My Father, My Murderer

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This chapter will be from a different point of veiw you will find out in the chapter who it is. Also some one helped me with this chapter you should check out said persons books out if you already havent she is Beaslyone.


Kneeling down in front of him is the worst part of my punishment. I have comitted one of the worst crimes known to this place. I helped a witch escape from his wrath. He captured her to take her soul to increase his power. For every soul he obtains makes him greater. I know all of this because I am his son. I let myself become weak, maybe even fell under one of her orange spells. Elana, she stole my heart, I swear she did. Now my father is furious with me and is preparing to punish me.

His short brown hair sheens in the light of the moon, for he always punishes his victims at night. When everyone in this so called town, is locked away in their homes. Our town is not a town, it is a prison. Of people and souls. It all started when my mother died, her name was Rose.

She was a witch, with red magic, the best magic ever. I can only recall one memory of her, in her casket. Her red eyes, wide open, her face partially melted to the bone, and the red scarf that covered the gaping hole in her chest. Yet the worst part was not the liveliness of her body, but I sensed that something was missing, it wasn't her warmth, or her livelyness. It was her soul.

My father told me bits and pecious about her death but not enough to truly let me know what happen. He said that they were in the process of working on the metal birds and something went horrible wrong in other words one sucked out her soul. While I await my punishment. My Father uncappes his hands, revealing a blue box I had seen so many times before. The box slowly transformes into the dreaded metal bird with our language written all over it. Nobody knew what it said, because it was only the keeper of the souls that could read it, also known as my father.

I watched closely as he circled me occasionally whispering something to the evil bird. I waited and waited for him to speak to kill me to do something. Finally he turned to me giving me one of his lengandary stares that made you think he could really see your soul. Sometimes I wondered if he could. He stopped again in front of me I waited for the bird to open its mouth for the pain to come but it never did.

"You understand why I have to do this" He said staring me down.

"Yes father"

"This is not something I want to do"

"You know that isn't true" I mumbled.

"What" He screamed.

"You know that isn't true you have wanted my soul ever sense I was born. It's a wonder you didn't take it the day mom died. I know I am just a disappointment to you, you so desperatly wanted me to be the first human/witch. But I failed you I was born with not one ounce of power. So here we stand today and for what nothing. NOTHING. You now I would never have let that witch go had she not used her magic on me. Do not try to deny it you know she did. Please father please do not kill me."

"Do not kill you oh son why shouldn't I you are just a big waste of time. I can not have a weak soul like you running around my town and letting all of my prisoners go. This is what I must do you are not worth it and your soul is so weak. It will not matter that you are gone. Know I will finally get you out of my life." He said anger lining his every word.

"NO! NO!" I screamed falling to my knees as he took a step closer and wispered to the bird.

My vesion cloudy from the tears rolling down my face, I watched as the bird flapped its wings in mid air right in front of me. There was my killer my murder just two feet away mocking me. Then slowly as if to tease me the bird opened its mouth and took a long drawn out breath. Horrible excrutiating pain corsed through my body. The feeling as if something was trying to ripe its way out of my chest a million horrilbe images flashed across my vesion. I could feel my skin melting away as my soul finally burst through my chest.

"You are no son of mine" I heard my dad whisper just before I was rapped in complete darkness.


So what do you think I hope you like it if you dont PLEASE let me know also sorry for the mix up someone was helping me with a bit of it and I told said person not to publish it until after I read through and added things but of course they did not listen so thanks for reading and bla bla bla have a nice day hahahah!!!!!!

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