Chapter 5

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A doctor comes to examine the children. The Guards get a lead on the one responsible for this mess. For once bad things don't happen to the children.


Grillby remained on guard for the rest of the night, watching over his charges. He's gone without sleep plenty of times, and this was more important to him than getting a night of rest. He had hoped the two children would be able to rest that night, but it was wishful thinking. Remembering his own experience, it was nearly impossible to actually rest after a particularly bad mental episode. It takes time to recover from those.

Sans proved this thinking true when he abruptly awoke in loud tears, no doubt because of some night terror. Again Sans didn't quite know where he was, fending off Grillby's attempts to comfort him with growls and halfhearted flailing. When he did manage to come back to consciousness, he didn't say a single word, but allowed himself to be hugged. It touched Grillby deeply to know that Sans saw him as someone that would be supportive, he had made a promise to help the child and he will not break it.

Sans eventually went back to sleep, both him and Papyrus holding onto each other tightly. Grillby stayed on guard until the underground 'sky' began to lighten. He decided to let them sleep in, Sans obviously needed the extra sleep.

Eventually he had to reluctantly wake them up, and once again carrying them downstairs. They needed breakfast and he wasn't about to let them skip a meal.

He'd need to tell them a doctor was coming, without upsetting them. Sans's scratches didn't even begin to heal, confirming his fears that the children might be in worse shape then he initially thought.

Sans took a seat at the table and Papyrus was put into the highchair. For breakfast he made them more oatmeal, this time adding some diced fruit to the cooked grains. The different texture and flavor amazed Papyrus, who once again attacked his bowl with gusto. Sans ate slowly and tiredly, only managing to eat half of the bowl. He pushed the partially eaten bowl away from himself with a sigh.

"Sans..." Grillby started.

"'m not hungry..." Sans leaned over and rested his head and arms on the table. The poor kid just radiated exhaustion. His voice was still rough and pained, but it was a lot better than last night.

"Are you alright?" Of course Grillby knew he wasn't alright, he just hoped Sans would be able to admit such to him.

Sans just shook his head no, not saying a single word or raising his head.

"Someone is coming over later, to help you both feel better." Grillby said, choosing his words very carefully. If the children were victims of medical abuse, he couldn't outright say a doctor was coming without consequences.

Sans jerked to awareness, panic evidence in his eyes. Papyrus stopped eating to also look at Grillby, eyes wide. Sans took a nervous intake of breath.

"It's alright," the fire monster said gently. "I would not let anyone come here that could hurt you. I made a promise, remember?"

Sans nodded his head, but he still trembled slightly at the idea of someone coming over. Grillby reached over and gently placed a hand over Sans's. The child flinched at first, but allowed the hand to remain. Sans took another shaky breath.

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