Shade 48

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Silvertongue: *pours some blue liquid into the flask* I think this love potion will work purrfectly! *pours the solution from the flask and into a glass bottle*

Amethystglimmer: *walking around*

Silvertongue: She's over there! *runs up to Amethystglimmer*

Amethystglimmer: This is getting very annoying, please stop following me!

Silvertongue: Okay, okay, here's a tropical punch juice just for you as a present because I'm sorry for getting on your nerves.

Amethystglimmer: It's not tainted right?

Silvertongue: What do you mean?

Amethystglimmer: There are no side effects right?

Silvertongue: Yeah of course not I would never!

Amethystglimmer: Can I test it?

Silvertongue: No, please I made it especially for you!

Amethystglimmer: *thinking face*

Silvertongue: ...

Amethystglimmer: I'm gonna give it to another cat to test it.

Silvertongue: Fine *whispers* onto Plan B then.

Amethystglimmer: Wait, what?

Silvertongue: Nothing!

Amethystglimmer: *grumbles and takes the potion out of Silvertongue's paws*

Silvertongue: *sighs and waits* Who are you going to give it to?

Amethystglimmer: Ermm probably like Rosepatch or something.

Silvertongue: Fine then *rolls eyes*

Amethystglimmer: *walks away into a den*

Rosepatch: Hey Amethystglimmer! What's up gal?

Amethystglimmer: *mumbles* Silvertongue is following me and gave me this potion.

Rosepatch: I was wondering what that was.

Amethystglimmer: Is there a way for you to test it or something cause I don't want anyone to drink this.

Rosepatch: I'll run some tests on it *snatches the bottle from Amethystglimmer*

Amethystglimmer: Thank you so much!

Rosepatch: No problem, it'll only be a minute! *pours some of the liquid onto a piece of parchment paper and pushes it through the machine*

*beep beep*

Rosepatch: It's done! *logging on to check the results*

Amethystglimmer: What are the results?

Rosepatch: Silvertongue has been dealing with some particles to make a love potion.

Amethystglimmer: A love potion? Agh, that's so annoying. Silvertongue is the worse.

Rosepatch: Wait I have an idea! *whispers into Amethystglimmer's ear*

Amethystglimmer: No way I am not going to...

Silvertongue: Oh hey Amethystglimmer!

Amethystglimmer: *says in a cute voice* Silvertongue! My love come here!

Silvertongue: Wait, what?!

Amethystglimmer: Silvertongue, you look so handsome today

Silvertongue: *heart starts to beats very fast* Oh my god it worked! It finally worked!

Amethystglimmer: Come here follow me to the lake I wish to show you something!

Silvertongue: Of course, my love! *carelessly follows the beautiful she-cat of his dreams*

Amethystglimmer: Isn't it just lovely, Silvertongue!

Silvertongue: Just like you, my dear! *leans closer to Amethystglimmer*

Amethystglimmer: Get off me! *kicks Silvertongue into the mud* Now leave me alone! *storms off and back to camp*

Silvertongue: *all covered in mud* That didn't work out :( Amethystglimmer come back! I still love you!

Whisper here with an overdue chapter. I hope you enjoyed :D

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