Chapter 27 - Where the River Splits

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Chapter 27 - Where the River Splits

Cassidy's P.O.V.

     I ran after her. 

     "Christina!" I shouted angrily, pushing through the bushes and branches out of my way to catch up to her. All my emotions from seeing my parents decapitated were finally coming out. All the pain, anger, sadness, and stress; they were all mixing up to one big bubble and it was ready to burst.

     "Cass! Maybe you should leave her alone!" cried out May. Everyone was running and struggling to catch up to my speed. 

      After pushing out some more branches, I heard rips and shreds of clothing. I turned around in confusion to see big, giant masses of fur headed towards me.

      They shifted.

      All those who could shift, shifted to catch up to me.

      "Cass!" growled out Saxon through my head.

      "Get out of my head!" I shouted at him.

       "What the hell is your problem?" asked Keith. 

      "My problem? Did you see her fucking face? She didn't even care that our parents died right in-front of our faces!" I roared. 

      "Maybe that's just how she deals with pain?" suggested Peter.

        Of course that thought had crossed my mind but no, this was different. I knew what it'd be like if she tried to cover up her emotions because her eyes would still change to the color that she actually wanted to express. But not this time. Her eyes continued changing as if she wasn't fazed at all. Her face expression was blank, cold, gone. 

       I kept running, listening to the rustling behind and in-front of me. I knew I was catching up when I saw her blob of blonde hair peep through the leaves.

       "Christina!" I growled out. I saw her stop in her tracks slightly but then she continued walking as if she didn't hear me. 

       That just pissed me off even more. I pushed myself harder and caught up with her instantly. I grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back. She just yanked her arm out of her grasp and turned around in an instant, facing my murderous look. In the back, I could hear everyone finally catching up to us. We were standing in an open field, filled with beautiful colored flowers. If I wasn't in my current state and mood, I would've enjoyed to just lay down with all my friends and talked about anything and everything.

       "What," she hissed at me, clearly fed up with me at the moment.

       "What the hell is your problem? Our mom and dad just died and you just stand there like you don't care," I grounded out. She looked at my eyes carefully and I saw some type of emotion pass by her eyes but it left as quick as it came. I focused on the symbols, or tattoos as I like to call them, on the side of her face and the fact that it ran down her neck to the rest of her body. Today, they just seemed more dark and scary.

       "They deserved it," she shot out. That added to the bubble inside me that wanted to burst.


Christina's P.O.V.

      I saw the murderous look in her eyes and face increase the moment those words came out my mouth.

       "How dare you! You didn't know them like I did!" she yelled at me. I wanted to yell out the truth but she wasn't ready yet. She didn't deserve to be hurt the way I was when I found out, so I pulled out some bullshit and a bunch of lies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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