Chapter 10

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Zayn P.O.V

I took a step inside and came face-to-face with a bulky female veterinarian. I gulped loudly and began to back up into Liam. He stopped me from going out the door.

Louis, Niall, and Harry were all sitting in plastic waiting chairs. They watched the lady grab my arm and had no reaction to it.

Liam wrapped his arms around my toro. "Your gonna be okay." He whispered. I shook my head and stared at the ad normally large needle the veterinarian was holding.

She better not put that in me.

"I promise you, your gonna be fine." Liam whispered, rubbing my arms. I shook my head and backed up more into him. "Would it make you feel better if I prepared you?" He whispered so quiet, that only I could hear. I nodded, not even thinking about it.

Liam took my hand, then whispered to the nurse. She let go of me and nodded. She handed the needle to Liam, then disappeared into - what I'm guessing - her office.

Liam turned to me. "Your gonna have to do what I say or she's gonna do it. I'm guessing she's not gonna be gently." He chuckled. I shrugged shyly and looked at the ground.

Liam directed me over to a waiting room couch. I sat down and he sat beside me. He rolled up my left sleeve. I shook my head and pulled my arm away from him. Liam sighed and shook his head.

He took my arm again and repeated his previous actions. I repeated my actions. "Zayn, she's gonna do it if you don't let me." Liam said, looking straight into my eyes.

His big beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Snap out of it! It's either he does it or her. Your call. Pick now, so this surgery can be over and done with." Louis snapped. He stood right in front of me with his arms crossed. Liam glared at him, then looked back down at me.

"I think you should kiss him." Louis said bluntly. My eyes widened and glared at him. Liam just laughed. "Who are you talking to?" Liam chuckled. "You." Louis answered as if it were completely normal. Liam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like that's gonna-"

So, I cut him off. Not wanting to hear about him being straight and him thinking in straight, when I'm not.

I kissed him.

I kissed Liam James Payne.

A boy, yes.

A lad, yes.

My band mate and best friend, yes.

But also my crush from 2010 on the stairs in the X-Factor house.

My crush that held my hand when I got nervous on my first plane ride.

My crush that comforts me when I'm sad.

My crush that puts up with so much bull shit and -

"Zayn..." Liam pushed me back. He just stared at me cold in the eyes. So cold, I may have been shivering because of it.

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Zayn, this..." Liam kept shaking his head and staring at the ground.


He hates me for sure.

I'm a screw up.

I'm a mess.


Liam looked back up at me. He grabbed my arm roughly and stabbed the shot right through my skin. I let out a high-pitched yelp. A painful tear rolled down my cheek. I looked down at my hands and soon passed out.

Liam P.O.V

Zayn does like me.

He is gay.

But for me?

I shook my head and grabbed his arm.

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

I stabbed the needle through his skin. He let out a yelp. Zayn stiffened, then collapsed on top of me.

I straightened up and looked down at him. This male thing likes me.

I shook my head disappointingly. I'm not looking forward to the events when he returns.

"Told you so." Louis sassed, crossing his arms. I glared at him and shook my head. "I wish you weren't." I snapped. Louis jumped back. "I'm sorry I can't control his feelings." Louis rolled his eyes and dragged Zayn off of my lap.

I observed as Zayn's human body slowly turned into his cat one.

The vet came back out again. She picked up Zayn and disappeared into a room where she was before. Louis wet with her, but rushed back over to me. "Don't let it get to your head. You never know, maybe your slowly falling for him now." He whispered, then ran after the vet.

I sat there.

Staring at a blank wall.

Just like my thoughts; blank.

Trying not to think about anything.


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