19: Goner

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Song for this chapter: twentyone pilots- goner

Harry POV:

"Harry are you ready to go back to hotel? She's asleep." Tommy said tapping my arm until I finally awoke. I looked over at Hazina to see her fast asleep and then I looked out into the hallway and it was pretty silent aside for monitors and the nurses chattering. "No I'm gonna stay the night." I informed him. It was clear on his face he didn't find it in my best interest to stay the night but he didn't counter my actions in anyway. "Okay." He nodded, "do you need anything?" He asked. I thought for a moment then shook my head letting him walk away. Now that I was up all I could think about how such an extraordinary girl was given something so vile. I grew so attached to her and I grew to know she was just a young girl with hopes and dreams like me. She was misunderstood often and didn't even get to live a normal life. This right here is an eye opening experience for me and probably everyone else. I was going to experience real pain.

Her mom and dad were going to lose their only daughter.
Adan was going to lose her bestfriend.
Mark was going to lose his new friends.
I was going to lose a little girl I grew to love and care about,
And the world was going to lose the best person ever.

I took one last glance at her before closing my eyes hoping to go to sleep for a good 10 minutes. I ended waking up when Hazinas heart rate monitor started slowing down and her breathing became more ragged.

I jumped up screaming "nurse" already feeling hot tears pour down my face like an instinct. Security cleared out pulling me with them as several doctors of all sort rushed in to see the problem. Patients waking up startled and curious to what was going and why everyone was rushing in there. I tried to pull from security but the hot tears clouding my eyes made it entirely to hard to see and the Tommy was heavily gripping my arms suggesting I stayed near him.

Hazina's POV:

I told you I die. If you thought this was going to be a happy ending then you've had me surely mistaken. I told you I died whether you take my word for it or not you now know.

The cancer spread and with my stroke I was a goner.

See that dark spot? Yeah that's how my brain looked after my stroke and the autopsy

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See that dark spot? Yeah that's how my brain looked after my stroke and the autopsy.

Atlease I'm finally content with my life after all this pain suffering because I'm finished.

I just wished I could've said goodbye to my two bestfriends, Markus and his grandpa and my parents.

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