Discovering more about the enemy

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 I walked out of my small house with grace nodding at all the passing people and holding my head high showing them that I was in charge. I contunited to walk until I made it to Ellena's house and nocked on her door. In less then a minute her mom opened the door showing me in and to the front room where Elena was sitting. I approached her and took in her ragged appearence. She was wearing a slim dress which I assumed was her pajamas. Her hair was mangled and falling every which way and she had large circles under her eyes. She looked up and noticed me looking shocked she looked down at her self and blushed.

"I am sorry for my apperance please let me excuse me so I may go clean up" She said running out of the room.

I took a seat on there small 3 person couch and sat in silence as Ellan's mom ran around the room picking things up. I understood her panic normally the head of the community doesn't make house visits. She asked me if I wanted coffee, I nodded slowly before she scrambled into the next room. 10 minutes later I had a steaming cup of coffee in front of me and Ellana was emerging from the hallway. She now had her hair combed down and was wearing a very casual outfit. She looked at me hesitantly before sitting on the couch next to me and taking a large sip of the coffee her mom set in front of her. I waited for her to start talking as I took a small sip of the coffee.

"So Electra what brings you here" She said.

"Well I think we both know, but I will say it anyway, I need to know a little more about what happened to you and I would like to know the location of the town." I said looking at her suddenly worried face.

"They didnt take the blindfold off of me until we got there and the town was at least three or four times the size of ours. No one there was happy I could feel there aura they were all afraid. I didnt really know why until they brought me to there leader. Normally a human wouldnt scare me but he immediatly made me terrified. It took me three months to get out but I finally did. I remember escaping in the night I vaugly remember the way but I am sure I could map it out for you" She offered.

"That would be great, I am taking a crew and we are going to visit this village we will leave as soon as you give us the way" I said.

"I dont know if that is a good idea they have guards all around the place and they are all brainwashed and armed with these strange divises that shot these small metal things that hurt really bad and each one has a soul sucker machine" She said.

"We have to if they are potentially going to become a threat to us we need to know them better" I said seriously. 

"I...I just really don't think this is a good idea...what....what if they capture someone" she said tears starting to flood her eyes.

Man this girl is way to emotional for my liking I thought before speaking again "I know your scared about it but we have to because for all we know they could be on there way right know" I said placing a hand on her shoulder and giving her a small smile.

"Ok" she said as I got up.

She followed me out and we began to walk though the village. We walked past many houses and lots of watching eyes all wondering what we were doing. Finally we came to the arena and entered going up the winding stairs and sitting in the tall stands. We watched as the best of our witches and wizards practiced, they were all apart of our army. They had been selected at birth and trained everyday with one of the top warriors. It was there duty to protect the village if anything went wrong. We watched closely as people fought each other and also learned the perfect techniqe so they would never fail. After a while the insturucter finally came up and sat beside us.

"I suppose you have not come her just to watch" He said eyeing me.

"You guessed right...I was planning on making a journey today to a near by village. But this place doesnt welcome our kind and I was wondering if I could take some of your best with me for pertection" I finished. 

"Yes of course" He said happily to her.

"Great send them over to my house in about an hour, tell them to bring stuff for at least a weeks journy" I said begining to get up.

I walked past him as he nooded his head and gave Electra a funny look. We walked to my house which was nearby. As soon as we were inside I told Elena to have a seat at my small table, after that I went into my small guest bedroom and began pulling different maps out of the closet. I finally found the right one and set it down on the table handing Elena a pencil. Elena examined the map for a couple of minutues before finally starting to sketch out a road leading to the village were the soul sucking man lived. She countined to do this for at least ten minutes before finally finishing, examining the coordinantes. I to began to look them over there was a small circle pointing out where we lived coming off of that was a large line that went by many landmarks, it continued for would be 25 miles then stoped at an x. Without warning a loud bang rang through the house and I immediatly went to the door knowing it was the warriors. I opened my door inviting them in and stepping out of the way as at least fifteen men and woman entered.

"Just go into the frontroom I will be there in a minute" I shouted as the walked past into my small house.

"Ok" One of them said back.

I dashed into my kitchen and quickly grabbed the map from Elena silently appoligizing. I then grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the front room. Were she cowered under the warriors gazes.

"I'm sure it is not secret to you that we have an enemy at this time" I said, watching as they nodded there heads simutaniously.

"Well this threat to us, is also the one you kidnapped Elena, now she thinks that they will be on there way and looking for us in no time. So we must journey to there town and find out a little about them so that we will be able to deafeat them if the time come. I don't want to go there alone so I am taking all of you with me just incase we are attacked. We must be silent in this mission and we should be back in at least a week. Tonight we will leave so you can all go home for a while but I want you to meet me at the entreway tonight right be for the sun goes down. Ok you can go, oh wait you um...Malic can you go to the shop and get us at least a weeks worth of food if not more. Also Katy please got to the weapons supply and take a couple people with you get as many weapons as you can, thanks" I said as they shuffled out the door, Elena followed closley behind them and I thanked her as she walked through the door.

******************************that night*******************************

I waited by the entrance with a large bag on my back full of different supplies. The map was slightly poking out of my bag and exposed to the air. The sun was just making its desent into the hills and I knew people would start ariving soon. Five minutes later I was standing with a large group of people making sure we had everything we needed for the trip. As far as I could tell nothing was missing, I went over to the pile of weapons and grabbed a belt out on it I put a large sword and a cutting knife. I then grabbed the best bow and arrow I could find and stuffed them in my bad. After I was done I moved out of the way and let everyone else grab there weapons of choice. After that I picked out the people to keep the food on our trip they were also assigned to meals.

"Ok people lets move out is everyone here good ok does everyone have everything they need then lets go" I said walking through the gates I looked back at the village on more time before turning and walking away.

We walked for miles me grabing the map out every once and a while to check if we were going the right way. We countinued this until we could see the sun coming up from a distance. I could tell evreyone was getting tierd and wanted break so I anounced that we would stop and rest for a while. The two I assigned to meals who's names I found out were Kalyie and Kaydin and I also learned were twins, started to prepare a small breakfast for everyone. I ate mine slowly savoring the delicious flavors of the food. After I was done eating I decided that we would sleep for two hours here before continuing our journey. Everyone agreed with this and people were assigned gaurd scedules as soon as everyone was settled in, I layed down and made my self comfortable next to the campfire. The next thing I knew I was drifing off and the world around me started to fade away.


Hello my readers, I am deeply sorry that I have not updated in FOREVER I have been really busy with basketball and school. So I hope this chapter was good and made up for the long wait. Basketball is ending soon and track is strarting and I am not going out for track so I will have more free time and probably be able to update at least once or twice a week. Thanks again for reading and don't forget to vote and comment. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2012 ⏰

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