Chapter 23- Safe

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The door opens the room while I'm talking with my family, I see Faith walk in, her short hair in a small ponytail.

"Claire?" She asks and her eyes are dark and she looks sleep deprived.

"Faith! There you are!" I say quietly but excited.

"Uh. Kathrine and Ocean are here too." She comes t my bedside and curly black haired Katherine come is with long blond haired Ocean right behind her.

"Hey guys!" I smile but they all look worried and tired.

"Where's Taylor?" Kathrine asks and I freeze as the memories flash through me, and I shake my head trying to make the pictures leave.

"She's dead." I whisper.

"So it's true?" Ocean's voice trembles.

"Yes, I'm so sorry!" I cry and then hold back tears, I need to be strong.


I spend a week or two in the hospital, I lost track of time, and when I get home I go straight to my room and look around, so thankful to be back with my family and have all this food and safety.

My friends all visited every day all day and walk into my room with me, they seem to be getting more sleep, but we are having a sleepover, so we'll be tired in the morning.

"Wow, everything is exactly the same!" I examine my room, nothing is even a millimeter off.

"Oh yeah?" Kathrine puts her things on the floor.

"Why would they come into your room, to snoop?" Ocean has a point as her bag is set down beside Kathrine's.

"I don't know, it's just, weird. I've been gone so long, I thought something would've changed, know what I mean?" I look at the three of and they all have huge grins on their faces.

"When's supper, I'm famished!" Faith buts in.

"Uh, I don't know, let's go ask." I suggest it and we all start to leave the room.

"Race ya, loser gets a punch...I mean, they have to bring lunch for the other person at school on Monday!" Kathrine switches the punishment, since I still have to be a little careful.

"Deal!" I race down, we shove each other and I skid into the kitchen first

"I win!" I smile at her and she gives me a sad face.

"Awww, come on!" She sits in a chair and pouts at her loss.

"Mom, what's for supper?" She turns and smiles at us.

"Sous vide hamburgers!" She sounds very excited.

"Great, when will it be ready?"

"Come and grab one!" She steps to the side, revealing veggies and juicy, steaming, mouthwatering burgers. Cheese dripping over them, and we all frantically grab what we want, anxious to eat it.

We close our eyes as the delicious juices explode into our mouths, and the tender meat falls apart when we bit into it, the melted cheese adding even more flavor. We get stuffed from the food and thank my mom, we then slowly head up to my room, all of us stuffed and happy. I'm so grateful for the filling meal.

I didn't eat much for the time I was kidnapped, so now I can barely eat a few veggies and a quarter of a hamburger, while my friends can all eat two burgers and a pile of veggies. But it's all the same, we are all stuffed, and I'm so very thankful for good tasting, brilliant quality food.


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