I grinned towards Ed while running up to him and hugging him for a quick second, “Thank you. I want them to suffer. And I know exactly how. Follow me.”


It took the remainder of the day, but we finally broke out of the woods and entered a vast meadow. Ed gave me a questioning look but I disregarded it and continued walking straight forward – straight forward to the eerie little, beaten up house that sat in the middle of the field. I came across it a few weeks back and kept it’s location in the back of my mind.

It was perfect.

[Zayn’s POV]

“You killed Liam?!” I shouted, standing up from the dinner table, “Do you know what this means, Niall?!” I started immediately biting on what little fingernail I had left. I started to pace as Niall looked at me with confusion.

“Yes… It means we’re one step closer to stopping Harry… Why aren’t you excited?” Niall questioned. He too stood up, his palms pinned to the table, his back arched.

“You weren’t supposed to kill Liam! A hybrid isn’t supposed to kill another hybrid!” I said in a panic, looking over to Niall in fear – which I tried to hide, but I didn’t to it justice. Niall squinted his eyes and started to calmly make his way over to me, but I backed away as he stepped closer,

“What’s wrong Zayn…” His voice grew deep, “What do you mean?”

“If a hybrid kills another hybrid, they basically absorb the others strength, gain their mental capacity, and sometimes can acquire their distinct power. This explains why your body is more muscular and toned than before. You’ve been deprived of food and of water, yet once you killed Liam your body adapted to Liam’s abilities and you fed off of him.” I swallowed heavily. Niall truly didn’t understand how dangerous this could be.

"That sounds like witchcraft, Zayn. How is that scientifically possible?” Niall questioned. His voice was soft, but his face was hard. I had trouble telling if he was calm and collected, or heated and angry, “Are you saying I’m becoming Liam?”

“No. Well, kind of.” I sighed, “You may become Liam in the sense you’ll have his astounding strength, which, by the looks of things, you’ve gotten stronger. Niall this could be highly dangerous.”

“But how? I’m still me. I’m no different. If I really took Liam’s strength, then all that’s different is my strength,” Niall then flashed a cheeky grin, “I’m just hotter.” He laughed at his attempt to calm the mood, but I quickly disregarded what he said with my words,

“Niall I can’t put this explanation into words you’ll understand. I barely understand them myself. It’s so scientific that only Dr. Tomlinson fully understood it.” I caught myself breathing more rapidly and my body temperature increased. I hated how I was so afraid right now.

“I hate how you talk to me, about me, like I’m some sort of science experiment.” Niall snapped suddenly, punching my dining room table, leaving a harsh looking crack where his fist fell.

“That’s because you are one Niall. You can’t fully understand that with adding Liam’s absurd strength to your already strong frame, you can be a deathly weapon is taunted. And that terrifies me.” I almost shouted, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

Niall swallowed hard and gave me a dark look, “Is that all I am to you, Zayn? A science project? Were you just going to treat me like a school project and when you were finished with me, return me to Dr. Tomlinson for a perfect grade?” Niall hissed. I tried to open my mouth to correct him but he continued talking, “I thought you legitimately cared for me and my development as a human. You’re no better than those pricks at the laboratory,” Niall then pushed away from the table and walked up to me, his eyes were burning me practically causing me to go up in flames, “How could you.”

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