Chapter 12

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Zayn P.O.V

"You nothing, but a pathetic, worthless, pest from hell! You belong where the demons die!"


"You shouldn't be aloud to roam this earth with humans and creatures that walked on TWO FEET."


"Your an animal. You should be treated like one." He pointed to the door. "Get out and don't come back."

I forced myself off the cold wood ground and made it to the door. I looked back. "I don't care who you are or what you do, but you are no son of mine." He snapped and shoved me outside.

I fell face-first into the snow bank. I let out a painful cry.

This couldn't be happening.

I can't possibly be a cat.

I'm a human.

That stupid doctor is wrong. I walk and talk like a human being. Not meowing and purring like a cat.

I pushed myself up and looked back at the door of my - now - old home.

One Direction was on Christmas break, so I went home. Of course the same day I get to see my family, I have a check-up with the doctors. I received the worst news in the world:

Your not who you think you are.

My father was furious. He beat me, thinking he could knock the cat out of me.

It didn't work.

"WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING ON MY LAWN YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT?" My father yelled. I scrambled up and ran down the street.

I ran till I couldn't run no more. I looked back. "I can't go back. There, no one loves me. I have no family there."

I jumped up, hitting my head against the car roof. I whimpered and closed my eyes, taking in the pain for a second.

I unbuckled my seat belt and threw myself out the car door, falling right onto my stomach.


I hissed and clenched my stomach. "ZAYN!" I heard someone shout. I had my eyes sealed shut, so I couldn't see who it was.

"Humphf." I groaned, rolling on to my back, tears falling from my eyes. "Zayn... Zayn..." The voice kept repeating. I let out a quiet cry, then felt my shirt being pulled him. I opened my eyes and quickly pulled back.

It was only Liam.

"Shh, it's okay Zayn." He said, putting his hand out. My mind was a blur. The drug was wearing out in the region an organ was removed. Louis needs to give me medicine.

Liam scooted beside me. He moved his hand ghostly over my sore spot. He lifted up my shirt, repeating his actions over the scar. I gulped and shuttered. "It hurts?" He asked softly. It was red and swollen looking. I nodded, holding back a cry in pain. "Let's go inside and we'll put some ice on it, okay?" Liam patted my hand. I nodded.

He helped me up and carried me inside.

I was laid down on the couch. Liam pulled my shirt off. I felt awkward and cold. Liam disappeared into the kitchen, then came back out with an ice pack and an unhappy Louis.

Liam and Louis sat down on the coffee table beside the couch. Liam set the ice pack on my sore. "Louis has some meds you have to take." Liam said softly, caressing my cheek. I purred, closing my eyes. "Open up." Louis ordered. I shook my head and batted his hand away. "C'mon Zayn." Liam begged. I opened my eyes and glared at him. "Zayn, if you don't take-"

"Louis, shut up! He doesn't want to take it because you bother him!" Liam snapped at him. Louis rolled his eyes, then grabbed my lips. He spread my lips apart, opening my mouth. "LFJFBKIS!" I began freaking out as he poured a cool liquid down my throat.

He let go of me. "There, done." Louis snapped. He stood up and dashed out of the room.

My vision began to blur again, but my body wasn't so sore anymore. I also became very tired. "Get some more sleep Zaynie." Liam pecked my cheek, causing me to blush like mad. I heard him walk away, leaving me alone.

Darkness filled my mind... probably a side affect.

Duh, I'm sleeping.

Thoughts began to occur... some that were repeats, others that could kill me...

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