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I was brought back to reality as an ear pericing scream rang through the arena. Looking over the man I saw his wife running to him with tears running down her face. I watched as she began to glow a vibrant green and place her hands on what remained of his chest. She continued to do this with no perval. Everyone around her watched in horror as she tryed to bring her obviously dead husband back. After what seemed like forever someone was broke out of the trance and ran to the woman trying to pull her away.

"NOOOOOO NOO HE ISNT DEAD PLEASE AHHH" She screamed the sight making me want to cry.

"Marisa Marisa look at me he is gone. HE IS GONE." The woman said.

"Ahhhhhhh no no no no" She said calapsing into the womans arms and starting to cry all over again.

"Get her out of here and to her cabin" I said "And you get this mans body out of here and take it to Mr. Smith so he can examine what has happened" I said glancing him "Oh and take this contraption to Miss Evangilen (The town like engineer type person)" I said to another person handing him the know still metal bird.

"What is going on here"

"Why did you bring that death machine in here"

"You must have been planning on killing us all"

"What did that thing do to that man"

"Silence I was not planning on killing anyone I knew that was going to happen just as much as you did and we will find out what has happened I just need to talk to Evangilen and see what she says know why dont you all make yourselves useful and clean up or something" I said glaring at everyone as they started to clean up the mess.

I huseled back to my cabin ignoring the questioning stares from everyone. I walked in and quickly showered I then dressed in something casual and headed out my back door to Evangalines house. She wasn't very social but she was good for fixing things and very intelligent and a little crazy. She lived on the outskirts of our land and spent most of her time alone. After walking for five minutes I finally spotted her cabin in the distance it had many strange contraptions in the front and plants growing up the sides of the walls. I knocked on the door hearing a clatter of things falling before she opened the door and let me in. We walked through the cluddered house and then went into her family room. She had the strange bird set up there were it was in a standing position. She ran over to it and moved it so that I had a better angle of it from were I was sitting.

"Well it is unlike anything I have ever seen in my many years of life. I have found many starnge things along the shores but nothing like this." She said examinging it.

"The shores it is forbidden to go there" I said suddenly angry.

"Errr...Lets not get off track of what is important. I have been examining this thing for an hour and I have found some interesting things. Here on the left eye when you push it, it seems to sink in and you see it turns into a small cube. Then if you press right here on the cub it turns back into a bird." She said.

"Strange when I pressed there it started to glow blue and move" I said.

"Really and it doesnt anymore you must have broke it" She said disapointment in her voice "Well anyway as you can see there is what seems to be writing all over this metal bird some sort of ancient language I supose. Also it has quite a large stomach part which I thought was just for show until the man who dropped this of told me what happened. I think... and excuse me if this sounds crazy... but I think that this bird was sucking out this mans soul through its beak and keeping it in its stomach know mabe but I dont know for sure. Mabe the metal keeps the souls in which is why even with there being holes in this the souls would not escape this would also explain why it was glowing blue because souls as you may know are said to be blue." She said.

"That would make sense and when I killed it a blue mist came out of it and shot to the sky" I said looking for her reaction.

"Marvilous I am right aren't I this is a soul sucking machine. But what I also noticed was that this is not designed to keep the souls as it is metal and obviously enchanted. What I am thinking is that this was made to capture the souls and bring it to someone or something else that needs them." She said worried.

'Do you really think that could be true. Because if it is we are in a lot of trouble. Obviously this thing is very powerful, I mean it can make a thing that will suck the life right out of you. What if it finds us we will all me dead before morning I need to scedule an immidate evacuation." I said in a rush.

"Calm down Calm down as I have heard you killed the ones who possed this I am sure that this was the only one and the danger is probably gone there is no need for worry" She said a small smile on her face.

"Your right but if anything like this happens again we will have to leave for good I can not put everyone in danger" I said saddly.

After talking with Evangilen for a little longer I left and headed back to my cabin. I got there and estimated that it was probably around 1 in the morning. Drifting off to sleep I couldn't help but wonder how crazy tommorrow was going to be.


Thanks for reading please please tell me what I can fix and what you think. Also the picture to the side is what the bird looked like and just immagine that it has a bunch of wierd writing on it and if it was glowing blue it would be glowing blue in its stomach so there is sorta a mental picture for you of what it looked like in the previous chapter and stuff thanks again :)))))))))))))) oh and sorry for my bad grammer and spelling :/

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