"How much?" I ask ready to shoot somebody.

"About three stacks"

"I'm on my way" I say hanging up.

"Change of plans" I tell Mara doing a U-turn.

"What? Where are you taking me?" She asks scared.

"I just have to make a quick stop then i'll take you home" I tell her.

"Ok" she says nodding as we pull up to the trap

"Where are we?" She asks looking out the window.

"Dont worry about that just stay put and lock the doors" I say getting out. I dont want her to know i'm in a gang it might scare her off.

I walk into the trap grabbing my mac 11 off the counter.

"So which one of yall bum ass niggas stole from me huh?!" I yell pointing the gun at all of them.

"Somebody better speak up or everybody dies!" I yell mad.

"It was Alex" Marcus says speaking up.

I point the gun at Alex.

"So you stealing from me now blood?" I ask snatching his red bandana off his head.

"I have a good reaso-"

Bang Bang Bang. I shoot him before he can even finish his sentence.

"You couldve just asked bitch" I say shaking my head.

"Everybody get back to work and not shit else better go missing" I say leaving.

Mara P.O.V.

This neighborhood scary as fuck. Someone knocks on the car door making me jump. I look and its Dylan so I unlock the door.

"I scared you didnt I?" Dylan says laughing.

"A little" I reply laughing.

Ring Ring Ring. My phone goes off. I look at the caller ID.

"OMG Daquan is calling me" I say gasping.

Dylan stares at me

"You got his number?"

"Cece got it for me awhile back. I saved it but never called him and
Now he's calling me" I say happily.

"I'm not trying to burst your buble or nothing but its a setup" Dylan says cranking the car.

"What?" I ask confused.

"If he didnt like you before why would he randomly start liking you now?" Dylan asks driving.

"So you saying theres no way he could like me?" I ask getting sad.

My phone stops ringing

"No not at all cause you bomb as fuck maybe he came to his sense's or maybe just maybe its a set up. Think about it.. You had his number but he never had yours and he never called you before today. So Cece had to give him your number today so they can try and do some petty shit" He says shaking his head.

Ring Ring Ring. My phone starts ringing again.

"Put it on speaker" Dylan demands.

I answer the phone putting it on speaker like he told me to.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Wassup Mara this Daquan"

"Oh um hey" I say not knowing what else to say.

"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He asks sounding dead serious.

I smile looking at Dylan. He shakes his head looking at the road.

"Um can I let you know later?" I ask Daquan.

"Yeah sure just hit me up whenever"

"Ok bye"

"Bye" He says hanging up.

"So you really gone go out with that nigga forreal?" Dylan asks raising an eyebrow.

"I dont know, maybe"

"Dont you see its a setup? I dont know what he gone do but its a setup" Dylan says shaking his head as we pull up to my house.

I open the door only to be pulled back.

"What are you doing?" I ask trying to get my arm out of Dyalns grip.

"I'm not letting you go out with him" Dylan tells me.

"You not letting me? I never asked for your permission" I say aggravated.

"I'm trying to protect you from whatever the fuck he trying to do!" Dylan yells scaring me.

I shake my head getting out. I cant think straight right now.

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