Chapter 6: Bakery boy Styles

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"And then as I was coming down the stairs I don't know what happened all I know is I felt like I was flying and I was in the air for at lease 5 whole seconds." Everyone was cracking up and dying of laughter at my story. "Wait, was you foot slippery from the shower?" Harry asked putting his empty carton down beside him. His eyes glossed over with tear from laughter as well as Adan. I shook my head no still laughing, "Her mom rushed over and Adan sat there laughing." I said making them laugh even more. "Oh, my god." Adan said clapping her hands and turning red. She leaned forward gripping her stomach. "She's such a good friend." I sarcastically added causing Harry to chuckle. "Didn't you hit your head on my head board after?" Adan laughed getting up to hunch over. Moments like these made me wonder why she is my bestfriend. She laughs when I'm in pain for no apparent reason, I can literally break 2 ribs and she'll probably laugh. "Yoo, omg and earlier that day I fell getting into her dad's truck." Harry's eyes widen in shock and Adan laughed more if possible and said she remembered. I'm sure she remembers, she always remembers my fails. "So like my dad came to pick her up in his truck and it's like really big," I spread my hands shoulder length apart and mouthed 'massive' to Harry and only laughed at us. "And we are short so for me getting in the truck is like cardio, a jungle gym, and rock climbing in all and was trying to swiftly get in but my foot slipped on on the step bar-" We all started laughing like crazy people. Harry was clapping his hands and his eyes squinted and face crinkled as he pulled his hair back laughing at us. Adan was leaning on me with her face completely red trying to dab at her makeup to remove the tears.

"Its was a lot of fun, it was like working with the golden girls." Harry smiled telling us about working at the bakery. "Is it always crowded since people know who you are?" I asked intrigued as Adan and I layed on the end of the bed using the palm of our hands to hold up our head. Harry shook his head no and began talking some more. "I was actually visiting the other day and I was talking to one of the ladies because her daughter just got married and as we were talking a girl came in smiling and recognized me. Her whole face changed, she says "You're Harry from one direction!' I was a bit uneasy because I'm not sure if she'll go out and tell everyone I'm back in town so I'm hesitant and then Bertha steps in and says, 'no he's Harry from the bakery.' She looked so confused but serious at the same time. I start snickering and the girl starts pointing out things like how my hair is so Bertha steps in again and says, "That's not Harry Styles, the real one get paid for grinding on a microphone. This one getting paid for grinding dough." At this point we were laughing and the girl is standing there confused and Bertha and I are just laughing when the girl leaves with a autograph that says bakery boy Styles."

At this point Adan and I were laughing at the idea of Harry Styles actually grinding his pelvis on dough when Harry thought we were laughing at 'bakery boy styles'.

When it says on the Internet that Harry Styles isn't funny it's true because we fake laughed through certain parts of the story to make him feel good. "Bertha sounds like a keeper." Adan commented with a little smirk. I nodded in agreement and Harry confirmed that she is.

"So Adan, you come here everyday to visit Hazina?" Harry asked crossing his arms and sitting back in his seat patting his index finger on his bottom lip. Adan looked at me and smiled proudly. "Yeah, she's my bestfriend and I plan on spending as much time with her as possible." Harry eyes looked over at me and he winked and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in my stomach.
Harry Styles winked at me and I know that I'm 16 year old cancer patient and he's healthy 22 year who won't even so much as look at me in a sexual way but I couldn't help it but look at him in that way at the moment. I was now grinning and self-consciously brushing my hand up and now my arm. He then averted his gaze out the window overtaking another silence in the room. "Have you guys ever been to a 1D concert." Adan and I was ready to rant but we did it so subtle it seemed as if we hardly cared. "Well i mean you guys are always in other states or Los Angeles so we never been to your concert. Besides, your tickets cost an arm and a leg so even if you were having a concert around the corner of would only be able to watch from my window or watch it on youtube." I answered frustrating myself a bit. I then realized I couldn't be upset because plenty of girl haven't even had the chance to even so much as offer Harry ice cream so I should be great full, but on the other hand I had to remember the circumstances of why I was meeting him." Harry noticeably looked uncomfortable but only rubbed his palms up and down his pants. "What did you want to be when you got older?" Adan and I gasped and Harry's eyes widen wondering what he had done wrong. "You make it seem like she isn't going to grow old." Adan said putting her hand over her heart and the other on my shoulder. A few tears rolled down my cheeks and I swiped them away. "Are you saying I'm going to die?" I asked a bit scared. Harry's face paled, eyes widen and mouth ajar but nothing to say. He shuddered "I-i d-didn't say that." I cried more and he jumped up from his seat wrapping his arms around me. "No no please, shh, please don't cry I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He apologized frantically squeezing me tighter.

Adan broke out into laughter and I did as well. "What?" Harry asked backing his head up but arms still wrapped around me. I was smiling and giggling and this time he completely removed himself. "You should've seen your face." I laughed hunched over grabbing my ribs.

"What the hell! That's not funny!" He shouted infuriated. Adan and I jumped a bit horrified at how deep his voice had gotten causing us to noticeably shudder. "Are you two crazy!" His face red and vein displaying. Maybe we took this a bit too far with our jokes. "Jeez, man we are sorry." We apologized feeling a mixture of nauseous, fear and guilt all in one. Then he began to chuckle, I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows. "You should've seen your faces." Harry smirked pushing his hair back and laughing. "I was nervous for a minute." Adan stated raising her eyebrows and shaking her head with a little smile painted on her lips. "Guy's it time to wrap it up." Nurse Questa said knocking on the door frame. Her hair done up and makeup on point, it was clear she was trying to impress someone and was trying hard. She bit her lips when Harry looked over at her and she winked. He awkwardly waved and she blushed walking away. "That nurse, I don't like her." Adan instantly said, her Spanish accent strong with each word causing me to raise my eyebrows. "She's only here to take care of me until I'm gone and after I'm gone you no longer have to see her. And she's told me you've been giving her dirty looks so cut it out." I said rubbing my two index fingers on one another trying to do the 'shame on you' hand gesture. She put her hands up in defense then we looked back at chuckling Harry towered over us listening to our conversation. "It was nice meeting you girls, I had a really good time." He smiled reaching down to give us hugs tightly. Security came into the room ready to guided him out when we were done. "Thanks for coming Harry, it means a lot to us and Haz especially. It's a great thing you're doing for her." Adan spoke up seriously pleased with Harry.
"No problem girls, I'll see you tomorrow. " He said. Security patiently waited for Harry to come along. Adan and I exchanged looks then spoke in unison repeating the last word of his sentence. "Harry your only had to come one day." Reminding him obvious. "Well that was the deal with M.A.W.F but I want to see you two again but I guess if you me to go-" Adan cut him off midsentence. His smile widening and bright as Harry was begged by us to come tomorrow. My jaw slacked and voice grew weak.

I didn't believe Harry liked use

Harry enjoyed us.

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