20: Crying In The Mic

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It was the funeral today, August 26 even though she died on the 23rd. The family decided to bury her instead of have her cremated. Hazina would've wanted everyone to dress in white and so that's what they did. Harry dress in a nice all white suite with matching shoes and his hair draped down his shoulders but the upper half pulled into a bun and two strands falling by his eyes. He and a few security showed up to pay respect and be supportive. A bit of friends from school and teachers sat behind the important family and friends also paying respects and remembering her. Adan sat beside Harry and and Mark crying like never before. It was never a dull or dry moment.

"My daughter Hazina Mae King was not only my first and only child but the sunshine in my life as well. She could brighten up any room with a smile. She was creative, smart, funny and beautiful and stripped of her life to soon. When we first found out she had got cancer we didn't know how to cope with it. Sure we cried alot and prayed that the diagnosis was wrong but most importantly we promised her we'd be strong. As a mother it was hard spending countless hours in the hospital with my daughter and living life as a cliffhanger when visiting hours ended. Every night I would look at pictures and see how much she changed. She lost her excitement, her happiness and most importantly lost her motivation. Weeks on in you could see she was ready to give up and lose the war and as much as I wanted her to push she couldn't. I would've loved to see her graduate high-school and go to prom and eventually become a independent women but life doesn't always work out that way." She paused, "Hazina didn't deserve this." Her mom broke down crying and so her husband came to move her from the podium. Tears quickly filled Harry's eyes but he gently padded under his eyes just to be strong for Adan who was silently crying now. Tears slipped down her eyes like dripping water from a faucet. Harry moved a hand over her shoulder and rubbed her back before she walked up next to podium.

"My bestfriend was gone to soon. She was taken from me leaving me here alone before I could even say goodbye. We had big plans for eachother that we haven't told anyone else." She started getting choked up so Harry walked over and stood beside her. She tried clearing her throat and began again. "She was my favorite person in the world and I was her's. We did our makeup and hair together but now I have to do it alone but it's fine because I will always remember how beautiful she was even in a hospital gown. It's scares me to think something so delicate like life was taken from my friend but that just makes me want to live for her. She's done everything for me from making me laugh down to giving me advice but I just wish that wherever she is right now she can know how much she means to me." Adan finished and hugged Hazina's parents and stood off to the side. It was now Mark's turn. He was dressed nicely in white slacks and a button up.

"I didn't know Hazina like the rest of you. I knew her for at less then 30 days but It felt like I lost a sister when I was told the news. I prepared for this moment the best ways possible because we all will leave earth one day but I was hoping Hazina would last a while longer. The first day I met her was an accident that I never regret. She and I instantly bonded and not even knowing me for an hour she showed a act of kindness and helped me carrying food to my grandpa. I used to vist her every Friday and whenever I had a basketball game I'd visit her right after and show her the trophy I won until one time I came to her and she was on a hospital bed crying and being wheeled into surgery. Since then I realized she could be gone any minute therefore I dedicated everything and every minute to her. Like I said I didn't know her like you did but from what I've experienced these past couple days I will miss her a whole lot like you." Mark ended. It was now Harry's turn to speak without crying.

"Hazina requested to see me and not one thought crossed my mind not to go, maybe it was fate maybe it wasnt. When I first saw her, her and Adan were preparing to Skype me but I decided to one up and see them face to face. My first thought was 'wow she was the most beautiful and unique little girl I saw'. Even through all she's gone through she managed to smile and look her best.
    We sat there for a while talking and although it was a bit awkward the first time I met them I wanted to fix it so I gave it a go for a second time. Her and I built a bond and looked at eachother as siblings. Seeing her go through her ups and down opened my eyes that people with the same condition go through this everyday." Harry stopped when his voice cracked but no one noticed. Everyone looked at him teary eyes and nodding at his words. He felt pain looking at her family and friends but he had to finish his speech. "That's why I decided to donate a quater of a million dollars to the make a wish foundation." Gasp and chatter field the cemetery. Harry nodded confirming what he said. "Not only will I do that but I will spend two days every months with a child with her cancer. Hazina would've been happy to here this but I'm not only doing this for her but I also doing this for the friends and family in your position or approaching your position. Hazina had a good heart and that's why I know she's in a better place now." Harry then walked away leaving everyone in pleasure at his speech and kind deed. He had to resist crying into the mic the entire time so when he finished he had to stand alone for a second to recollect himself

Hazina was then lowered into the ground with large sunflowers thrown onto her coffin.

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