Chapter 6

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Zayn P.O.V

"Ugh, Zayn, right there." Liam moaned loudly, bouncing on top of me. "Fuck Liam." I moaned, slamming him on to my hips.

Liam threw his head back as he orgasmed all over my chest.

"Fuck Liam." I groaned, releasing myself in him, making him moan loudly.

"Zayn..." Liam panted, "Zayn... food..." He nipped my neck. "Hmm?" I hummed, thrusting into slowly. "Take out is here." He pecked my lips. "Take out?" I asked. Liam nodded and began shaking me. "Wake up before your food gets cold!" He shouted.

I jumped up and looked around. Harry and Louis were standing beside me with red faces and jaws dropped. I blushed and looked down.


I crossed my legs and looked back at them. "Can I help you?" I asked, frustrated. They both smirked. "We ordered take out and it's here. Get it before it gets cold." Louis chuckled. Harry covered his mouth, giggling quietly. "Okay." I said, shooing them out.

Louis and Harry walked out. As soon as the door closed, I heard them laughing loudly. I groaned un covered myself.

I must've changed back into my human form in my sleep. Is that possible?

I shrugged it off and walked into the shower.


I jogged down the stairs and entered the kitchen in my sweat pants and sweat shirt.

Everyone was seated around the counter. Louis and Harry were whispering to each other while staring at me. Niall was engulfing the Chinese food in front of him. Liam was reading something on his phone.


His hair was in a messy quiff.

His sweat pants hung low around his waste.

His tee-shirt clung loosely around his body.

"Zayn, you alright?" Louis asked, smirking with Cheshire Cat smile. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

I sat beside Liam and crossed my legs. "Have a nice nap?" Liam asked, looking over at me with his big brown eyes. His big chocolate brown eyes that makes you hungry for pudding-

"Zayn!" Louis snapped his fingers. I shook my head. "Yeah, it was fine." I said quickly and stabbed my fork into my dish. Liam sent me a smile, before going back to his phone scrolling.

I looked across, only to see Louis and Harry smirking at me. "What?" I growled. Louis nodded in Liam's direction, the licked his lips. I shook my head. Him and Harry both nodded.

Louis turned, so his side was facing me. He began to grind into Harry. Harry began to make sex faces. Louis pointed to Liam. I shook my head and looked away.

I stabbed my noddles a few times, beginning to loose my appetite.

Niall leaned over to me. "If your not gonna eat that, can I have it?" He asked. I nodded and pushed it to him. He smiled with wide eyes and dug into it.

"I'm gonna go to bed, night." I excused myself. I walked out of the kitchen.

I jogged up to my room and closed the door. I walked over to my bed and curled up under the covers, pulling a pillow close to me.

It smelt like Liam.

Mostly because I had Liam's shirt in the pillow.

I closed my eyes and fell back a sleep.

Harry P.O.V

"I'm gonna go to bed, night." Zayn said, standing up and turning towards the door. He walked out and shut the door behind him.

Liam looked up when he heard the door close. He looked at the door, then glared at Louis and I. "Did you say something to him?" He questioned. I shook my head. "He probably was just tired." Louis suggested. Niall nodded in agreement.

Liam sighed and set his phone down. He stared us all down (including Niall) as if we were guilty of something. "I swear, we didn't say anything to make him go away." I said, raising my arms up in defeat. Louis did the same. Niall just looked at all of us confused. "Okay... whatever you say..." Liam sighed.

Louis and I put our arms down. I gave him a high-five under the table. Louis smirked at me. I smirked back and squeezed his hand.


I woke up in my bed, barley covered with my blankets. I looked up at my digital clock.

7:23 am

I groaned and buried my face into my pillows. Why did I wake up so early?


Really? Right when I wake up? Nothing planned at all, yet someone knocks. Am I being fucking watched or something?

"Humph." I groaned loudly. The door creaked open, revealing Louis.

Well, his shadow. I saw cat ears and a long tail.

"Hey Boo." I mumbled into my pillow. "Hey Haz." He said, closing the door. He walked over to me and crawled into bed.

I turned over, wrapping my arms around him. "We have an interview today." He purred into my chest. "Is that why you came in here?" I asked, looked down at him. He hummed, purring a bit in response and held me closer. I pecked his ear. "When?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanna snuggle." He mumbled. I nodded and rubbed his back.

Zayn P.O.V

I woke up, still in human form. I opened my eyes, just a tad.

It's to early to be up.

I close my eyes again, trying to fall back a sleep.

About 15 minutes later, someone began banging on my door.

I let out a groan and burying myself deeper into my pillows and sheets.

I heard the door creak open, then foot steps coming close and closer to me. I felt the bed sink a little.

Must be Liam.

I turned onto my side and looked up at him. "Hey babe." He whispered softly, rubbing my cheek. I purred in response.

Yes, I can purr as a human.

"We have an interview in a few hours. You need to get up." He chuckled softly, petting my head. I let out a groan in annoyance. "I know, but it's part of our job." He said quietly.

I opened my eyes slightly and looked to my digital clock. "But Leeyum, it's to damn early." I groaned. "But it's worth it." He said, patting my arm before getting up, "and the sooner we get it over with, the sooner we will have the vacation we deserve," and with that, he left my room.

I sighed and sat up in my bed. "Yeah, another long day ahead of me."


We all sat down on a long red coach for our interview. It's always is a long couch for our group interviews! They really need to change it up.

I sat on the end with Niall beside me.

Then Louis.

Then Harry.

Then Liam.

It's our usual order. Except, Harry and Louis aren't ever aloud to sit next to each other.

Our interviewer walked over and greeted us. I couldn't care less for her. I looked over to the opposite end of the couch to Liam. He was all bring and smiling, just like the perfect human puppy dog he is.

Niall whacked my chest. "Ow." I whimpered, rubbing my now - sore - chest. "Interview." He mouthed. I bit my lip and nodded.


It's over...

It's all over... until our short vacation ends.

"So lads," Louis began as we piled into a van, "what should we do on our lovely well deserved time to ourselves?" Louis asked as we all sat down. "Anything you guys want to do." I shrugged. Louis, Harry, and Liam exchanged glances, then looked at me with huge grins. I'm totally gonna regret with what I just said.

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