10. On The Road Again (it's not as exciting as the tour)

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The next morning was anything but calm. Melody, Dean, and Bobby woke up at quarter to five that morning to get everything they might need. For three hours it was non-stop running across Bobby's house. They ran into each other on stairs and almost choked in a mad rush to finish breakfast. How the trio got so unorganized, Dean didn't know. He spent most of his morning in an anxious state between worry and excitement and couldn't be bothered with whatever Melody and Bobby were doing. All he could focus on was Sammy and the fact that today, after seven long, painful years, he was going to rescue him.

"Do we have everything?" Dean asked for the umpteenth time as he quadruple-checked the backseat of the Impala. "Food, water, bandages, books, pain relievers, clothes, blankets," he muttered to himself. The backseat was packed carefully to ensure the comfort of Melody and Sam both and to accommodate for all the necessary items. In short, it looked like a very odd game of tetris.

"Did you get the shoes?" asked Melody. Dean whipped around to see her holding a pair of very old, and very ugly, slippers from around forty years ago.

"Those aren't shoes," he scoffed, but he took them anyway.

"They were the only ones Bobby could find."

"He went clothes shopping?"

"No, they're his." Dean let out a short laugh. The image of Bobby meandering into the kitchen clad in tartan slippers seemed vaguely funny, until he realized just how much Bobby did for them. He gave them a home, a father figure that proved better than Dean's own father, and a childhood. All his life, and even now, he seemed to remember taking all of that for granted. He could have just been a friend of John's, but he had insisted on being more.

"Hello, Dean? Bobby wants to get on the road," Melody interrupted. Dean shook his head quickly and closed the door of the Impala. He walked around the back of the car, noticing Bobby wasn't out the door yet, and opened the door for Melody. She got into the neatly-packed car with a hint of a smile, which then made Dean just a little less nervous. Melody's okay around me, and she's probably had a rougher time than Sam. Probably, I don't know for sure, but if I could get her to trust me, then Sam shouldn't be that big of a problem. Dean got into the passenger seat and waited for Bobby to come out.

"You nervous?" Melody asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Eh, I guess. Do you think we'll be able to get him out?"

"Of course we'll be able to. It may not be easy, but it'll happen. Trust me, Winchesters always pull through, come hell or high water." A low hiss escaped Melody and Dean turned around to see her holding her head. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine, it's just a little headache," she responded through clenched teeth. She squeezed her eyes together, as if willing it away, and then biked rapidly for a few seconds. "Okay, I'm good."

Dean turned back around to see Bobby walking around the front of the car. "Surrender the keys," he said as he shut the door. Dean tossed him the keys and within three seconds the Impala roared to life. Dean relaxed in his seat, there was no need to worry right now. They were in the road with six hours of driving ahead, give or take a few minutes. Nothing except bad traffic could get in the way of the rescue mission now. Well, there is always.... You know what, you can shut the hell up. The car is on the road and as far as I'm concerned, there are going to be no accidents. And why would there be? South Dakota and Iowa are both pretty quiet states. Hold on a few more hours Sammy, we're comin' for you.

Melody's POV

I watched out the car window absentmindedly, letting a river of thoughts flow unobstructed through my head. Why was Dean so nervous? Sam isn't even in that much danger. How long is this going to be and is there going to be any music? Dean didn't say anything about Bobby when he was talking to me a few weeks ago. Does he think Bobby scares me? Does Dean suspect something about me? Is Sam even right? I mean, Dean seemed to put some emphasis on him remembering me and a month and a half is a long time.  Sam may have left out things.

What if I dreamt it all? My dreams have started getting weirder, so maybe that's it. Would Dean hate me if I told him I wasn't so sure I was right? I really should have thought of this weeks ago. I'm only one person after all and he's taking everything he hears as gospel.

Would he send me back? Or rather just leave me there, it's really the same thing. I can't go back there, not after meeting Dean. He's given me so much, too much, and I can't go back to having nothing. However, I'd rather him abandon me than subject me to the treatment I've had so many times before. Beatings, starvation, a few burns, numerous other "accidents"--they all seem well within Dean's character if I were to piss him off that badly. Why am I even considering that?! He'd only do that if I told him I doubted myself. That or he put so much trust in me that he would give me yet another tear-jerking heart to heart that I'm sure everyone is getting tired of.  He's not like that, Melody.  He won't hurt you--just trust him.

I need to stop thinking, it's making my head hurt again. Ugh, why have these headaches been plaguing me so badly? They used to be manageable, but now they're just insane. What--AH! My head's splitting and what the hell is that?! A man walks in the door weary and covered in blood. A teenager looks down fondly at something, me I suppose. A bright light is above me and everyone around me is screaming. There's a name repeated several times. Melody, Melody, Melody....

"MELODY!" My eyes opened suddenly and I saw Dean looking at me with an unprecedented amount of concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just another headache, that's all," I responded, nearly tripping over my words.

"Okay, there are pain pills if you need them." I nodded and he turned back around, leaving me to determine what had just happened.

Hey guys,
Sorry for not updating in a while, my friend and I were at camp for the week and I had no connection at all 95% of the time.
Thank you so much to all you who have read and voted on Sammy, it really means a lot to me - Stella

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