Chapter 16- Tranfer

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They drag me to my 'room' and I cry into my pillow, I feel so violated! How awful, to think someone would do  that, uhg, seriously, can't I just escape for once? I'm so frustrated!

I sigh and decide just to relax for once, my eyelids are heavy and suddenly I hear the front door open. I guess I fell asleep because it wakes me. I look around then relax once more, listening to the muffled voices and words.

I squint as my door busts open and silhouette of people tackle and tie me up.

"Behave, or you'll get hurt." Tyler whispers in my ear.

"Whatever." I sigh and decide not to struggle, I need a plan before that.

I get walked down the stairs, then they open a door, revealing another set of stairs to the basement. Once down those, we walk into another room.

The lights are nicer than those in the rest of the house, it's nicely decorated with some paintings and beige walls, there's a wooden chair in the corner which I'm tied to. There are two, comfy looking, gold and crimson seats. Tyler sits in one, and a man with a slender build and dark eyes, with jet hair is in the other across from him.

"Now, let's talk." This strange man begins.

"Right, she's a nice catch isn't she?" Tyler looks at me as Jasmin and the creepy guy take up spots on either side of me.

"Yes, yes, very fine indeed, I will hold her, but we split the price, forty for you, sixty for me, since I'm doing the work." The slender man insists, Tyler thinks and taps his finger on the arm of the chair.

"Fine, when will you come to transfer her over there?" Tyler asks and the man readjusts himself.

"Three days from now, I'm fairly busy at the moment." He gets up and leaves.

Once the man is gone, Tyler turns in his seat to look at me. "Now that's the best behavior we've seen from you, good girl." I've noticed that Tyler keeps calling me either a good or bad girl. I scowl and he laughs. "We'll be rid of you soon. I get a slap for scowling, then get walked back to my room.

I must make a plan for escape now, when hey transfer me, I assume they're relocating me, they will also have many men I presume. What should I do? I've already learned multiple times that with the little amount of food and water, I can't out run them. I'll have to use my brain more than physical strength, I suppose. But how will I ever do that?


I know this is a shorter chapter, I apologize, but I hope you enjoy anyways, I'm very busy today, let me know what you think! :)

Sorry this is  chapter 16 it won't let me change it, please excuse the error.

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