Chapter 14- A Crack in the Ice

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Hope you all have the best summer and get outside lots, please comment down below! :)


I hurl myself at Pat who now stands and knock him back to the floor, where he belongs, killing him would be too nice, so I stab his arm, then his other arm and Tyler jumps on me, pinned to the floor, I scream, still burning with sorrow and rage.

His eyes widen when he see all the emotion in my face, this surprises me, I go limp, and fall into my sadness for my dear friend. She wasn't meant to leave this young, and definitely not like this!

He turns his red eyes to Pat and gets up, I sit  up and Pats stands, then Tyler punches him in the face. I gasp with surprise and shock, and he yelps.

"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO KILL HER, SHE WAS GOOD MONEY!" Anger resonates through the house as Jasmin and Jack come in, they look around and race over to Taylor's dead body.

"I...I'm sorry!" Pat stutters and gets another three punches. "Taylor tried to dodge and I hit the wrong place, also that Claire girl ran into me, knocking my arm over!" He pleads his case and Tyler grabs my friend bloodied body and walks out with it. Blood streaks the floor and marks his path.

I feel the blood rush from my face  and my strength leaves, I feel weak and light headed. I slowly look down at my hands, they are covered in my friends blood, but also that of her murderer. His blood doesn't deserve to be with hers! I cry and then scream with stinging tears rushing over my face.

I'm so enraged but sad, and I try to get up, when I spot a gun in Pat's pocket. He lies on the ground, recovering from the punches. I feel too weak, so I crawl over there and grab the cool, rough handle. The weight shared with both my hands, and point it at his head. 'BANG'.

I pull the smooth trigger and blood soaks everything around me, everything slows and the gun falls from my weak grip. I gasp in realization of what I've done.

I claim my kidnappers are cruel, but really, who's cruel one now? I can't go back, I can't undo this. All the blood from my friend stains the room.

She wanted me to escape, now's my chance, I stand and bound to the stairs, then faint.

I wake up on a real single bed under the soft covers and the room is lit by the sun, I see Jasmin looking at me intently like a hawk, I get slapped, but I'm not surprised.

"Jasmine. Out, now." I hear Tyler's voice and she leaves, closing the door as Tyler walks over looking stern.

"What do you want." I give him an ice cold glare and he sighs as he sits on a stool beside me. I try to move, but I'm tied up.

"I just want you to know, we didn't mean to kill your friend, it was an accident. We were never going to kill anyone." He explains, looking right into my eyes, and I'm sure he saw all my feelings of anger, loneliness, sorrow, rage, and frustration.

"Why did you kidnap us!? Can't you just let me go now!?" I say raising my voice, I need to get out, for Taylor.

"Because we are going to sell you, and we can't let you go, we need the money, and besides, you already know what we look like." He slaps me and leaves, but not after I spit on him, he turns and then walks out.

Now I know that he's their leader, and I believe that all the others are scared of him, but I don't know how useful that will be in the end. I've finally found a crack in the ice.

For the next three days, I lie in bed and my body turns stiff from lying like this for so long, and Jasmin hand feeds me, I often bite her fingers when I can, but now I'm used to the slaps. Nothing happens and I only get up to go to the bathroom, but they drag me there and throw me in then lock the door, give me one minute, then drag me out and tie me up again.

I get so bored that I insult them out loud even when they're not in the room.

Then they let me get up and put me back in the other room, I don't know which I prefer, but now I'm not tied up, by now I've overcome most of my grief and turned it into confidence.

I notice all the blood is gone and there's nothing there from that day, I don't know how but, if you walked into the room now, you would never guess anything happened.

The door opens and Tyler walks in with a short man wearing a top hat and suit.

"What do YOU want?" I sigh and look him over coldly.

"Hmmmm, seems she needs to be taught, as you said." The man turns to Tyler. "I'll send some one over who will get the job done, though I don't understand why you don't do it.

I'm very confused, but about an hour later a man walks in, he's taller and the door locks behind him. He has a devilish smile as he walks over pushes our heads into a kiss. I slap him and he slaps back, he proceeds to take off my clothing, I fight him and get it back on and have a sudden, crazy, stupid idea. But it's better than this.

"Come back, baby." He sounds evil and I kick and kick desperately at the boards over the window. He walks over just as they break with a crack. Without a second thought I jump out and my heart jumps as I land in the bushes.

I race over to the trees behind the house, yelling starts and I run, my legs ache, but I've had this plan for a while now, time to see what happens, for Taylor.


Comment please, have a great summer, wish you all the best! :)

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