Chapter 16 - The Way She Changed

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Chapter 16 - The Way She Change

Cassidy's P.O.V.


     I sighed and sat up from the hard bed that I was currently laying on. David seems to be sleeping soundly and peacefully, so I didn't want to disturb him and tire him out even more. We had just gotten into bed not too long ago, and I knew David was exhausted the most, since he did most of the explaining to the Queen of Flames and to the whole fire village. I ran a hand through my hair then down my face. I stared off into the distance and remembered what the Queen had said. 

     She sighed and leaned back into her throne chair she was currently occupying. She looked at me and studied me carefully before she sighed once more and looked around the cave-like throne room. 

       "I don't see why my people couldn't grow to trust you, but it will take a while for them to see you as one of us," she finally said. I nodded along with everyone else.

     "You see, Christina is like another Queen in this place. We trust her more than anyone else. If she can trust you to do this mission, then I trust you too. But before we can join your side and help you, your quest must be to become trustworthy to my people," she said. I nodded once again, letting David speak up for me.

     "We accept your quest," said David as he sighed and ran his right hand through his hair, tugging on them slightly. He was tired and stressing out, was what I concluded. I turned my head to look at the Queen. Before she could get up or leave, I blurted out the one question I had to ask her.

      "How do you know my sister?" I asked. The Queen fell back into her chair and looked at me. She let out a little breath of laughter through her nose and smiled widely at me.

     "I had a feeling you would ask me this question," she said. I just gave her a weak, sheepish smile. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. The flames in her hair stood up in attention as she began to speak.

      "Hmm, Christina and I go back many years," she began. She opened up her big eyes and pierced me with them. I stared, mesmerized by the color and intensity of them.

      "She came here one day many years back, on a quest, searching for someone. That time, though, it was when she was still a Seeker," she said. My eyebrows rose at this. 

       "Christina and I got into an argument. I had told her that I wouldn't allow her to walk freely into my kingdom and let her talk grim things about my people. One day though, I was nearly killed by the traitor of my kind and luckily, Christina had still been here. So she ended up executing the man, who just so happens to be the man that she was looking for. Over the next few months, Christina and I grew close and she visited often whenever she had an 'assignment' in the humane realm. So of course, gradually, my people began to come around and trust her and begin to love her visits," she said with a radiant smile on her face, making her glow more then possible.

     My gut began to wrench in an unexplained way when I saw the Queen's face drop as she spoke the next part. My heart tore in pieces while my body shook from the shock.

      "Until, a certain day came. When she visited, she was off the norm. Her face was paler than usual and her body seemed to radiate off bad vibes. Her eyes were covered with shades and she walked in a cold, stiff stance. My people and I noticed this, and began to worry about her. But, when she came close to me, she pinned me up against the wall and threatened to kill me if I were to tell anyone that she had been visiting. With that, she disintegrated into black dust for the first time and disappeared. Ever since then, she never came back. But when you showed up Cassidy, my people and I had thought that you were Christina and, we noticed how kind you looked, so we were quite excited to see you. But when you admitted that you were not Christina, well, my hopes of having my old friend back disappeared," she spoke the last part quiet with a broken voice. I exchanged looks with the Queen and a few citizens that lingered around the room. I looked back at the Queen and stood up. She looked at me questioningly.

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