The meeting

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As I walked into the village I was greeted by what seemed like everyone all wondering what had happened. Ignoring them all I headed strait to the medics cabin hoping beyond hope that my little sister was all right. Finally making it there I noticed a couple of medics outside talking in hushed tons.When they saw me coming they immideatly feel silent and turned towards me expectently.

"Miss Elactra did you find anything? What is going on? Are we all going to die?" One said to me in a panicked voice.

"You know I can not talk to you about this until after the meeting with the higherarcy" I said pushing past them and entering the house. 

I found my little sister and Mr.Smith in a room in the back. He was bending over her stiching up some of her cuts and barley noticed me until I came and sat on the other side of the bed.

"Ah Miss Electra I know you would be her soon what is the situation" He said

"Well you can find out if you attend the meeting tonight for once" I said with a slight laugh

"You know I am a busy man lots of people to heal 24 hours a day" he said glancing up at me

"I know but it is your duty being related to one of the high familys to attend the meetings and help with descusion and you know it" I said a bit struner

"I know it is but I can not come tonight I must attend to your sister as I said before she is very crittical" Mr.Smith said moving away from her cuts and placing his hands above her while mummbling random words.

"Fine I will let you off this time but I dont blame you this will be a very long meeting tonight something big has happened, so how is she" I said really looking at her and noticing how bad she truly looked.

"Well as far as I can tell she is in a coma and has severe damage to her head and ribs I must edimt I am very worried for her" He said his face falling

"I... I can't lose her... I just lost my mother 4 months ago" I said finally breaking down and silently crying.

"Now now miss Electra we will have our best medics taking care of her 24/7 we will do everything we can to make her better" He said "I really don't want to do this but I am afraid you must go as I need to preform some surgery so goodbye" He said smiling saddly

"Bye"I said wipping away my tears

I walked to my house sending out the message that the meeting would be held at the arena at 9:00p.m. Know that I would have to be there soon I headed out of my house ready for the long night to follow. I entered the middle of the arena sitting in the char that was facing a whole row of 20 chairs. I waited for at least 20 minutes for everyone to file in and the group that went with me to the camp came back handing me everything they had found in a bag. When every chair was filled I decided to start.

"We will know begin the meeting" I said as the chatter died away "I am sure that you are all know that a couple of childeren came back today injured. Me and a team went to were this had happened and found strange men without powers that looked nothing like the ones here and have strange devises they also thought that this was there land and so we killed them. I really hope that this is the last of them but I have a filling there are many more out there." 

"They are aliens were could they have come from"

"I do not know I am very worried mabe if we look at some of there items we may get an idea. Ok a cup? Some cooking utensils. And what, what is this" I said as I took a large devise out of the back which was made of wood it was long and slender with a large handle at the end. Suddenly the crowd got loud as everyone got a full veiw of this strange object "There seems to be a pully devise her let me just. BANG!!!! The devise went as I pulled the trigger and a hole was made in the stadium and everyone started to scream and panick. 'Calm down Calm down" I said

"What is that death weapon"

"They know what we can do"

"We are going to die"

"GOOD GRAVY" an elderly man shouted

"Uhhh I'm sure this is used for uhh hunting or something"

"Ya hunting us"

"Quiet we will put this away for further investigation know lets see what else is in the bag" I pulled out more strange and not so strange devises before I reached in for the last thing and pulled out a cube with strange markings on it.

"What is that"

"It is a box you moron"

"What about those markings on it"

"They must be gods fromt the skys"

"Shhs you know there are no gods there is only one God"

"Quiet we will see what it does" I said

I examined the whole thing looking at the markings and trying to find anything wierd. Suddenly my hand sunk into it and it started to glow blue and transformed into a winged creature. It started to bat its wings and then turned towards someone in the front crowd opeing its mouth and sucking an a long breath. The person infront of it started to scream in ageny as it looked like his face was being ripped off. The people started to scream and I hit the thing several times before it slumped to the ground and blue mist came from its mouth shouting upwards. I turned seeing the man slumped on the ground and dead. He had peaces of skin missing and his face was contorted in an odd manner. There was also a gapping hole in his chest right were your soul is said to be.


So as you can see this is like a fantasy twist on the whole columbus thing and it is a mix between the future and past so hope you liked this chapter. AND PLEASE let me know what you think and what I can change thank you for reading :):):):):):):):):):):):)

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