Chapter 10 - Myths And Lies

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Chapter 10 - Myths And Lies 

Cassidy's P.O.V.


       "Wake up already," groaned an annoyed voice. Slowly, my eyes fluttered opened at the sudden command. I looked around and took in the familiar hotel room. It was dimly lit, thunder was still pounding outside, the rain was no longer black, but my balcony was covered in the black rain. My eyes scanned each and everyone's face. I was used to receiving worried gazes, so the amount of worried gazes didn't affect me. What affected me the most was that I didn't see Christina in the room anywhere.

         "Hey, calm down there, Ms. Panic," joked Ray as my eyes landed on him. I narrowed my eyes at him. He just rolled his eyes at me and looked outside. I could tell that the both of us weren't going to get along as well as I thought we would be. We could get along, but that'll take a lot of effort and time.

          "Where is my sister?" I asked. Everyone stopped moving as they all looked at each other with a look. Ray looked around and rolled his eyes.

         "Wusses," he muttered. Growls erupted from some of the guys, but everyone else just glared at him. Ray then turned around to look at me.

         "She's been taken back to the Supernatural world," he said, giving me a small smile. He looked stressed, almost like he had been worrying over the both of us. 

            Yeah, riight. The day Ray actually worries about me is the day hell would freeze over.

           "I thought the Supernatural world had been over-run by the bad side," I said frowning. I seemed to be frowning a lot too these days.

           "Only the Kingdom, not the outer-country parts," he explained. I nodded. I was worried though. What if the country sides did get taken over while we were all sitting here and Christina got hurt?

           "But who took her then?" I asked. 

           "Christina's step-brother, Xavier," he said. I frowned even more.

            "Step-brother?" I asked, confused. Ray opened his mouth to talk, but a deep voice cut him off. 

          "Yes, her step-brother," said a voice. Everyone moved to the side as a guy came walking in, not even daring to open the front door, instead, he just walked right through it. The guy was a freaking giant. He must've been about 6'3, he had dirty blonde hair, a strong build, a strong jaw, and a strong chin. He had light blue eyes that reminded me of the peaceful sky in a picture with a rainbow crossing over it. 

             "Hi, you must be Christina's blood sister," he said. I managed to nod. He gave me a smile and looked around.

            "Well then, we should get going," he said. I looked around to see everyone moving about and grabbing their bags. 

            "Wait, where are we going?" I asked. David stopped moving and smiled down at me. He sat down on the bed and caressed my cheek softly. Despite of everything, I couldn't help but let my worries disperse as I leaned into his hold and softly kissed the palm of his hand, feeling the remarkable sparks sprout in my lips, hands, and cheek. 

            "We're going to the Supernatural world, to live with Xavier and his family until we can plan out our next move," he said softly. I nodded and tried to get up, but I was pushed back down by Xavier. David looked completely calm about letting the guy touch me, which surprised me to no end. 

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