Chapter 4

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The children experience the wonders of having a home, but of course happiness doesn't last for very long.



After eating, it was more than evident on the children's need for a bath. Papyrus had once again, managed to cover himself in bits of food. Sans kept himself cleaner for the most part, but Papyrus had to come over to hug him, getting his brother dirtier as well.

Grillby looked into the dresser to find it filled with children's clothes. Again, the generosity of the royal guard seemed too much to him, but he wasn't about to make a fuss about it. It was, after all, about the children, not him. He found some clothing that he believed would fit them both, thick pants and sweaters, more than enough to keep them warm as they both recovered. With Sans being still unable to walk properly, he simply picked both wiggly bone monsters up and carried them to the washroom.

"Come now, you both need a bath."

He only got confused looks from both as they were carried to the guest washroom.

Being a fire monster, Grillby had no real use for a bathtub. It had been there when he had moved in and never bothered to remove it. It did serve some function, it made an excellent place to soak large troublesome pots and pans overnight if need be. But for the most part, it was left alone. For now it seemed it would be able to perform its intended function. Grillby set the children down on the floor, getting some soap and towels from a cabinet. He'd have to shop later for some proper bath supplies, but for now simple soap would do. He'd especially need to stock up on arm-length rubber gloves, pulling on his last pair then and there.

Giving the children a bath proved to be a...challenge. They seemed to have no clue exactly what a bath is. Trying to get them both undressed proved to equally hard, as they seemed almost afraid of the water. Sans outright refused to remove the bandage covering the barcode on his arm. In the end he only removed it because Grillby promised a fresh clean bandage afterward. Even then he was shy about it, trying to not let Grillby look at it even more than he had too.

In the end though they seemed to enjoy it. Judging by the dirt in the water, it'd been a long time since they had a bath...if they ever even had one at all. Without being covered by clothing, their actual physical condition could be assessed...and it didn't look good. Both their arms had a network of dented pockmarks up and down their bones. Sans had the worst of it, old healed cracks and tool marks marred some of his bones, especially in more delicate places like his ribs and spine. Papyrus had some old healed injuries, but not nearly to the degree of his brother.

Grillby made a note to call a doctor the next day.

In the end, the two children were clean, their bones a sparkling white. He helped them dry off and dress, leaving them both to marvel over their new clothing. Sans looked over at his hoodie sitting in a pile with the rest of their old clothing.

"Don't worry Sans, I'm going to wash and repair it for you. You will get it back later."

This seemed to put the older child at ease. They both just sat with each other, grinning to themselves, enjoying the simple feeling of being clean with new clothes.

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