7. So You've Been Underestimating Someone-a pamphlet from Ms. Pillsbury

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Although no one brought up the topic of Sam in the passing weeks, it never left their heads.  Bobby would stay up until morning many nights just going over everything what had happened the night Sam was taken.  He contacted hunters like he did seven years ago, commanding them to rack their brains for even the smallest memory of the young boy.  Dean would also help sometimes, but he was more concerned about the "Hunter's House" and what could possibly be in store if he decided to break Sam free.  Under the cover of darkness, he worked on finding a way to save his brother.  Melody would also contribute small bits here and there, usually answering questions about Sam or the "Hunter's House".  Sam Winchester became a concept too contraband to mention unless it was in the dead of night.  

In the days that preceded the nights, Dean and Bobby spent most of their time asleep or with Melody.  It was Dean's deepest desire to see her acclimated to her new life. He had made it clear that he was done hunting and even went so far as to stop Bobby and himself from doing any sort of research until she was asleep.  Even so, he was still getting the idea that she was scared of him, but he assumed that came with the territory.  He did his best to help her with anything from the nightmares that rarely left to the astounding lack of appetite.  She started to show a little progress by the second week, much to the relief of both Dean and Bobby.  

The morning of August 17th heralded a new chapter in Melody's development.  She had no nightmares and actually talked at breakfast, even if it was just a simple sentence.  Dean was elated.  She continued to talk throughout the day and Bobby even noticed how much more used to everything she was becoming.  Today was not the day it started, but the day it became most noticeable.  Rather than waiting to eat with Dean and Bobby, she would get food herself.  She also stopped asking if she could do the simplest of things and occasionally "forgot" to tell Dean when she was going off on her own for a few minutes.  Granted she still was quick to relapse if Dean's voice got a bit too high or if Bobby had a bottle in his hand, it was progress just the same.  

Dean awoke one morning to a fierce neck cramp, annoyingly bright sunlight, and low voices in the kitchen.  He stood up from his chair, massaged the base of his neck, and ambled out from the living room.  Much to his surprise, he found Bobby and Melody at the kitchen table reading from newspapers and pamphlets.  "What's with the reading?" he asked groggily.  Bobby quickly looked up from his paper and set it down next to some other booklets on the table.

"Research," Bobby responded as he rubbed his eyes.  "There's some donuts on the counter."  

"Research on what?"  Dean reached for a donut and crammed it into his mouth as soon as he had finished speaking.

"Sam." said Melody, looking up from her pamphlet.  Dean's jaw dropped and a few pieces of donut fell to the floor.  Hearing Melody talk, especially when Bobby was around, came as a small surprise to Dean.  This added to what she had said made him incredibly intrigued and nervous about how the conversation would continue.  He swallowed thickly and cleared his throat before even considering speaking again.


"We're going over everything we know, plus a little more, about Sam and that place he was where Melody found him.  Her and I have been up since about five trying to figure it all out."

"We've been doing that for about a month now, Bobby.  Why the sudden team-up with Melody?" 

"I couldn't sleep," Melody shrugged.  

"She came down here quarter to five and was looking for you when she found me working on the stuff for Sam.  She got interested, I explained, and then she helped me a little bit with some of the details on when she knew Sam at the 'Hunter's House'."  

"How did you get her to talk to you?"

"Just in case you haven't noticed, Dean," Melody started, voice quavering slightly as she continued on, "I'm not a mute.  I can talk, I can disclose information, I'm perfectly capable of speaking my mind.  I see the way you look at me, even now you're almost in shock because heaven forbid the doll should speak.  I'm not a creature that you should take pity on, I'm just a tool to be used.  You got me for information on your brother and as a filler so you could stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time.  I am expendable and everyone in here knows it.  And you know what, I'm fine with it because that is all I ever will be.  Some resource that gets lent out to hunters for bait or occasionally for research help.  I'm giving you what you want, so just leave me alone.  God knows it's going to be how I end up anyway."  

By the end of Melody's speech, both she and Dean were in tears.  Bobby excused himself from the table not even halfway through, as if he knew how it was going to end.  Melody's gray eyes stared Dean down and pummeled his soul with her sharp words.  Then, like lightning, she rushed up the stairs to Dean's old room.  Dean, not really thinking too clearly, followed her up just as quickly.  He heard the distinct slam of the door as he reached the landing and sulked over to the bedroom door.

"Melody, can we talk about this?"  No response.  "Melody please," he tried after about a minute.  Still nothing.  Through the door, he could hear her muffled sobs and sniffles.  Dean sighed, and began to counter Melody's words as best he could.  

"You weren't wrong about the fact that I used you as a replacement, but you are so misunderstood about why I even chose you in the first place.  You were the only one who didn't have any hope, and I wanted to change that.  I wanted to play hero for a while and fix you because I thought you were destroyed almost beyond repair.  I'm sorry that I've downplayed you and treated you so delicately, but I don't want you to get hurt.  Yeah, at first it was a way to redeem myself, but I don't want it to be like that anymore.  You deserve to be protected out of love, not some hero complex.  You're not expendable either.  I didn't even know you knew anything about Sam when I got you and I swear I will never try to make you feel like you are being used like that ever again."  Dean turned around and started back down the stairs when he heard the slight creak of the old door.  He turned around slowly to see Melody peering out of a small crack in the door.  He debated about trying to talk to her again, but decided against it.  There had been enough drama for the morning.

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