"Actually, of course I do."






"Would you two stop arguing for three seconds!"

Niall and I both jumped, whipping around to see Liam glaring down at us, hands balled into fists and jaw clenched angrily. "Just. Knock it off," he growled. Neither Niall or I said anything, just watched with wide eyes as he fell into the seat across from us. Liam's head dropped to the table, arms cradling his forehead, and Niall poked me in the ribs.

"What's up with Li?" he whispered.

I didn't look away from Liam, but tilted my head closer to Niall so he could hear me. "Boy troubles."

"Boy troubles?"

"Zayn Malik, to be more specific."

"Are you messing with me?"

I raised my eyebrows, finally looking at the blond. "No, why would I be kidding?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Is that why he's not sitting with Malik?"

"I can hear you, still," Liam snapped. Niall closed his mouth, blushing as he look back down at his phone. I glared at Liam instead, not caring that he couldn't see me.

"Good God, Liam, just go talk to him!" I said loudly.

The room fell silent. Heads turned to look at our table, and Zayn's hand that moved over his paper froze. Liam slowly looked up from his arms, and I saw a murderous expression on his face. "Stay out of it, Tomlinson," he spat.

I bared my teeth. None of the attention was bothering me, but I could see how uncomfortable it was making Liam. At least Zayn hadn't looked around yet. "Happily, Payne," I threw back. The whole class looked shocked as I rose from my seat, angrily picking up my bag and flinging it over my shoulder. Thankfully, the teacher was running late, so I could escape without being dragged back inside.

Liam watched me leave, and right before the door shut behind me, I heard Niall growl, "All of that over some boy. Seriously?" I would have laughed, but I was too agitated. Obviously, Liam didn't want my help. He just wanted to keep being pissy, and continue to take it out on his friends, and most likely random strangers, as well. And for what? Some popular guy, who started to show even a tiny bit of friendliness to him? Newsflash, Liam, you can't have a breakdown every time your crush gets a new girlfriend.

At this point, I wasn't even really sure of where I was. This part of the school was quiet, and the classrooms were all empty and dark. I slowed my quick pace, simply ambling along the corridor, silently cursing Liam and Zayn in my head, wondering why they couldn't keep their crap together for my sake.


I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart thumped away wildly in my chest, threatening to burst out and adhere itself all over the floor in front of me. A shiver rolled down my spine when I recognized the voice, the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

I turned slowly, eyes wide and more than a little fearful, not wanting to face the curly-haired monster before me.

"Harry?" I choked.

The boy grinned, dimples popping out and slicked back curls framing his gorgeous - no, average, average, face. His big hands were hooked awkwardly behind his back, boot-clad feet scuffing the floor. "Skipping class?" he teased.

Falling In (Ziam/with Larry AU)Where stories live. Discover now