Chapter Eighteen

Comincia dall'inizio

Anna looked at Nathan with a wide, pretty smile and placed the plate in front of him.

The brunette across the way raised a brow when Anna kept looking at Nathan and asking, "Can I get you anything else, Sugar Baby?"

Nathan chuckled, raising his brows, looking at his food.

"I'm good thanks."

Anna smiled, tilting her head to catch his attention, "You sure?"

"Yes! He's sure!" Mara narrowed her eyes, raising a brow when Anna looked at her oddly as if she realized that Mara was there. The brunette impatiently tapped her fingernails on the table top, "I'd like my food now... please."

Anna eyed Mara and was looking at her oddly again, who raised a brow and glanced at Nathan, who was already stuffing his face. Mara returned her eyes to the waitress sneering, shoving the plate in front of Mara.

Anna then straightened after Mara curtly replied, "Thanks!" and turned to Nathan with a brow raised, "Your sister's cute." faulting Mara's mouth to drop open as the cheeky waitress returned to the kitchen.

Nathan turned his head back from blinking after Anna, to Mara.

Scoffing, Mara grabbed her fork from where it laid on her napkin and tightened her grip on it, "Sister?! I am not his sister!"

With his mouth full of food, the agent lowered his brows and shook his head, "Don't worry about it, Mara. It's not a big deal."

Mara tilted her head, "Not a big deal?!"

Nathan closed his eyes, his hand pausing in attempt to bring the forkful of food to his awaiting mouth.

She narrowed her eyes, shaking her coffee curls, "That's easy for you to say, Sugar Baby!"

Mara stabbed her stack of pancakes and Nathan flicked down at this. The corner of his mouth turned to the side, frowning.

He sighed, "Mara..."

But Mara ignored him.

She was boiling over the fact that he really confused her!

At times, he's criminal, vile, perverse, and arrogantly annoying. Then other times he's charming, caring, protective, gentle, and just beautiful.

Mara didn't understand him.

How was she supposed to know that he loved her if she couldn't get him to admit that there was certainly "a big deal" about Anna mistaking her for his sister.

Nathan could see that she was upset and was grateful to not being that stack of pancakes that she was butchering with her fork. She'd stab the middle and then pull downward, ripping pieces away from its center and then start again. He just stared at her and blinked wide eyed.


Mara was grumbling something and kept up her aggressive motions.


But she wasn't listening, just grumbling under her breath and shredding what was left of what had been a pancake.

So, Nathan reached over, taking hold of her hand in his. She immediately froze and lifted her blue eyes up at him.

Nathan smiled at her and shook his head, "Stop being so jealous."

Mara's jaw dropped and lowered her brows. She wrinkled her nose, reeling her head back and scoffed , obviously offended. Nathan grinned, obviously enjoying getting a rise out of her whenever he could.

The Bodyguard (Book 1 in the Original BOC Series) ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora