Shade 11

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*Amethystglimmer started to text on her phone*

This is my chance. Silvertongue thought as he grasped his paws on roses picked from the rose bushes. He started to casually walk up to her.

"Amethystglimmer?" Silvertongue meowed.

"Yes?" she responded in a sweet gentle meow.

"I have a love poem to tell you." Silvertongue answered and continue to speak, "lovely Amethystglimmer shines in the night. Her beautiful purple color compliments my beautiful silver fur. When I hear of your name, I think of pain because I know you love me."

"Wait what?" Amethystglimmer meowed, "my fur compliments your fur?"

"Yes," Silvertongue replied hesitantly.

"When you hear my reminds you of pain?" Amethystglimmer asked confusedly. "That makes no sense at all."

"Yeah it the last part." Silvertongue nervously meowed.

"Because you know I love you?" Amethystglimmer repeated, "that's it...I do not like you...I love my mates and my kits. Now excuse me, I have beautiful kits to take care of, so get out of my way!"

She pushes Silvertongue aside and walks away.

"" he whispered, as he felt a long sharp pain hit his heart.

This chapter was brought to you by Whisper! It was sad, but eh...oh well. I hope you enjoyed. Ciao!

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