The visitors

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I woke to the sun just coming up letting me know that it was a new day. I started to get up and felt pain course throught my body and every inch of me was sour and aching even my insides. I pushed my self off the bed with a grown of pain and headed to the bathroom. I put on a quick outfit and combed through my hair making sure I looked respectable being the leader I had to. I walked into my cozy kitchen area and opened my cuboard and was going to grab some bread but all I felt was air. AHHHH I thought all I want is a peice of bread and then I want to lay back down. I huffed and finally decided that I would go to the bocher who had all the food and made it. I walked out of my house and into our safe wooded area of land that we had. I walked by many people and houses before I finally made it to Andy the buchers house. I knocked on the door and with in 10 seconds he was there with a big grin on his face.

"Ah miss Electra I thought you might be coming by soon" he said with a bow and opened his door.

I stood in his little entry way and waited for him to go grab his list of what I had last got.

"Ummm... I supose you will be wanting some bread jam and...possible a little bit of meat" Andy said with a slight smile

"Yes that would be nice" I said

"I will be back in a second with your food" He said running back into his main house. After waiting for at least 5 minutes and trying not to think about the pain coursing through me. Finally he came back with the stuff and I was about to set it in my basket when suddenly an ear splitting scream rang from outside. Dropping my food into the basket I was carrying I ran outside and saw a crowd of people by the enterance to our village. I quickly ran over to the crowd and when they saw me coming they quickly parted. The sight in front of me brought tears to my eyes one dropped down my face and I brushed it away not wanting to let everyone see me in this weak state. In front of me there lay my little 14 year old sister with blood stained all over her and new blood seeping from her wounds. There was also blood coming out of her mouth and If I hadn't seen her move I would have thought she was dead. Kneeling beside her were two girls and a guy this had been the group of friends she had went out with for as she called it a little adventure they weren't suppose to be back for 2 more days obviously something went wrong. Her friends were also badly beat up but non as bad as my little sister Shelby. I took a deep breath pushing my emotions back I knew I had to take control of the situation.

Turning to a woman next to me I shouted at her "Go to Mr. Smiths and tell him and the other medics to get down here immediatly and then go to these childerens parents and tell them to come down her as quickly as they can" I said she nodded her head and then I saw her sprint away.

I turned back to the group of kids and looked them all in the eyes.

"What happened" I said with more angry then I had ment for. One of the girls flinched at my voice but the boy spoke up.

'We....We had decided to go hicking and were were almost approching a river when we saw people on the otherside. Uhhh we didnt really know what was going on and we were about to get out of there when at least ten of them came up behind us and attacked us. It took us a while but we finally got away. Then I could hear Shelby bawling behind me I turned around just as she fell on the ground and wouldnt get up so we had to carry her the rest of the way here and...and I really don't know what happened I have never seen people like that and they had many strange devises." He said

"Thank you for telling me this' I said patting him on the shoulder which showed him that I respected what he did. I heard a stomp of feet behind me and knew that the medics and family were here. I turned around to Mr. Smith who looked absulotally terrified. He quickly bent down by my sister and began cheching over her and preforming all kinds of majic while the other medic took care of the other kids. He got up walking towards me with a worried look on his face.

"How is she will she make it" I said keeping my composure even though all I wanted to do was burst into tears like the parents of the other kids were doing right know.

"I...I truthfully can say that I am not sure that she will make it I am so sorry I will do everything I can I promise" He said before going back over to her and having some people help him carry her to his home. I took some shacky breaths getting myself back on track before I turned around to face the crowd that know had most of the village in it.

"Ok there are some unknow people in the land and they have attacked us with out warning So we must go find them and take care of these murdurious aliens. They are just beyond the river so who is with me." I said as a dozen or so people screamed as an answer. "Then lets go" I shouted turning to the entrance and running in a full sprint. While I hard the stomp of at least 20 people behind me. We ran for at least 10 minutes before I brought my hand up signaling for use to slow. We came around a curve and the river suddenly came into veiw. Just beyond it I could see strange looking people gathering everything they had in a rush. As they tried to get out of ther camp.

"Ok they are just beyond the river there are at least 15 of them I want each of you to take one and send something at them that will delay them enough that we will be able to get past the river." I said as I saw everyone start to get there powers to there full hight and I did the same. We silently got closer to the river and then I put up my hand signaling for use to go. I saw a dozen different colors flash past me and let my own spell go right at a guy putting out a fire. In seconds they were all on the ground totally destracted from us swimming through the lake to get to the other side. We throw more stuff at them and they all dropped to the ground screaming.

"LINE THEM UP" I shouted

Everyone grabbed someone and put them in a line in front of me and then stood around them so there was no where to go, and they let there spells drop. All of the strange men stopped screaming and withering in pain. And looked up at us in confused horror.

"Well hello know I am going to ask you a few questions first who is your leader" I said

"I...I am" Said a red head at the end of the line who had blood coming from his noise

I nodded my head at the wizard closest to him and he picked him up putting him right in front of me.

"How did you get here and why are you here" I said

"Well this....this is our land know we discovered it so we own it and we got here on a ship we came after Colombus." He said with a tone of confidence

"This is not your land" I shouted in frustration "How can this be your land just because you stumbled apon it we were here first so in a matter of speaking we own the land"

"No no were I'm from if you discover it then it is yours" He said

Not knowing what to say to this man I simply glared at him until I could think of the right words.

"So next question why did you attack the childeren that were coming by here earlier" I said

"Because they looked suspecious and we hadn't seen any people in the 3 weeks we have been here so we thought we could take them back with us and question them you know to learn more about this place. But they did some wierd vodo crap and got away." He said obviously irritated

"So you just thought you would take them with out any care in the world well did you know that I can just take your life without a care in the world to." At these words he looked slightly shocked but quickly composed himself and glared at me in responese.

"Kill them all and after you have done that search the camp and bring back anything you think to be important then burn the camp and come back." I said as I started to head back to the village hoping that the threat was know gone and that there was no one else like them out there.


Thanks for reading I hope you like this chapter and know you kind of figure out that they are in the time when columbus discovered America so let me know what you think of this chapter and what I can do to make my book better PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! thank you, the pic to the right is the river in my mind Electra and the others would have come from the left and the invadors would be on the right side sorta camped in the trees and stuff

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