Chapter 5 - Rule #4: You Must Respect The Above

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Chapter 5 - Rule #4: You Must Respect The Above

Cassidy's P.O.V.


     Once upon a time, there were seven sisters. Each and one of them were based on the Seven Deadly sins; lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The seven of them ruled the world of darkness, turning the humans into nothing but weak shells of themselves. The humans were slaved and used as their sources for food. The Seven Deadly sisters fed off from their emotions, turning one another on each other. Humans were soon filled with nothing but the seven deadly sins. It wasn't until a century later was when the seven of them were vanquished to another land, far away from the humans. Gradually, the seven of them became weak and were banished to the shadows of the Supernatural world.

     "Do you know them?" asked Alpha Autumn as she glanced at each and every one of the seven sisters.

     "No, but I remember my mum used to read me fables about them when I was younger," I said, my eyes looking each and every one of them up and down. Alpha Autumn nodded and looked at the one standing in the front. All seven of them were looking around the ballroom, until their eyes landed on us once again.

     "Which one of you is Cassidy Ruth?" asked Envy as she glanced between Alpha Autumn and I. The reason why or how I knew which one was which was because I had remembered my mum showing me the picture of them multiple times. Envy always wore a long, green, strapless dress. She had long hair in the shape of a ram's horns. Gold bands decorated her hair along with gold leaves. Her face was always permanently scowling.

     "I am. Why do you ask for me?" I replied. All seven pairs of eyes snapped over to meet mine as their lips curled into a sneer.

     "We're here because you are the offspring of that retched woman that you call your mum," spat Wrath. Wrath was the more complicated one. Wrath liked to wear long, burgundy coloured dresses. Feathers popped from the back of the dress and from the neck corset. Wrath's hair was practically fire, just different shades of red. She also had on a rusty metal necklace that clattered every time she moved her neck or head. Her eyes were always squinted and her lips were always parted slightly in a sneer.

     "What has my mum got to do with you?" I asked, confused.

     "She and the other Protectors kept us from arising from the shadows once again!" yelled Greed. Greed was always yelling. She wore a simple, yet elegant, yellow, strapless dress. She also had expensive gold jewelry hanging from her wrists, fingers, and neck. Her coffee coloured hair was pulled up into a elegant beehive style that was decorated with pieces of gold here and there.

     "What do you mean?" I asked as I put my butterfly knife back into my boots.

     "Are you normally clueless, or must we come back when it sinks into your head? Because, quite frankly, I am starved," replied Gluttony. In the corner of my eyes, I could see Alpha Autumn grimacing at her choices of words while David scrunched his nose up in disgust at her when he saw her devour the table of food. Gluttony wasn't ashamed of always eating. She was thick around the waist and she definitely had meat on her bones. Gluttony wore a puffy, purple plum coloured dress that was mixed with a baby pink and had traces of white lace on the dress itself. She wore lace gloves that ended at her elbows and a pretty lace necklace. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun which was also decorated with small, purple grapes.

     Lust just rolled her eyes and stared hungrily at David as she practically undressed him with her eyes.

     "I agree with Gluttony, sisters, except for the starved part. I think we shall allow this little girl to get the words into her mind. I won't mind spending my break in the bedroom with that young man," Lust purred as she licked her lips. David's hand immediately latched onto mine as he entwined our fingers together and squeezed my hand roughly, causing me to wince slightly. Lust noticed this and practically sneered at me. Lust was practically labeled as the queen of all sluts. She wore a hot pink, silky dress with thin straps that looked like it would snap with one tug. The dress had two lotus flowers sewed onto the dress. The dress had some specks of glitter near the flowers. Lust's hair was practically touching the floor with a large, lotus flower handing above her ear, pinned into her hair.

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