Chapter 4: Perhaps Disney World

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I would be meeting with the people in charge of the M.A.W.F today with my parents to see if I were able to be visited by Harry gorgeous freaking Styles.
I wasn't dumb like Hazel Graze Lancaster from the tfios. Nah, I wasn't wasting a wish on a trip to hamsterdam or whatever you call it to meet some freak who listens to Swedish music.
Although this wish wasn't originally mine it was still a hell of a good wish from my bestfriend.
I had dressed in my usual 3 sizes to big, straight legged pants, black on black converse that been washed so much they look green and my grey hoodie and fishing cap with a cod fish on the top. I didn't put much effort into my appearance simply because I was dying and no one couldn't judge a sick person. My mom was clearly unhappy with my outfit choice but didn't say much knowing I wouldn't care, and im sure she's aware that I'll come back with a snarky remark like 'im going to die anyway, no one cares how i look." And knowing her she'll be thinking about it all day.
Its not like i couldnt dress, its just that today I didn't feel like doing my makeup or dressing nicely. I'm constantly visited by the same people so effort isn't required ever.
I was sure she wasn't going to say anything but in fact I was wrong. Instead she just hinted like any other mother and said "Are you really wearing that?" But I didn't give a single care because it was either this outfit or the hospital gown that can display my butt to everyone.

Because of my current condition doctors were skeptical if I would be able to go to the M.A.W.F facility. Luckily the people in charge decided they wouldn't mind coming to me so we used the hospital conference room located on the roof. I was wheeled to elevator and the conference room by my mom who was ecstatic over the fact I get a wish and the fact that its been forever since I left my room. Every now and then she would clap her hands or talk to my dad about how excited she was as I sat there with a little smirk played on my chapped lips.

As i approached the room i thought nothing is set in stone just yet, anything can happen. There is a stronger possibility that he won't be able to come then the possibility that he will so I have to keep my hopes low and remember that not every wish can be granted. Just rich folks full of pity for the sick and not genies.

I was rolled into the room and was seated infront of three men and one lady sitting down with papers infront of them and important looking suits. I expected happy faces and all that jazz but no, just stone cold tight lipped smiles.
I was wheeled into place and my parents sat beside me. My oxygen tanks beside my mother and my dad holding my hand.

"Goodmorning." My mom greeted with a smile holding her hand out for a handshake. They all gave her a handshake and returned the greeting. I was already tired and I haven't even walked here. I didn't walk because my choice. There is nothing wrong my legs, I can walk but I get winded easily therefore I requested a wheelchair.

They told us their names were William, Pete, Cassidy and Jacob, all workers at the M.A.W.F.
"So what exactly is your daughters wish?" Cassidy with a dark blue suit on and a tight bun probably held back by mounds of jell because her hair clearly wasn't lengthy enough to be put in a bun. "Hazina and her friend wants to spend 1 day with Harry Styles from the band one direction while they are on break." My father spoke up. His hand squeezing mine lightly and so I squeezed his for reassurance. I'm sure my light squeeze didn't suffice but it was an attempt. The people exchanged looks and put their pens down. "Is this your wish or your friends wish huh?" The lady asked sarcastically...I think. "Its OUR wish." I responded rudely earning a slight glare from my mom. Another silence fell but soon a voice picked up. "You are aware that the chances of Harry coming is slim to none." Pete with grayish hair and brown eyes stated. I sighed under my breath knowing he was right. "Yes we are aware that's why we spoke upstairs in her room and decided we won't get our hopes high right Hazina?" My mom said looking at my crossed arms and bland face expression. I nodded my head and mumbled 'yeah'. My father nodded along with me and rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand. "Celebrities like Mr.Styles are often requested and are hardly ever granted due to contracts with their label, business and personal issues. And Some stars can't even tolerate seeing cancer patients-" I had to cut that guy off midsentence because I already had a question that boiled up anger in me. "What do you mean they can't tolerate people with cancer?" I asked raising my voice and shooting him a glare. My fingers clenched and my heart raced faster then it has in months which says a lot. "Some celebrities have had death in the family due to cancer and can't handle another death over the sickness. Others believe they shouldn't get attached at all to benefit both parties." Another male doctor name William explained. He resembled John Stamos a lot. He slowly irritated me with his words but I didn't say a word, instead I let my parents talk. "And like we said we lowered our hopes but can you please make an effort." My father pleaded. The lady nodded her head and smiled dearly at me and lucky for her I was polite enough to smile back.
I was being wheeled out when Jacob stopped my parents then averted his gaze to me. "If we can't get a hold of Mr.Styles do you have any other request? Perhaps Disney World?" I restrained from rolling my eyes and just shook my head.

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