared out. "I'll be there for you." His voice no longer in a tune but instead it came out like words. He stood silent for a 10 minutes watching cars drive and people roam the streets. "Harry are you ready to leave?" A man asked. Harry put the paper in his pocket and started walking to the door and let the door shut behind him.

They were approaching the steps when Harry forgot something. "Oh I forgot I'll be right back." He spun around and quickly walked back to the room shutting the door behind him. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out leaving a hand entangled into his hair.

"I Harry Styles read a paper note then looked over the paper towns."

The End.

If you liked that story then go and read my other books equally as good.

Nicotine Blues

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Erin Nurse~ xoxo

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