14. The Full Story

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Melody sat next to Sam's sleeping form, running her fingers through his hair and soothing him back to sleep from one of his nightmares.  Dean was itching to ask her about her real story, because it had become increasingly clear during the past week that they couldn't have bonded like that in a hospital unit.  Added to that what the man had said made him very conscious of the possibility that Melody might not have been telling the full truth that first night.  

Melody and Sam followed each other around like shadows.  Whenever someone approached, they stood in front of each other.  At night, they shared a bed and were so curled in each other's bodies that it looked like twins joined at several major organs.  Dean noticed that they didn't have nightmares when they slept like this, so he let it go for the most part.  

Stranger yet, they would finish each other's sentences and once, Dean even saw Melody recognize a memory of Sam and his.  He was in what seemed like a constant state of confusion, but he wasn't complaining.  He had his brother back and that was all that mattered.  Shame on you.  Melody matters too, you know.  

I know she does, but Sam...

Maybe this is where Melody's problem comes from.  Maybe she can read your mind and knows that you hate her.

She doesn't think that.  She just thinks that Sam is worth more to me than she ever will.  He's my brother, though, so he'll always be important.

You thought of Melody as a sister, what happened?  She should mean as much to you as Sam does and you need to show her that, or just think it a lot.

I...fine.  You win.   

"So, uh, you two are certainly close," said Dean in a pitiful attempt to break the ice. 

"Yeah," she breathed, not even looking up from Sam.  "Things like that tend to happen when you heal someone."

"You can drop the act Melody," Dean responded softly, the darkness of the room naturally muffling his voice.  "I know you didn't meet in a hospital ward."  Melody positioned herself to face Dean, but continued to run her fingers through Sam's hair.  To his surprise, she didn't ask how he knew, but instead started on her and Sam's story.

"I assume you want to know what happened, and the best place to start would be sixteen years ago, when the Hunter's House first started and when I was born.  A few days, maybe a week or two after I was born, there was a woman who took me away from my parents and to the Hunter's House.  I was the first child to be sold as bait and certainly not the last.  For the next eight years I saw hundreds of girls come and go and even saw a couple become hunters themselves.  

"When I was almost nine, a hunt went really wrong and I almost died.  Some woman shot me in an old warehouse, maybe a rival hunter or something.  All I remember is pain and a bright gold light.  

"I don't know how, but I got back and when I woke up, I was in the same room that we found Sam in.  A couple weeks later, he was brought in as part of an experiment.  Apparently he and I were, and still are, psychic.  They ran so many tests on us to try and strengthen the bond, which I guess was already there, and after a year it got to the point where one of us felt the pain that was being inflicted on the other.  The bond grew to incredible strength in the years to come and now Sam and I are like this," she held up two fingers on her free hand and crossed them.  Dean was silent for the next few minutes as he digested her story.  

"I can't even imagine what that must be like," he finally said.  Melody nodded and went back to watching Sam.  "Just another question, why did you trust me so much?"

"I...Sam told me a lot about you, how you were going to save him and how he'd save me too.  He had so much faith in you, Dean and the way he talked about you...you'd think he was talking about a god or something.  The moment I first saw you, I had a feeling that you were the Dean Sam had been talking about and after the first night, I knew it had to be you.  Added to that, you took me to Bobby's, which is where Sam always said you'd take him one day after you were done hunting for good."  

Dean was shocked to hear about how Sam had regarded him for those past seven years.  He didn't know if Dean still thought he was alive or if he gave up on him, yet somehow he believed in him.  The fact that Sam had believed in Dean so much, that he had so much faith in Dean's return and eventual rescue, almost reduced Dean to tears.  He refused to let one fall though; he had done enough crying this month and now was a time for celebration. 

Regardless, Melody seemed to pick up on his emotions and walked over to sit next to Dean.  She wrapped her thin arms around him and began to run her fingers through his much shorter hair.  To Dean's surprise, he calmed down almost instantly and was slowly lulled into a very lucid state of sleep. 

Melody POV

I let go of Dean as soon as I felt him fall limp against me.  With great skill, I softly pushed him down on his bed and placed a blanket over him.  He hadn't been sleeping much this past week, mostly because he insisted on keeping watch so Sam and I would feel safe.  I appreciated the gesture, but it wasn't really all that necessary.  Sam and I had each other and we could deal with whatever happened together, including nightmares.  Besides, his lack of sleep always led to moments like this and honestly, I was getting very tired of the constant or near constant weeping.  He has Sam back for crying out loud (no pun intended), so he can stop tearing up every other second like some hormonal teenage girl.  

I crept down the stairs as silently as I could, careful not to wake either of the sleeping boys.  I winced as I stepped on the creaky steps, but there was little I could do.  No matter how softly I treaded,  they always seemed to groan under my weight.  So much for stealth. 

Eventually, I reached the surprisingly silent bottom and walked around the house in an attempt to find Bobby.  After a few circles, I found him in his well-lit research area.  I knocked on the door and he looked up startled.

"What do you want kid, it's late," he said gruffly.  

"Um, just to say thank you," I said nervously, scratching at the little grains of wood in the door frame.  "For driving us and helping with Sam and taking us in, it's a lot and I just wanted to tell you how thankful we are."  Bobby smiled slightly and breathed deeply.

"You're welcome," he said sincerely, "and you really should go to bed.  It's almost midnight."  I nodded and proceeded back up the squeaky stairs.  As I left, I thought I heard Bobby mutter something, but it might have just been my imagination.  

I crept back into the bedroom and changed into one of the oversized tshirts that Dean had bought me a few weeks ago.  Carefully, I crawled into bed with Sam, who was just starting to shake again from another nightmare.  I wrapped my arms around him and he stopped shaking almost instantly.  He instinctively cocooned me in his own arms and I fell asleep within minutes, diving seamlessly into his dreams and ready protect him from whatever horrors he might have to relive.

Two in a day, wow-Stella   

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