Another Challenger

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I walked through the woods heading in the direction of the arena were I would face yet another witch who was trying to take my spot as leader. When the big structure of the arena finally came in to sight I brought my shoulders up and through my head in the air showing every witch or wizard that saw me that I was dominate to them. When they saw me coming the all bowed there heads showing that they knew who was on top. I walked past them pretending they didnt exist. Going around to the back of the arena I found the little door that had my preperation room and the door which lead me into the arena. I flicked my hand in front of the door unlocking it I entered.

I quickly slipped on my purple cheetah print dress I wore this because the cheetah was my symbol animal and purple was my family color. Everyone in the the community of witches had there own animal and color and no family was alike in color and no person had the same animal. I suddenly heard the roar of the crowd and knew that it was time to battle. I heard the muffled sound of the anouncer saying my appoinents name and then I knew it was my turn. I opened the door to the open area of the arena and stepped out into the sun waving to the cheering crowd. I stepped into the middle facing my challenger who had yellow and black hair and was wearing an animal print that I didnt recognize. I could fell the power radiating off her and I knew she was trying to scare me but it was not enough. The annoucer told use to take our positions and I backed up to my corner. 

"Ok girls I want a fair fight today now power up first one to get knocked out is the loser" he said

At these words I drew my full power up from in me letting it race through my veins. I knew that know everyone was seeing my eyes change to purple and my hair was starting to glow and edmit strands of power which surged around me. Making it look as if I were edmitting a purple glow. I looked up to see my appointent staring at me in horror. For a second I thought she was going to give up and leave. But then I suddenly saw her hair start to glow and yellow streaks came from the tips of her hair and started to dance around her.

"Ok ready set FIGHT" the announcer screamed as the crowd started to bounce in there seats and scream in the excitment of watching a fight.

I took one quick step forwoard and then drew up the magic around me sending it flying at her. The force of it caught her off guard and she sprilled backwards landing hard on the ground. Obviously mad she through somthing at me but with little force so I dogged it easily with a flick of my hand. I turned again towards her and a ball of yellow meet my eyes baring its self deep in my gut I fell to the ground withering in pain as the magic ripped at my insides filling my eyes with tears. Giving I big grunt I got up moving past the pain. I sent something at her that I knew was sure to hurt. As soon as it hit her it broke her concentration and the pain inside me stopped I looked back at her and she was holding her head which I'm sure felt like it was going to explode.

Not wanting her to get another advantage on me I started throughing things at her not letting my emotions get to me as I heard her scream with every hit. I could her the mix of emotions coming from the crowd as some were silent others cheered and some booed. Out of no were the girl on the ground suddenly got an ounce of energy which she sent my way and caused me to rocket backwards and slam into the arean wall with a loud crack imideatly I knew my arm was broken. I saw the purple streaks around me start to falter as I became weak with pain.

NO NO I thought this girl is not going to take my spot on top. I got up and saw my dress stained with blood. Thats going to be hard to get out I thought. Gathering every ounce of magic I had left and sending it at her. She tried but failed to block it and in seconds she slumped to the ground and lay there uncousious. I breathed deeply letting my power fade I started to sway back and forth I knew I was about to black out so I sat down on the ground staring at the motionless girl in front of me.

"And Electra wins again" the announcer said as the crowd went crazy and I saw the medics come out to aid me and the girl. One of them came over to me helping me up and leading me into the room where I usally prepared for a challenge. Knowing that I was know safe I let my self go unconsious knowing that there would be many more days to come like this one.


Ok so mabe this chapter doesnt make sense but basically the witches and wizards live in the woods and this girl that Electra was fighting was trying to take her spot as leader  of everyone so ya that is what was going on. Also I think I spelled like 5 things wrong and I am sorry I just have not idea how to spell somthings. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think and what I can change there will be more chapters to come!!!!!! :)

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