18. The Strange Woman

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The Winchester family arrived in the Windy City after almost nine hours of straight driving.  They found the nearest decent hotel, checked in, then dove right into the problem at hand.  Bobby went over to the hospital to pick up more copies of the coroner's report and to see the bodies for himself while Dean, Sam, and Melody scoured the local history of the bar and all of Chicago for any extra leads.  At the end of the day, they had gotten nothing except the reassurance that Savelle had not lied to them about anything.  

"How long is this going to take?  We've been researching nonstop for two days and we haven't found jack on this thing," Dean complained to Bobby on the afternoon of their third day in Chicago.  All three of the young hunters' patience were wearing thin, but Dean was by far being the most expressive about it.

"There was another guy killed last night, so I figured we'd go out tonight."  Dean's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?  Bobby, we don't know what it is!"

"We can find out tonight," he replied shortly.  "We need to take a risk because like you said, we don't know what this thing is.  We know what it's capable of, though.  So we'll just have to wait at the bar 'til we hear a scream."  Dean sighed and opened his mouth to protest, but Melody spoke instead.

"I agree with Bobby.  The only way to learn about it at this point is to see it."  Dean looked around the room and was surprised to not find Sam.  A fire without smoke was very concerning.

"Where's Sam?"

"Showering," Melody replied, opening the mini fridge in the kitchenette.  

"You don't shower together?" Dean teased.  

"No, we're not dating or anything."  Melody buried herself deeper in the fridge and resurfaced with a box of take-out from two nights ago.  Dean could see a hint of blush on her cheeks, but he kept it to himself.  He knew there was something a little funny going on between the two of them.

"So that's not what you were so embarrassed about a few days ago?"  Melody went slightly redder and Dean smirked.  

"No, no, that was something else," she muttered, staring intently at the box she held in her hands.

"Mhm, sure it was," Dean pressed further.  

"Can we just get back to the conversation?" she asked as she pulled a paper plate from the stack on the table and dumped out her food.

"Alright," Dean said with an air of victory.  "So, we go out tonight, stake out the bar, find whatever's killing people and kill it."

"It's not going to be that simple, but okay," Bobby remarked.  Just then, Sam came out of the bathroom--fully dressed with wet hair hanging around his face.  Out of the corner of his eye, Dean could see Melody staring at Sam.  He considered saying something, but for once he had good judgement and refrained.  He did smirk, though, which then caused Melody to roll her eyes at him when she sat down at the table.  

They left for the bar at dusk.  Dean and Bobby waited outside for the monster, but nothing happened in the first few hours they were there.  As time wore on, Dean grew restless and insisted on taking more and more breaks to check on Sam and Melody.  He knew Bobby was probably getting annoyed with him, but he really should cut him some slack.  Dean wasn't even 21 yet.  I think I deserve a little exemption every now and then.

Around three in the morning, the bar was starting to dwindle down to only a handful of drinkers and cage dancers.  Dean, Bobby, Sam, and Melody sat watching people stumble out, making sure no blue light appeared.  They were starting to give up hope just after four when Dean saw a strange looking man for a fleeting second.  He looked back to do a double-take, but he got distracted by a vivacious dancer for a few seconds.  After he had drank in the sight of the dancer's beautiful body, he looked around just in time to see the man walk out of the bar right behind a man with a scrubby beard and a beer bottle hanging loosely in his fist.  

Dean followed the two men trance-like, drowning out the rest of his family's calls.  He stayed silent as he followed them into a lamp-lit alley, careful not to take his eyes off the man directly in front of him, and put a hand on his gun tucked in the waistband of his jeans.  Suddenly, the drunk man turned to the man in the suit, screamed, then was shocked with blue lightning from the man's raised hand.  

Dean's eyes widened in horror.  The monster was in front of him and it would be any second before he sensed Dean was behind him.  Dean could hear Melody and Sam behind him and he wondered if that's how his story would end--with his brother and the girl who was practically his sister watching him die.  He held his breath as the monster rounded on him and he pulled out his gun.  Dean was taken aback when he first saw the creature and almost dropped the gun.  It was slimy and squished with no mouth or nose on its face.  The hands had only three fingers--thicker than climbing rope and just as disfigured-looking as its face.  The suit the creature was dressed in looked fairly old, but crisp and well-kept all the same.  Dean continued to not take his eyes off the thing and held the gun level to its chest. 

To his surprise, the monster didn't try to kill Dean, Sam, or Melody, but instead he just spoke.

"We've been looking for you," it said in a echo-y, chilling voice, "Melody Pond, how elusive you've b--".  Bang! A gunshot rang out in the alley and the thing dropped dead, revealing a woman with very curly hair pointing a gun where it once stood.  She had a worried look on her face, but Dean didn't know what it could be for--there was no danger that he could see.  They stood still for a few seconds before Bobby spoke up.  When did he get here?  I didn't hear him.

"Thanks" he said.  Dean looked back at him with a puzzled look and followed his eyes to see a very ugly creature in a black suit and tie.  He jumped back in fright and the woman laughed.

"They're called the Silence and we don't have a lot of time."  Not two seconds after she said this, a different voice joined the pitiful excuse of a conversation.

"River, where are you?" called an oddly familiar male voice from around the corner.  The woman, River, retreated down a side street towards the direction of the voice.  

"Just down the road, sweetie," Dean heard her call.  He waited for her to come back and when she didn't, he took one last glance at the body, which he had rediscovered for the third time, and started walking back to the bar.  Sam and Bobby turned to follow suit, but Melody stayed put.  

"Hey, you okay?"  He looked at Melody's pure white face to see a look of terror that surpassed anything he'd ever seen on a victim's face.  She drew a very shaky breath and a single tear rolled down her face as she turned to face Dean.  Her blue eyes were alight with fear and realization.

"They're coming for me, Dean.  I have to kill him."

The end of book one - Stella

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