Chapter 24 -End

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Stiles pov

Everyfew days, that same feeling of something entering my blood happens- I assume it's that crazy doctor putting some weird sleep potion whatever keeping me in this horrible painful terrifying 'coma'

My father comes to visit almost everyday, he talks to me about his day- and work, sometimes he reads me my old baby books, it's quite comforting to be honest

And Derek he comes and visits- I'm not sure when, I can't keep track of time like this but it seems like he comes for hours then leaves for days.
But everytime he comes, he always says how his day was same as my father does, but then he adds what he would have done if I were there. How he would hold my hand, and kiss my cheek, and tell me he loves me. He even told me in detail about what he would do for our first date,
He would take me to the movies, holding my hand the entire time- then take me to my favorite comic store- and buy me one of whatever I wanted, then we would go back home and cuddle together, just embracing each other until we fell asleep.

It doesn't sound like Derek at all , he must feel guilty, from what I can tell and what he's kinda hinted at he believes it's his fault I'm in a coma.. But in reality it's that god dam doctor!

"Hey Stiles, I'm back- I brought donuts this time, your favorite. I assume" Derek chuckles, a low chuckle that clearly has sadness lined in it. The rustling of the bag is the next thing I hear until he speaks again, mouth clearly full

"So.. I- " he chews

"I was told that there are no changes in your condition, which honestly I find strange for a coma that was supposedly was induced my stress- " Derek rants, I wish I could see him when he speaks, sometimes I fear he's not really there.. And all those times he told me he loves me were just coma induced dreams; wishes

"Bullshit" he murmurs

"Anyways, I can't stay today- I mean you don't even know I'm here but.. I- I just have to go. Or I'll miss my- never mind."
and there he goes, leaving me alone again..

"Love you~" Derek murmurs
I didn't know this, but a smile crept across my lips, Derek was already gone. But he left with a frown


Dereks pov

"One ticket for the 12:00 pm flight to Africa" waiting for a moment as the woman grabs my ticket, my mind instantly floods with images of Stiles


"Excuse me?" The woman places the ticket down, her face has an questionable expression 

"Nothing thank you" snatching the ticket I move towards the boarding seats

Stiles, stiles, stiles for god sakes stiles! It's all I can think, see, hear!

He would hate me if he knew I was leaving but.. I just can't see him like this.. I can't!


Stiles pov

My arms, my legs, my body.. I - I can.. Move!

My eyelids which feel glued shut are finally opening
The room at first seems blurry but everything becomes sharper shaped the longer I stare

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